Logistics Syllabus 2024

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“Azerbaijan Hava Yollari” CJSC

National Aviation Academy

Department of Professional English

Vice-rector for educational affairs

“___” ____________2024

Introduction to Logistics


Major: 050621 – Logistics and Transport Technology Engineering

Course: 1
Semester: 2
Group: 2213 i

Total number of module hours: 480 hours

Out of which:
Lectures -
Seminars 240 hours
Individual student work (ISW) 240 hours
Credit numbers -
Lecturer Nigar Huseynova
Contact details nigar.huseynova@naa.edu.az

BAKU 2024

1. Seminar topics and number of claimed hours

Classroom ISW
№ Date Seminar topic and literature code
hours (hours)
1 2 3 4 5
Introduction to Logistics. What is Logistics? [7]
Logistics cycle; setting the scene; becoming a
1. 16.02.24 2 2
logistician. Reading and vocabulary; listening and
speaking; language development.
Introduction to Logistics. Jobs in Logistics. [7]
Logistics jobs; employment opportunities;
2. 16.02.24 2 2
interview questions. Reading and vocabulary;
listening and speaking; language development.
Unit 4 - Employment opportunities. [1], [5]
Careers in Logistics; logistics and supply chain
3. 19.02.24 managers; Why choose a career in logistics? 2 2
Reading and Vocabulary; listening and speaking;
language development.
Unit 5 - Math in Logistics. [1], [5] Basic Math;
numbers, graphs, algorithm; What is an
4. 20.02.24 2 2
algorithm? Reading and vocabulary; listening and
speaking; language development.
Unit 6 – Measurements in Logistics [1], [5]
Measurements; ordering numbers; parts of
5. 21.02.24 numbers; measurements and standards. Reading 2 2
and Vocabulary; listening and speaking; language
Unit 7 - Safety Issues. [1] Safety issues; safety
6. 21.02.24 rules at work; first aid. Reading and Vocabulary; 2 2
listening and speaking; language development.
Unit 8 - Customer Service [1] Customer service;
BTB, BTC, CTC, CTB models; a phone call from
7. 22.02.24 2 1
a customer. Reading and Vocabulary; listening
and speaking; language development.
8. 22.02.24 Progress test 1 2 2
Unit 9 - Supply Chain. [1] Introduction to Supply
Chain; Supply Chain Management; How supply
9. 23.02.24 2 2
chains work? Reading and Vocabulary; listening
and speaking; language development.
Unit 1 - Supply Chain. The importance of an
efficient supply chain. [4] Control of the supply
chain turns crucial; the importance of a supply
10. 23.02.24 2 2
chain; supply chain management. Reading and
Vocabulary; listening and speaking; language
Unit 10 – Supplier planning. [1], [4] Using the
supply chain to increase sales; adding value with
11. 26.02.24 2 2
the supply chain. Reading and Vocabulary;
listening and speaking; language development.
12. 27.02.24 Unit 11 - Inventory Management. [1], [4] Types 2 2

of inventory; managing changes in demand;
brands. Reading and Vocabulary; listening and
speaking; language development.
Unit 12 - Inventory Costs. [1], [4] Inventory
management; fast-response logistics for retailing;
13. 28.02.24 ways to reduce carrying costs. Reading and 2 2
Vocabulary; listening and speaking; language
Inventory Management [4], [5] Using RFID for
managing stocks; RFID supply chain
14. 28.02.24 manufacturing; continuous replenishment. 2 2
Reading and Vocabulary; listening and speaking;
language development.
Unit 13 - Third-Party Logistics. [1], [5] Third-
party logistics; logistics acronyms; product range;
15. 29.02.24 what is third-party logistics? Reading and 2 2
Vocabulary; listening and speaking; language
Third-Party Logistics. [5] Recent Trends in 3 PL;
3PL providers; 3pl logistics. Reading and
16. 29.02.24 2 2
Vocabulary; listening and speaking; language
17. 01.03.24 Progress test 2 2 2
Shipping. [5] Shipping goods; advice of
shipment, shipping instructions. Reading and
18. 01.03.24 2 2
Vocabulary; listening and speaking; language
Inbound and Outbound Logistics. [1] What is
inbound logistics? materials receiving; materials
19. 04.03.24 2 2
distribution. Reading and Vocabulary; listening
and speaking; language development.
Inbound and Outbound Logistics. [1] Outbound
logistics; What is outbound logistics? Reading and
20. 05.03.24 2 2
Vocabulary; listening and speaking; language
Inbound and Outbound Logistics. [1] The
importance and examples of inbound and
21. 06.03.24 2 1
outbound logistics. Reading and Vocabulary;
listening and speaking; language development.
Unit 1 - Procurement Logistics. [2] What is
procurement logistics? the importance of
22. 06.03.24 2 2
procurement logistics. Reading and Vocabulary;
listening and speaking; language development.
Unit 2 - Production Logistics. [2] Production
logistics and products; machines and work
23. 07.03.24 2 2
stations; Reading and Vocabulary; listening and
speaking; language development.
24. 07.03.24 Quiz 1 2 2
25. 08.03.24 Production Logistics. [2] What is production 2 2
logistics?; influencing factors and major changes.
Reading and Vocabulary; listening and speaking;

language development.
Unit 3 - Distribution Logistics. [2], [5] What is
distribution logistics? Transport and handling
26. 08.03.24 2 2
equipment. Reading and Vocabulary; listening and
speaking; language development.
Unit 12 - A New Distribution Model [4] Direct
and Indirect Distribution; new distribution models.
27. 11.03.24 2 2
Reading and vocabulary; listening and speaking;
language development.
“Greenig” the supply chain. [2] Disposal
logistics; waste management. Reading and
28. 12.03.24 2 1
Vocabulary; listening and speaking; language
“Greening” the supply chain. [4] Reducing a
company’s carbon footprint; the Great Pacific
29. 13.03.24 2 2
garbage patch. Reading and Vocabulary; listening
and speaking; language development.
“Greening” the supply chain. [4] Moving
beyond logistics; sustainable manufacturing.
30. 13.03.24 2 2
Reading and vocabulary; listening and speaking;
language development.
Environment and the supply chain. [4] Making
the supply chain greener; environmental studies.
31. 14.03.24 2 2
Reading and vocabulary; listening and speaking;
language development.
32. 14.03.24 Progress test 3 2 2
Unit 5 - Food Logistics. [2] What do food
logisitcs entail?, Food safety and management.
33. 15.03.24 2 2
Reading and vocabulary; listening and speaking;
language development.
Unit 10 – Transporting fresh produce. [4] The
pillars of successful food logistics; food safety and
34. 15.03.24 management; supply chain; fast food. Reading 2 2
and Vocabulary; listening and speaking; language
Unit 6 - Reverse Logistics. [2] What is reverse
logistics?, the importance of reverse logistics.
35. 18.03.24 2 2
Reading and Vocabulary; listening and speaking;
language development.
Reverse Logistics. [2] Reverse logistics and
managing the 5Rs of reverse logistics. Reading
36. 19.03.24 2 2
and Vocabulary; listening and speaking; language
Unit 7 - Risks in Logistics. [2] Emergency
logistics; how companies address time-critical
37. 20.03.24 2 2
logistics? Reading and Vocabulary; listening and
speaking; language development.
Unit 6 - Risks in Logistics. [4] Managing
unexpected events and disasters; revolutionizing
38. 20.03.24 time-critical shipment technology. Reading and 2 2
Vocabulary; listening and speaking; language

Customer Relationship Management. [4]
Minimizing risks with suppliers; supplier risk
39. 21.03.24 2 2
management strategy. Reading and Vocabulary;
listening and speaking; language development.
40. 21.03.24 Progress test 4 2 2
Customer Relationship Management. [4] The
importance of good supplier relationships; the
41. 22.03.24 importance of supplier relationship management. 2 2
Reading and Vocabulary; listening and speaking;
language development.
Supply Chain Planning and Control. [2], [5]
Ordering and scheduling; marking; loading;
42. 22.03.24 2 2
supply chain planning. Reading and Vocabulary;
listening and speaking; language development.
Supply Chain Planning and Control. [2]
Planning information; Supply Chain Planning.
43. 25.03.24 2 2
Reading and Vocabulary; listening and speaking;
language development.
Material Flow Management. [2] Material
handling systems; What is material flow
44. 26.03.24 2 2
management? Reading and Vocabulary; listening
and speaking; language development.
45. 27.03.24 Quiz 2 2 2
Material Flow Management. [2] Material
handling equipment; material management.
46. 27.03.24 2 2
Reading and Vocabulary; listening and speaking;
language development,
Material Flow Management. [2] Material
Transport Units; material handling equipment;
47. 28.03.24 global logistics technology. Reading and 2 2
Vocabulary; listening and speaking; language
Storage and Warehouse Logistics. [2], [5]
Storage areas; What is storage logistics?;
48. 28.03.24 2 2
Warehouse areas. Reading and Vocabulary;
listening and speaking; language development.
Storage and Warehouse Logistics. [2], [5]
Storage analysis; Warehousing today; What is
49. 29.03.24 2 2
storage logistics? Reading and Vocabulary;
listening and speaking; language development.
Storage and Warehouse Logistics. [2] Storage
equipment; storage equipment and their types.
50. 29.03.24 2 1
Reading and Vocabulary; listening and speaking;
language development.
Unit 1 - Information Systems. [3] The
importance of information systems. Reading and
51. 01.04.24 2 2
Vocabulary; listening and speaking; language
Information Sytems. [3] The advantages of
information systems; six general type of
52. 02.04.24 2 2
ınformation systems. Reading and Vocabulary;
listening and speaking; language development.

Unit 2 - Warehouse management system. [3]
Warehouse management systems in logistics;
53. 03.04.24 RFID vs. Barcode scanning. Reading and 2 2
Vocabulary; listening and speaking; language
Warehouse management system. [3] What does
a WMS do?; The importance of WMS. Reading
54. 03.04.24 2 2
and Vocabulary; listening and speaking; language
Unit 3 - Distribution Centres. [3] The difference
between warehouse and distribution centre.
55. 04.04.24 2 2
Reading and Vocabulary; listening and speaking;
language development.
56. 04.04.24 Progress test 5 2 2
Why Germany is so good in logistics?
57. 05.04.24 2 2
Loading Docks. [3] The loading dock; loading
58. 05.04.24 dock safety. Reading and Vocabulary; listening 2 2
and speaking; language development.
Managing Logistics Internationally. [4]
Developments in global manufacturing and
59. 08.04.24 sourcing; Internationa Logistics. Reading and 2 2
Vocabulary; listening and speaking; language
Managing Logistics Internationally. [3], [4]
Customs; outsourcing production to foreign
60. 09.04.24 2 2
countries. Reading and Vocabulary; listening and
speaking; language development.
Global Logistics and Risks. [4] Ethical sourcing;
global supply chain risks. Reading and
61. 10.04.24 2 2
Vocabulary; listening and speaking; language
Documentation. [5] Documentation process;
documents in foreign trade. Reading and
62. 10.04.24 2 1
Vocabulary; listening and speaking; language
63. 11.04.24 Progress test 6 2 2
Documentation. [3] What is the documentation
process; import instructions; payment methods.
64. 11.04.24 2 2
Reading and Vocabulary; listening and speaking;
language development.
Documetation. [3] Cargo insurance; What is
65. 12.04.24 cargo insurance?; Reading and Vocabulary; 2 2
listening and speaking; language development.
Documentation. [3] Shipping documents; the
process of documentation in shipping. Reading
66. 12.04.24 2 2
and Vocabulary; listening and speaking; language
International Commercial Terms. [7]
Incoterms; abbreviations of incoterm. Reading and
67. 15.04.24 2 2
Vocabulary; listening and speaking; language

68. 16.04.24 Midterm exam 2 2
Terms of Payment. [7] Terms of payment in
logistics; terms of internal and external payment.
69. 17.04.24 2 2
Reading and Vocabulary; listening and speaking;
language development.
Unit 8 - Load Planning. [3] Transportation load
planning; load planning optimization for
70. 17.04.24 2 2
manufacturers. Reading and Vocabulary; listening
and speaking; language development.
Transportation. [3] Air freight transportation;
71. 18.04.24 kinds of transportation. Reading and Vocabulary; 2 2
listening and speaking; language development.
Transportation. [3] Rail Freight Transportation;
the important features of rail freight. Reading and
72. 18.04.24 2 2
Vocabulary; listening and speaking; language
Transportation. [3] Motor freight transportation;
long-haul and short-haul transportation. Reading
73. 19.04.24 2 2
and Vocabulary; listening and speaking; language
Transportation. [3] Ocean Freight
Transportation; What is ocean freight. Reading
74. 19.04.24 2 2
and Vocabulary; listening and speaking; language
Intermodal Transport. [7] What is intermodal
transport; difference between intermodal transport,
75. 22.04.24 multimodal transport and combined transport. 2 1
Reading and Vocabulary; listening and speaking;
language development.
Transportation and costs. [4] The impact of
higher energy costs; how to Reduce transportation
76. 23.04.24 2 2
costs in logistics. Reading and Vocabulary;
listening and speaking; language development.
Unit 13 - Logistics Problems. [3] Logistics
problems and their solutions; How to solve 4 main
77. 24.04.24 2 2
logistics challanges? Reading and Vocabulary;
listening and speaking; language development.
78. 24.04.24 Progress test 7 2 2
Logistics Problems. [3] Supply Chain Challenges
and how they’re affecting everyone; problems of
79. 25.04.24 supply chain and its results. Reading and 2 2
Vocabulary; listening and speaking; language
Security. [3] Security in the supply chain; natural
disasters; breakdowns in vehicles. Reading and
80. 25.04.24 2 2
Vocabulary; listening and speaking; language
Security. [3] The importance of supply chain
security; working with high risk employees and
81. 26.04.24 2 2
customers. Reading and Vocabulary; listening and
speaking; language development.
82. 26.04.24 The Logistics Involved In The Truck Driving 2 2

Industry- documentary
Unit 15 - Sustainability in Logistics. [3] Supply
Chain Sustainability: A Force For Good. Reading
83. 29.04.24 2 2
and Vocabulary; listening and speaking; language
84. 30.04.24 Progress test 8 2 2
Partnership in the supply chain. [7] The
advantages and disadvantages of partnerships; the
85. 01.05.24 role of partnerships in your profit. Reading and 2 2
Vocabulary; listening and speaking; language
Partnership in the supply chain. [7] Supplier
associations; a way to develop strategic
86. 01.05.24 2 1
partnerships. Reading and Vocabulary; listening
and speaking; language development.
The Future of Logistics. [7] New logistics trends;
What will be the future of logistics. Reading and
87. 02.05.24 2 2
Vocabulary; listening and speaking; language
The Future of Logistics. [7] Developments and
logistics concepts of future; logistics future
88. 02.05.24 2 2
challenges. Reading and Vocabulary; listening and
speaking; language development.
The Future of Logistics . [7] The supply chain
manager of the future; what features will be more
89. 03.05.24 2 2
important. Reading and Vocabulary; listening and
speaking; language development.
The History of Aviation Logistics. [7] Formation
of the international air transport association; the
90. 03.05.24 first cargo moved by aircraft. Reading and 2 2
Vocabulary; listening and speaking; language
Air Cargo. [7], [6] The history of air cargo; the
growth of air freight; modern air cargo. Reading
91. 06.05.24 2 2
and Vocabulary; listening and speaking; language
Air Cargo . [6] Aircraft types; Air cargo’s
strengths; aircraft construction, the basics.
92. 07.05.24 2 2
Reading and Vocabulary; listening and speaking;
language development.
Air Cargo. [7], [6] The world of air cargo;
famous companies and their work strategies.
93. 08.04.24 2 1
Reading and Vocabulary; listening and speaking;
language development.
Airport Connections. [7] Airport types;
international hubs; specialist cargo airports.
94. 08.04.24 2 2
Reading and Vocabulary; listening and speaking;
language development.
Airport Connections. [7] Globalization and
environmental pressures. Reading and
95. 09.05.24 2 2
Vocabulary; listening and speaking; language

Aviation logistics and computer technology. [7],
[6] Early days of airlines; airlines at the start of IT.
96. 09.05.24 2 2
Reading and Vocabulary; listening and speaking;
language development.
Aviation logistics and computer technology. [7],
[6] Airlines and modern technology; cargo
97. 10.05.24 2 1
handling agents. Reading and Vocabulary;
listening and speaking; language development.
Positioning Tools. [6] The history of positioning
tools; radars; the GPS system. Reading and
98. 10.05.24 2 2
Vocabulary; listening and speaking; language
Road Feeder Service. [7] Transporting air freight
by road; transporting cargo between airplanes.
99. 13.05.24 2 2
Reading and Vocabulary; listening and speaking;
language development.
Road Feeder Service. [7] Road feeding as
100. 14.05.24 business saver. Reading and Vocabulary; listening 2 2
and speaking; language development.
101. 15.05.24 Progress test 9 2 2
Forwarding agent. [7] What is the role of freight
forwarder?; advantages of working with a freight
102. 15.05.24 2 2
forwarder. Reading and Vocabulary; listening and
speaking; language development.
Forwarding agent. [7] Freight forwarder
associations; their responsibilities. Reading and
103. 16.05.24 2 2
Vocabulary; listening and speaking; language
Express and Mail. [7] Changes in trading
patterns; express delivery. Reading and
104. 16.05.24 2 2
Vocabulary; listening and speaking; language
105. 17.05.24 Aircraft Conversion- Documentary 2 2
Special Air Cargoes. [7] What are special
cargoes? Different types of special cargoes.
106. 17.05.24 2 2
Reading and Vocabulary; listening and speaking;
language development.
Innovation and trends in air logistics. [7] Top
trends in air logistics; digital air cargo innovation.
107. 20.05.24 2 2
Reading and Vocabulary; listening and speaking;
language development.
Innovation and trends in air logistics. [7] The
industry leaders; changing habits. Reading and
108. 21.05.24 2 2
Vocabulary; listening and speaking; language
109. 22.05.24 Progress test 10 2 2
Meteorology and transportation. [6], [7]
Weather prediction; the impact of weather on
110. 22.05.24 2 2
aviation logistics. Reading and Vocabulary;
listening and speaking; language development.
111. 23.05.24 Meteorology and transportation. [7], [6] How is 2 2
aviation logistics responding to climate change?;

Climate change and air logistics. Reading and
Vocabulary; listening and speaking; language
Air logistics security. [7] Cargo security; crime;
terrorism; natural disasters. Reading and
112. 23.05.24 2 1
Vocabulary; listening and speaking; language
113. 24.05.24 Quiz 3 2 2
Airport emergency operation. [7] What are
airport emergencies; steps that can be taken in an
114. 24.05.24 2 2
emergency. Reading and Vocabulary; listening
and speaking; language development.
Environment and Air Logistics. [7] The impact
of aviation on the environment; pollution; air
115. 27.05.24 2 2
freight’s extra burden. Reading and Vocabulary;
listening and speaking; language development.
The law and regulations of aviation logistics.
[7], [6] Internationally agreed rules; a system of
116. 28.05.24 regulations; necessary documentation. Reading 2 2
and Vocabulary; listening and speaking; language
The law and regulations of aviation logistics.
[7], [6] Worldwide agreements; regulatory bodies;
117. 29.05.24 international air transport association. Reading 2 2
and Vocabulary; listening and speaking; language
118. 29.05.24 Final review test 2 2
119. 30.05.24 Glossary and terminology revision. 2 2
120. 30.05.24 Conclusion 2 2
Total 240 230

ISW* - Recommended individual student work hours

2. Topics of and criteria for individual works

№ Deadline
Topics and literature code (number
Different transaction models: BTB, BTC, CTC, CTB
1 28.02.2024 1
(differences and similarities among different types)
2 13.03.2024 The differences between inbound and outbound logistics 1
Reducing a company’s carbon footprint (make a project
3 28.03.2024 1
about different solutions)
4 09.04.2024 Warehouse management in Logistics (make a presentation) 1
5 19.04.2024 Documents and their purposes in shipping 1
Types of transportation (rail, air, motor, ocean freight, their
6 30.04.2024 1
specific featurers)
7 04.05.2024 The advantages and disadvantages of partnerships 1

8 10.05.2024 The world of air cargo 1

9 17.05.2024 The relation between IT and aviation logistics 1
Aviation logistics and security (different problems and
10 25.05.2024 1
Total 10
Total score for IWs is defined as 10 points.
IWs are required to be submitted as a presentation (ppt).
Evaluation of IWs is conducted in out-of class hours by the course instructor

3.Individual work and control over it

Week ISW Type of Control
№ Topics of a student’s individual work (hour) control week

1 Learning of the materials of the topic № 1- 7 13 CC* 1
1 Submission of individual work № 1 1 Pass 1
1 Learning of the materials of the topic № 8 2 CC* 1
2 Learning of the materials of the topic № 9-15 16 CC 2
3 Learning of the materials of the topic № 16-22 14 CC 3
3 Quiz 1 2 CC 3
4 Learning of the materials of the topic № 20-21 3 CC 4
4 Submission of individual work № 2 1 Pass 4
4 Learning of the materials of the topic № 22-28 5 CC 4
4 Submission of individual work № 3 1 Pass 4
4 Learning of the materials of the topic № 29-31 4 CC 4
5 Learning of the materials of the topic № 32-38 16 CC 5
6 Learning of the materials of the topic № 39-43 12 CC 6
6 Quiz 2 2 CC 6
6 Learning of the materials of the topic № 45 2 CC 6
7 Learning of the materials of the topic № 45-59 16 CC 7
8 Learning of the materials of the topic № 50 3 CC 8
8 Submission of individual work № 4 1 Pass 8
8 Learning of the materials of the topic № 51-57 12 CC 8
9 Learning of the materials of the topic № 58-62 1 CC 9
9 Submission of individual work № 5 1 Pass 9
9 Learning of the materials of the topic № 63 10 CC 9
9 Midterm Exam 2 CC 9
9 Learning of the materials of the topic № 64 2 CC 9
10 Learning of the materials of the topic № 65-75 15 CC 10
10 Submission of individual work № 6 1 Pass 10
11 Learning of the materials of the topic № 76-77 16 CC 11
12 Learning of the materials of the topic № 78-86 11 CC 12
12 Submission of individual work № 7 1 Pass 12
12 Quiz 3 2 CC 12
12 Learning of the materials of the topic № 84-88 2 CC 12
13 Learning of the materials of the topic № 89-93 5 CC 13
13 Submission of individual work № 8 1 Pass 13
13 Learning of the materials of the topic № 93-94 10 CC 13
14 Learning of the materials of the topic № 95-97 9 CC 14
14 Submission of individual work № 9 1 Pass 14
14 Learning of the materials of the topic № 96-98 6 CC 14

15 Learning of the materials of the topic № 99-112 5 CC 15
15 Submission of individual work № 10 1 Pass 15
15 Learning of the materials of the topic № 113-117 10 CC 15
Total 240
CC*–current control (assessment of seminar performance, quizzes and the midterm results)

4.Assesment of students’ performance

At the end of a semester a tutor is required to fill the table below for an assessment of students’ final

IW Seminar Quiz Final
Attendance Exam
submission performance results results Signature
Name/Surname result
№ of a tutor
(0-10) (0-10) (0-10) (0-50)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

At the end of the semester student’s final exam scores will be added to semester results
and will be equal to max. 100 points.
Evaluation of student’s performance is expressed on the basis of ECTS (European Credit
Transfer System).

Below 51 – “fail” – F
Points 51-60 – “satisfactory” – E
Points 61-70 – “fair – D
Points 71-80 – “good” – C
Points 81-90 – “very good” – B
Points 91-100 – “excellent” – A

5. Indicated course reading

Core literature

1. “Career Paths” book 1, Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley, Donald Buchannan – Express
2. “Career Paths” book 2, Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley, Donald Buchannan – Express
3. “Career Paths” book 3, Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley, Donald Buchannan – Express
4. “Logistics Management Market Leader”, Adrean Pilbeam, Nina O’Driscoll – Pearson
5. “English for Logistics”, Marion Grussendorf – Oxford University Press
6. “Flash on English for Transport and Logistics” – Ernesto D’Acunto – Eli Publishing
7. “Introduction to Logistics” – N.A.A publication- Supplementary Material

Additional literature
8. “The Dictionary of Transport and Logistics” – David Lowe – Kogan Page Publishing
9. Audio CDs
10. Video films
11. Internet resources

Number of claimed hours for projects

№ Forms of the work
1. Choosing the project topic and plan compiling
Analysis of lierature, normative documents and statistic data in accordance with the
2. project.
3. Project planning, yielding results and suggestions.
4. Project consultation and submission.

Submission date of projects must be noted in the syllabus.

Recommended individual work hours for projects are included in the ISW (individual student work

When laboratory researches are included in teaching process the following table must be added to
teaching program and syllabus.

Topics of laboratory researches

Preparation Name of the laboratory Name of the Submission ISW

date research laboratory device (№) date (hour)

Syllabus of “Introduction to Logistics” subject is prepared in accordance with curriculum of an

“Logistics and Transport Technology Engineering” course and module outline of “Introduction
to Logistics” subject.

Compiler of the subject plan:

Lecturer at the Department of English Language __________________ N.R. Huseynova

Subject plan was discussed at the meeting of the Department of Professional English:

(meeting held on ______________ “___” 2024, protocol № “___”)

Head of the Department of Professional English _______________ PhD, docent N.N. Dupikova


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