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Task that can be Taught Using One or Multiple Scenarios





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Task that can be Taught Using One or Multiple Scenarios

A Task that can be taught using one or multiple scenarios includes the stories that

typically teaches the learner an emotional concept defined through understanding emotions.

Understanding Emotions

All emotions tells us about ourselves and our situations. Perhaps sometimes it feels hard

for us to accept what we feel. Through this approach we might just judge ourselves for the way

we feel in a certain way, like if we feel jealous, for instance. But instead of thinking we should

not feel that way, it is better to notice how we actually feel. Understanding and managing
emotions can be done through the following models defined via the picture below;

Harmful vs Helpful ways to deal with emotions

Harmful Ways;

a. Denial
This is the stage where one does not believe or refuses to accept that anything is wrong or

that help may be needed.

b. Withdrawal

Withdrawal is when an individual does not want to participate or be involved in

activities with other people.

c. Bullying
This is when an individual uses threats, ridicule or power to express and show superiority

over other.

d. Self-Harm

Self-harm can take in several forms that entails, cutting and starving, binging and

purging, and participating in the activities that are dangerous.

Helpful ways to deal with Emotions

Addressing Your Basic Needs

Addressing the basic needs is enhanced through the approaches such as drinking a glass

of water, taking a nap, eating a healthy snack and taking a bath or shower.

Process Feelings

Processing feelings done through making a gratitude list and drawing how you are feeling

from inside.

Problem Solving
Problem entails shedding more lights on the models that have a high potential to solve

counter the emotions; these approaches entails making a list of your strengths, making a list of

solutions to the defined problems, and talking directly to the individuals who upsets you.

Šimić, G., Tkalčić, M., Vukić, V., Mulc, D., Španić, E., Šagud, M., ... & R. Hof, P.

(2021). Understanding emotions: Origins and roles of the amygdala. Biomolecules, 11(6), 823.

Spunt, R. P., & Adolphs, R. (2019). The neuroscience of understanding the emotions of

others. Neuroscience letters, 693, 44-48.

Sarvinoz, Q. (2022). Emotional understanding of individuals the role of

emotions. ResearchJet Journal of Analysis and Inventions, 3(1), 12-18.

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