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Module Four - Writing Assignment

Title: Leadership Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Policy

Judy Garb

OGL 350 - Diversity and Organizations


Leadership Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Policy -
Known as “The Company”
Executive Summary: As we navigate the complexities of the modern business landscape, it's

clear that Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) are no longer optional; they're essential for The

Company’s growth and sustainability. Our organization is dedicated to promoting DEI not as a

compliance requirement but as a strategic advantage. By fostering a workplace culture that

values diversity, ensures equitable opportunities, and promotes inclusion, we empower our

employees to thrive, drive innovation, and deliver exceptional results. DEI is not just a goal; it's

an ongoing journey that defines our company's identity and future.

Purpose: This policy aims at preventing discrimination against any job applicant or employee

because of age, color, gender, national origin, race, religion, or any other factor. In light of our

organization's ongoing dedication to fostering Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), it's essential

to acknowledge that we are currently grappling with disparities and challenges. These include

issues related to representation, unequal access to opportunities, and the need for more

inclusive practices within our workforce. Recognizing and addressing these challenges is not

only crucial for upholding our core values but also vital for enhancing employee satisfaction,

harnessing the full potential of our diverse talent pool, and ensuring our long-term

competitiveness in a diverse and dynamic business landscape.

Scope: This scope statement defines the parameters for The Company’s DEI initiatives. We aim

to create a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive workplace by outlining the goals,

stakeholders, and timeline for our efforts.

Goals: These defined goals form the foundation of our DEI initiatives and will guide our actions

as we work towards creating a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive workplace that benefits

our employees and the organization as a whole.

● The Company’s primary goal is to enhance the diversity of our workforce. We aim to

attract and retain employees from a wide range of backgrounds, including but not

limited to ethnicity, gender, age, and abilities. This will be measured by a 10% increase

in the representation of underrepresented groups at all organizational levels with a

special focus on leadership.

● We are committed to providing all employees with equitable opportunities for growth

and advancement within the organization. This includes eliminating bias in hiring and

promotion processes, ensuring equal pay for equal work, and offering professional

development opportunities that are accessible to everyone.

● Creating an inclusive culture is paramount to our DEI efforts. Our goal is to establish a

workplace where every employee feels a sense of belonging and can contribute their

unique perspectives. This will be achieved by promoting open dialogue, addressing

microaggressions, and encouraging diverse employee resource groups.

● Leadership roles should reflect the diversity of our workforce. We aim to increase the

representation of underrepresented groups in leadership positions, including executive

and managerial roles. Success in this area will be measured by the percentage of

leadership positions held by individuals from diverse backgrounds.

● We recognize the importance of supplier diversity. Our goal is to actively engage and

support businesses owned by underrepresented groups. This includes increasing the

procurement of goods and services from diverse suppliers and tracking our progress in

this area.

● We aspire to be a responsible corporate citizen. Our DEI initiatives include active

engagement with the communities in which we operate. We will measure our success

by the positive impact we make through philanthropy, volunteering, and partnerships

that advance DEI causes in our communities.

● Employee satisfaction and retention are integral to our DEI initiatives. We aim to

improve overall employee satisfaction, as measured through surveys and feedback

mechanisms, and reduce turnover, particularly among underrepresented groups.

Timeline: The Company’s DEI initiatives will be executed with precision and deliberate planning

over a well-structured 12-month timeline, commencing on 8/13/23 and concluding on 8/13/24.

This timeline encompasses a series of phases and milestones to ensure progress and

accountability. Throughout the 12-month timeline, regular progress reviews and feedback will

be established to ensure that our DEI initiatives remain on track and aligned with our

organizational goals.

● Phase 1 - Assessment (Months 1-2): In the initial two months, our focus will be on

conducting a comprehensive assessment of our current DEI landscape. This includes

reviewing existing policies, collecting workforce demographic data, and identifying areas

of improvement. At the end of this phase, we will have a clear understanding of our

starting point.

● Phase 2 - Strategy Development (Months 3-4): Months three and four will be dedicated

to the development of a robust DEI strategy. This entails detailing assessment findings,

engaging with external DEI experts, and formulating a strategic roadmap that aligns with

our organization's goals and values.

● Phase 3 - Policy Implementation (Months 5-7): Implementation of new DEI policies and

practices will take place during months five to seven. This includes rolling out revised

hiring procedures, diversity training, and measures to eliminate bias. At the same time,

we will establish communication channels for employees to voice concerns or


● Phase 4 - Training and Awareness (Months 8-9): Months eight and nine will be dedicated

to conducting DEI training programs for all employees. This will be complemented by

awareness campaigns, workshops, and resources aimed at fostering an inclusive culture.

● Phase 5 - Measurement and Adjustment (Months 10-11): Months ten and eleven are

crucial for measuring the impact of our DEI initiatives. We will assess progress through

regular data collection, employee feedback, and analysis. Adjustments and refinements

will be made as needed to ensure we stay on course.

● Phase 6 - Reporting and Sustainability (Month 12): The final month will focus on

preparing a comprehensive DEI progress report for senior management and

stakeholders. This report will summarize achievements, challenges, and future

recommendations. Additionally, we will outline a plan for sustaining our DEI efforts

beyond the initial 12-month period.

Responsibilities: The defined responsibilities are integral to the successful implementation of

our DEI initiatives, ensuring that all aspects of The Company’s contributions to the achievement

of our DEI goals and objectives.

● The Human Resources (HR) Department will play a major role in coordinating,

implementing, and monitoring all DEI initiatives. This includes overseeing recruitment

strategies to enhance diversity, conducting training programs on equity and inclusion,

and establishing reporting mechanisms to track progress. It also includes promotion

decisions, performance management, and employee engagement.

● A dedicated DEI Committee will be formed, comprising representatives from various

departments. Their responsibilities encompass crafting DEI policies, conducting

assessments of current practices, and recommending improvements to foster an

inclusive workplace culture.

● Department Heads and Managers will be accountable for the integration of DEI

principles within their respective teams. This entails ensuring equal access to

opportunities, promoting open communication on DEI matters, and actively

participating in DEI-related initiatives.

● Training and Development Team in collaboration with HR and the DEI Committee, will

oversee the development and delivery of DEI training programs for all employees. This

includes identifying training needs, selecting trainers or facilitators, and evaluating the

effectiveness of training sessions.

● Stakeholder Engagement in conjunction with the HR team and the DEI Committee, will

engage with employees, managers, and external stakeholders to gather feedback, share

best practices, and ensure alignment with DEI goals. All stakeholders involved will be

responsible for fostering a culture of continuous improvement in DEI efforts. This

includes regularly reviewing and revising strategies, policies, and practices to align with

evolving DEI best practices.

● The Legal Team will ensure compliance with and regulatory requirements related to DEI

initiatives. This includes reviewing and updating policies as needed to meet legal



● Direct discrimination occurs when an individual is intentionally subjected to less

favorable treatment compared to another person solely because of their sex, race, age,

marital status, or sexual orientation, among other protected characteristics. Direct
discrimination is explicit and often involves overt acts of bias or prejudice, such as
unequal hiring practices, promotion denials, or verbal harassment.
● Indirect discrimination occurs when a specific requirement or policy is enforced,
seemingly neutral on the surface, but disproportionately impacts individuals based on
their sex, race, age, sexual orientation, or other protected attributes. It may not be
intentionally discriminatory, but its effects result in unfair disadvantages for certain

Policy Statement:

● At The Company’s, we wholeheartedly embrace our commitment to diversity, equity,

and inclusion (DEI).
● We deeply appreciate the diverse identities and experiences each of us brings to our
workplace, recognizing the strength that lies in our differences.
● Our dedication extends beyond mere acceptance; we actively celebrate our unique
backgrounds, understanding that it's our collective diversity that fuels our team's
resilience and innovation.
● We want to make it abundantly clear: discrimination, whether overt or subtle, has no
place within our organization. We pledge to respond decisively and justly, aligning with
our commitment to DEI principles.

Conclusion: The Company’s Leadership Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Policy highlights our
dedication to fostering a workplace that thrives on diversity, embraces equity, and champions
inclusion. We recognize that in today's complex business landscape, DEI is not a choice but a
strategic imperative that drives our growth and sustains our future.

Through this policy, we affirm our primary goal of enhancing workforce diversity and ensuring
equitable opportunities for all. We commit to cultivating an inclusive culture where every
employee feels valued and heard. We aspire to see our leadership teams reflect the rich

diversity of our workforce and actively engage with underrepresented groups in our supply
chain and communities.

The Company’s timeline ensures that we remain accountable and transparent throughout our
DEI journey, allowing for continuous measurement, adjustment, and sustainability beyond the
initial 12-month period.

Above all, our policy reinforces our core values of respect, celebration of diversity, and
intolerance for discrimination. We firmly state that discrimination, in any form, has no place
within our organization, and we pledge to address it with the urgency and fairness it deserves.

Together, as a united team, The Company embarked on this vital journey towards a more
inclusive and equitable future, knowing that our collective diversity is our greatest strength, and
our commitment to DEI will shape our company's identity and success in the years to come.


Policies. SHRM. (2022, April 26).

Anderson, C. (2021, February 14). How to write an effective diversity, equity and inclusion
policy. Bizmanualz.

How to roll out dei in your organization. - linkedin. (n.d.).

Recognizing and responding to microaggressions at work. Harvard Business Review. (2022,

May 10).

Hendricks, A. (2022, November 25). The role of stakeholder engagement in DEI programs.
Simply Stakeholders.

Powell, E. (2023a, February 13). Dei Steering Committee - Part 1: 3 steps to forming an
effective DEI steering committee. She+ Geeks Out.

25+ examples of awesome diversity statements [2022 update]. Ongig Blog. (n.d.).

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