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l ted numb<:o:r of ways

He must
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tackle gets
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ts because. the defensive
t the block

tackle and

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frotn ay the scheme~. Don' t
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can! t
lineme he
E en at ou l.'~.ave m or t of y ur
run f t. peop fo tba t~;am" Our defensive ends are
b a] 1 because the defense is 1n pa s rush people. occasion we would
f r nt s o p g t run. 1s take a Cla Dolman and drop h:i m o f in
aster to hand the ball off and run ov In h b school
Yoa can
f you don't
have people

goes to the sp L end


am not go
Sam LBer can't get hooked by the tight
0 e nd •
We g i v e a S TUN T , REX , o r GAP
That gives our nose tackle and
defensive end direction calls. If we
give those stunt calls, the center wi 11
block the Mike LBer on runs weak, but
we don't care. I am not going to ask
Studwell to whip the center who is
scooping weak with our nose tackle
stunting strong. He is going to do the
best he can to get across the center or
come under him. Remember that center
yards. In this defense our defensive is paid to block him and he should get
end is going to work up field. 1r?e are him. The block the center can never
not coordinated to stop the ball run make is the reach on the stunting
in to that area. We are not fore ing the tackle into the strong side. Even an
b a 11 to the free man. The front has to average tackle should beat the center
be coordinated to the secondary. When if he is stunting in to the gap. The
we read run weak, we get the SLAM call. Sam LBer lines up toe to toe. That
This gives the eagle tackle and end means the LBer's inside foot should be
i n s i d e s 1 an t s t o the A an d ..!!_ gaps • on the tight end's outside foot. If he
The defensive end is going to get is an all-pro tight end, we get wider.
hooked and we will give them that The better blocker the tight end is the
block. The Will LBer takes the more outside we are going to play. The
fullback's block on from the inside strong safety lines up on the tight end
out. This forces the running back in to to disguise the coverage. At the snap
the unblocked free safety. of the ball he gets into the middle
third looking for the drop back or
play-action pass. If the ball is run
at him, he stays back. We don't want
to get beat with a flanker post on a
0 play-action pass because he is the HOLE
player. We should not need the strong
safety on the run.
On run plays to the tight end side
the stack LBer or Will LBer is going to
make most of the tackles. Everyone to
the tight end side is working like hell
not to get hooked. They are turning
the ball back inside. The Will LBer
The next thing a good offensive does not hav-e to be big or strong. He
coach is going to do is read the force has to be able to run and hit. We
and crack block with"the split cover him up so no one can get to him.
receiver • The corner is going to read You can get by with a guy who loves to
the crack and come up to play the run. play and can hit.
We always keep someone in what we
call the HOLE. That simply means the
middle of the field or middle third. I f
we rot ate strong the free safety is in
the hole. If we rotate weak the strong
safety is in the middle. The weakness
of this scheme is to the strong side
because we don't have a strong safety
force. We are in 4 coverage with a
SLAM call on the weak side. We are
going to make up for our weakness to
the strong side with a call. We are It is easier to stop the running
going to stunt to the strong side. The game in pro ball than it is in high


safc!t:y to
and f the [

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taken h corn.e rs
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g 0 \;le can 'I t
e nose t.~,ckl take format ion.
A gap to str i t~ The -~Iike
@ {?; 8plit

LB e II ~-- ga e. de fens iv eail

nd as g ~~ p '# the pull:;
the ha 1 end rele.:<we
He 1s
one e
arm ap
cont position to

t up

If you c

de fen
Everyone to the strong side plays The offense has to get all hook blocks
the same as 4 coverage. If the tight on the defensive front. They might try
end releases, the strong safety has to beat the defense in the strong side
deep third. Don't ask the strong A gap. That takes a lot of patients
safety to come up and play the pitch. by the offensive coordinator.
Don 1 t try to roll up to the flat on key I f t he o f f e n s e r u n s weak again s t
coverage. If you are playing key the OVER the Mike LBer becomes the free
coverage, you are asking guys to do man. The eagle end plays the hook
something they can't do. The free block. The Will LBer plays the hook
safety is in the hole. He doesn't have block of the guard. The eagle tackle
to run over and cover behind the strong is shaded to the s p 1 i t end side and
safety. He is in the hole to help on shouldn't be hooked. The free safety
the slot post. forces from outside in. If the FB
comes to block the free safety, the
0 0 Mike LBer has to make the play.
{)0 lJO() 0 In high school you see a lot of two
E. ,.. T E tight ends. We are beginning to see it
more. Anytime the pros can run the
M W ba 11, it helps their passing game. Our
philosophy is if you want to put in a
c. G second tight end and take out a 4.4 or
4.5 receiver, that is fine with us. We
would rather play against a fat-ass
tight end than that fast guy. We are
If the offense comes up in a wide not going to stay back and play pass in
s 1 o t formation and mot ions back in to a a 7-man front against two tight ends.
balanced set, we go back to the huddle With the split end we played SKY
call of 4 cover. You can do that easy. coverage. That will bring the free
The next thing I want to cover is safety into the run support to the
the OVER FRONT. We start out in an split end. With the second tight end
UNDER. We stem and move into the OVER we bring the corner up tight and give a
FRONT. In college, high school, and BUCK call. The BUCK call brings the
the pros, if you move your people it Eagle end down hard into the C gap.
will confuse the offensive blocking The Eagle tackle slants into -the A
scheme. It is so simple that you can gap. The corner is on the line and
put the UNDER in the morning practice comes down tough.
and the OVER in the evening practice. To the strong side we run some type
In the OVER the eagle tackle and of stunt to get help into the strong
nose tackle stem to the tight end, the side. If we run STUNT, the nose tackle
eagle tackle shades to the split end and strong end slant outside into the
side. The Mike LBer becomes the stack A and C gaps. We can't count on
LB e r. The Will LBer becomes the bubble the Mik;- LBer to help on weak side run
LBer. The strong safety is going into because he is cheated to the strong
the hole and the free safety is going side. The offense will be able to
to force as in the UNDER cover 4. scoop our nose tackle and Mike LBer.
This defense makes it tough to run That leaves them with guard, tackle,
to the tight end side. They can't pull end, and fullback to block. We have
the guard. If they base block the our tackle, end, Will LBer, corner, and
guard, they can't get to the Mike LBer. free safety. That is 5 to 4, and we
wtn. If they release their tight end,

0 then we don't have 5 any more but they

don't have the extra blocker now.
()Q()[]Q(} Gentlemen, my time is up. I hope
you have gotten something from this
.S E T T E lecture. Again, I do not have all of
/ the answers. I learned this defense
from a lot of people. Hopefully, you
got some new ideas today. Thank you.


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