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I. Read the information and mind the differences when travelling.

The Differences Between a Tourist and a Traveller

You may use the words "tourist" and "traveler" interchangeably, but to some people in the
travel community, these titles have different implications. It's not necessary to commit to
one title or another; however, you can choose to be more of a tourist on one day of your
vacation, then be a traveler on the next. Considering the way you define yourself while
traveling can help you get the most out of each trip.
It's usually easy for locals to spot a tourist among them. A tourist may carry a camera,
guidebook and map at all times and wear the same clothing he'd wear at home. Tourists
tend to stay in their comfort zones a bit; they may speak only English instead of trying to
learn phrases in the local language; stick to major cities instead of venturing to smaller
towns or off-the-beaten-path locales; and stay in areas where the amenities are similar to
what they have at home.
Generally speaking, someone who considers himself a traveler will try to immerse himself
in the local culture rather than standing out. If you're a traveler, you may try to explore the
less-traveled areas and explore locations where tourism doesn't drive the economy. You'll
interact with locals. Your goals for a trip will be to learn and experience new things, rather
than to take a relaxing break from everyday life. A traveler may consider a trip a journey
rather than a vacation.
Being a Better Tourist
Being a tourist is perfectly okay. If you're most comfortable around other tourists and want
to document every sight with your camera, go ahead, but you may find that making a bit of
an effort to blend in will earn you some respect from locals. Leave your white sneakers --
the tell-tale sign of the American tourist -- at home and research the way locals dress, then
pack accordingly. Don't let your guidebook dictate your schedule; find some English-
speaking locals and ask them for advice on what sights you should see. You may discover a
new favorite spot you'd never find in a book. Walk the area on foot or travel by the local
transportation to experience the place as the locals do instead of taking guided tours or tour
Being a Better Traveler
If you consider yourself a traveler, you're likely already surrounding yourself with locals.
Improve your trip by getting more involved with them. Find a spot in town where everyone
seems to gather, like a town square or popular restaurant, and spend the day there. Strike up
conversations with people of all ages. Ask questions about the local culture and talk about
common interests; at the very least, you'll leave with a broadened worldview. Don't turn
your nose up at tourists, and don't avoid popular attractions simply because they're packed
with foreigners. Yes, the Eiffel Tower or Big Ben will be surrounded by tourists -- but you
should still see them too.
III.Choose the best words to complete the sentences.

1. I'm travelling with a colleague. We need a …...............................

a. cot b. single room c. twin room
2. I'm travelling with my wife. We would like a ….............................
a. bunk bedded room b. double room c. basket of fruit
3. It's very hot. Could we have a room with …...............................?
a. television b. coffee table c. air conditioner
4. I have a stiff neck. Could I have a softer.......................... in my room?
a. sheet b. curtain c. pillow
5. We are travelling with a baby. Is it possible to have our room?
a. cot b. minibar c. bunk beds
6. We need to cook our own food. Is a …........................available?
a. en-suite room b.double room c. self-catering room
7. I would like to have a bath, but the … dirty!
a. coathanger b. bathtub c.tap
8. It is very dark in my room.There must be a problem with the ….............
a.toilet paper b. mirror c. switch
9. It's so cold! Can I have an additional.................................., please?
a. blanket b. sheet c. carpet
10.I'm sorry, Sir. All the rooms are taken. The hotel is fully ….......................
a.silent b. booked c. newspapered
11.I need to wash and iron some clothes. Do you have ….................service here?
a. restaurant b. laundry c.shower
12.This bathroom is a mess! There's no shampoo, no mirror, no..............................!!!
a. pillow b. rubbish bin c. minibar
13.If you book a room, our hotel will ask you to pay a …..............................
a. budget b. receipt c. deposit
14.The room has its own kitchen and bathroom. It's a …
a. self-contained b. self-catering c. selfish
15.My children love sleeping in ….................beds!
a. bunker b. bunking c. bunk
16.Where am I supposed to hang my coat? There's not even a this room!
a. bathrobe b. coathanger c. towel
Read the clues and cross out the
answers in the box. The words
left make up the answer of the
problem or riddle.

-A yellow fruit. BANANA

1. A large case used for carrying

clothing and belongings when
2. A document necessary when you
leave or enter a country. SUITCASE HOW BELLBOY
3. A line separating one country or CURRENCY FAST
state from another. RELAX YOU DESTINATION
4. 4th of July is one.
5. The money that a country uses.
6. An interesting place to visit. THE INSURANCE POSTCARD
7. What you call luggage you bring
along into the cabin of the plane. LIVE ATTRACTION
8. A machine that flies.
9. The place you are going to. PACK FLASHLIGHT PILOT
10. A small piece of paper attached
to a thing.
11. A person who flies a plane. BORDER DUTY-FREE
12. Area in an airport where you
arrive and leave. GATE AGENCY EIGHTY
13. A huge ship with many
14. To put something in a suitcase.
15. What you do when you arrive at
16. When a plane doesn’t arrive on
17. To make arrangements.
18. To become less tense.
19. Not taxed when taken into
another country.
20. A business that provides a
special service on travel.
21. A man who takes guests’ luggage
to their rooms.
22. “Around the earth in _____days”.
23. Hans Christian Andersen said: Answers:
“To travel is to ______”.
24. What covers if you lose your
baggage when travelling.
25. A picture made by a camera.
26. A card with a message.
27. The moment an airplane leaves
the ground.

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