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Name: Gabriela Moscoso & Juan Rodriguez

Answer the following questions based on the text Language and Curriculum Design by
Nation y Mcalister 2010.

1. Why is environmental analysis important?

- Environmental analysis is crucial because it guarantees that the course design
considers variables about students, instructors, and the teaching environment that
may have a big influence on choices about the course's objectives, the inclusion of
certain content, the modes of instruction, and the procedures for evaluation. It aids in
the development of a practical and efficient course design.

2. What can make a course unusable?

- A course may become unusable for a variety of reasons, including low teacher
preparation levels not being taken into account, a lack of resources, such as pricey
materials or technology, or misplaced expectations between students and the
structure or content of the course.

3. What are some of the most common constraints?

- Limited class and contact time, differing student competence levels, the availability of
resources like technology and materials, teacher preparation and experience, and
classroom logistics like space and organization are some common restrictions in
curriculum design.

4. How can teachers deal with time constraints?

- There are several methods that educators can handle time constraints. They can
modify the objectives of the course to meet the time allotted, teach language and
skills only briefly, impose rigorous study methods, give students choices for
independent study outside of class, or push for an extension of the course period.

5. Explain the concepts of needs, lacks, and wants

- Needs: The requirements or necessities that learners must meet to accomplish their
objectives are referred to as needs. It entails evaluating what students already know
and what they must know to advance.
- Lacks: These are the areas in which students' knowledge or abilities are inadequate
or lacking. It has to do with figuring out where students fall short in their knowledge or
- Wants: A learner's preferences or desires about what they would like to learn or
accomplish are called wants. It entails being aware of the individual goals and
interests of the students.

6. How can you gather information about objective analysis?

- Collecting information on the requirements, wants, and deficiencies of learners using
methodical and objective techniques is known as objective analysis. for example,
Questionnaires that are structured sets of questions designed to gather specific
information from learners, Individual interviews, or one-on-one conversations with
students, are a great way to understand their needs and viewpoints., Data collection
that recollects already-published materials, such as test results or textbooks, to spot
trends and pinpoint areas of interest, Observation of students in their usual settings
to gain insight into their interactions and behavior, etc

7. Why is it necessary to carry out a pilot analysis?

- To make sure that the data acquired during the requirements analysis process is
relevant and helpful for curriculum design, a pilot study must be conducted. Before
implementing the results of the requirements analysis on a broader scale, a pilot
study helps to validate and confirm the validity of the data-gathering techniques.

8. What can self-report include?

- Self-reporting can include a wide range of topics, including individual preferences or
attitudes toward language acquisition and usage, vocabulary knowledge, fluency
(e.g., reading speed), proficiency levels (e.g., language proficiency tests), and
conditions of use (e.g., typical language use scenarios).

9. What does observation analysis include?

- Observation analysis involves observing how students behave and perform in
simulated or real-world scenarios. It could involve watching both experienced and
inexperienced writers complete tasks, evaluating written work (such as assignments
and tests), looking at the writing process, and determining language use strengths
and weaknesses.
10. Explain the process of evaluating needs analysis
- Evaluating needs analysis entails determining its validity, usefulness, and reliability.

1. Reliability:The precision and consistency of the techniques and methods

utilized to collect data for the needs analysis are referred to as reliability. It
can be assessed by methodically applying standardized instruments and
making sure that the conclusions are supported by a number of observations
or data sources.

2. Validity: This refers to the significance and applicability of the data acquired.
A valid requirements analysis takes into account the kinds of needs that are
looked at and the kinds of data that are gathered, making sure that it is in line
with the program's aims and objectives.

3. Practicality: This entails taking into account the requirements analysis

techniques' ease of use, cost-effectiveness, and time restrictions. A practical
requirements analysis should not too need time or resources and should yield
answers that are easily understood.
11. What are the pros and cons of narrow focus?
- Pros: Reducing the focus allows for faster response to requests, minimizes the
amount of knowledge needed, and provides learners with immediate motivation as
they can put the knowledge they have gained to use right away.
- Cons: Teaching language use at the surface level without giving students a deeper
understanding of the language system runs the danger of impairing their long-term
flexibility and creativity in language use.

12. What does critical needs analysis imply?

- When choosing the subject of a requirements analysis, critical needs analysis
involves taking an extensive variety of potential perspectives into account. It entails
looking at the impact of the ideas and viewpoints of people doing the analysis as well
as getting feedback from a variety of stakeholders to guarantee an accurate
understanding of the demands and preferences of learners. With this strategy, biases
should be avoided and inclusive and diverse perspectives should be reflected in the
needs analysis process.

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