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Claire Morris

Mrs. Mortensen
Elder Project Outline and Proposal

In-Class Presentation/My Legacy

Theme: The Beauty of Acceptance (in every form)

Slides: The Beauty Of Acceptance

Video: The Grass is Greener Where You Water It: Jade Demnar at TEDxSouthBankWomen

Community Service Project

Step 1: Identify the Purpose and Goals

● The purpose of my service project will be to give back to the local community and businesses
that support our student life. At RHS we have the privilege of being able to go off campus for
lunch. Recently there has been some contraversy over this, as the continuation of this
privledge has been brought into question. In doing this project, I hope to remind the
community how much we as students appreciate the ability to walk off for lunch. I would like
to make baskets for each of the food businesses on main street (Ripon Coffee House as an
exception) that students visit for lunch in order to express gratitude.
Step 2: Research the Community


- Ripon Coffee House:
- Dollar Tree:
- Ede’s Taco Shop:
- Gold Dust Pizza:
- Las Casuelas:
- Ripon RoadHouse:
- La Petite Vine:

Step 3: Form a Team

● Leadership Vice President team?

Step 4: Develop a Project Plan

● Dates: Late Jan-Early Feb

● Budget:
● Resources needed:
- Basket materials

Step 5: Set a Budget

● Financial Details:

Step 6: Partner with Local Organizations

● I will be asking the help of my leadership team, more specifically the Vice Presidents as this
project is specifically for the community.

Step 7: Obtain Necessary Permissions

● Project idea was approved by Mrs. Mortensen by email on Janurary 8th, 2024
Step 8: Create a Marketing Plan

● Develop a marketing and outreach plan to promote your community service project. Utilize
social media, flyers, community bulletin boards, and local media outlets to raise awareness
and attract volunteers and participants.

Step 9: Recruit Volunteers

● Reach out to individuals and groups within your community who may be interested in
volunteering for your project. Provide clear instructions on how to get involved and
communicate the impact they can make.

Step 10: Execute the Project

● Implement your community service project according to the project plan. Assign tasks to
team members and volunteers, and ensure smooth coordination and communication
throughout the project.

Step 11: Evaluate and Reflect

● After completing the project, evaluate its impact and success. Gather feedback from
participants, volunteers, and community members to identify areas of improvement for future

Step 12: Express Gratitude

● Thank all participants, volunteers, sponsors, and supporters who contributed to the success of
your community service project. Expressing gratitude reinforces positive relationships and
encourages continued support.

Step 13: Sustain and Grow

● If the community service project was successful, consider ways to sustain and expand its
impact. Explore opportunities for continued engagement with the community and plan for
future initiatives.

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