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Theory Of Knowledge

Knowledge: knowledge is a fact, its information that holds true for everyone regardless of their social,
economic and cultural background. Its data that is not controversial. There *evidence* to back up.
Information that is collected by a community of knowers.

Belief: Its cultural. Its certain information that a particular individual/group think is true. A belief is
what brings the difference or uniqueness between people. It gives people an identity e.g
Christians[ identity] believe in the second coming of Jesus. Its does need evidence.

Opinion; It’s a personal perspective that an individual or group have on a certain subject. Its highly
controversial, its brings an argument. Evidence available. Its a subjective standpoint. Judged on
personal experience.

Confirmation bias: Searching for evidence that will suppose your own personal opinion about
something, whilst ignoring other perspectives or not being open to new perspectives about that
particular subject matter.

Can you discuss of an everyday object you can use to link to each of these concepts?

A cellphone
knowledge- a cellphone can do a lot of things from taking pictures to communicating with people
around the world easily and conveniently)


Opinion- People have their own view about cellphone. Some people think the disadvantage of
cellphones outweighs the benefits e.g, some think its slowly eradicating physical socializing.




1 the name of the bias

2. A short explanation of it
3. How it can be exploited

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