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1.Which statement best defines ‘communication’?

● Means of sending results via the telephone

● Activity by one object that chances behavior in another object
● The imparting or interchange of thoughts, opinions, or information by
speech, writing, or signs
● Only the spoken word

Correct answer

The imparting or interchange of thoughts, opinions, or information by speech,

writing, or signs


Communication is the imparting or interchange of thoughts, opinions, or information by

speech, writing, or signs. In essence, it is the process of sharing ideas and conveying
messages between individuals or groups. Effective communication is crucial in fostering
understanding and building connections, whether through spoken words, written
language, or non-verbal cues such as gestures and signs

2.Which of the following areas is affected by communication?

● Productivity
● Ability to solve problems
● Relationships with others
● All of the above

Correct answer

All of the above


Sorry, that's not correct. Communication is a fundamental factor that

influences productivity by facilitating information flow, enhances ability to
solve problems by promoting collaboration, and strengthens relationships
with others through clear and effective interaction. All these aspects are
interconnected, and a breakdown in communication can have cascading effects
across these areas.
3. Which two sections is Spoken Communication divided into?

● Verbal and Non-verbal

● Non-verbal and Written
● Verbal and Para-verbal
● Para-verbal and Non-verbal

Correct answer

Verbal and Para-verbal


Spoken communication is divided into Verbal and Para-verbal sections. Verbal,

this involves the use of words to convey information, express thoughts, and
communicate ideas. Para-verbal, complements verbal communication and
includes elements such as tone of voice, pitch, volume, and pauses.

4.Which of the following is NOT a factor of communication?

● Written
● Counselling
● Spoken
● Non-spoken

Correct answer


Counselling is not considered a fundamental factor of communication; instead,

it is a specialized form of interaction aimed at providing guidance and support.
The factors typically associated with communication include written
communication, involving the use of written words for conveying messages;
spoken communication, which encompasses verbal interactions such as
conversations and presentations; and non-spoken communication, which
refers to non-verbal elements like gestures and body language. Each of these
factors plays a distinct role in the overall process of effective communication.

5.What is ‘Audience’?

● The people receiving the message who thereby affect it

● The number of people receiving the message
● Relationships with others
● The way the communicator shares the message

Correct answer

The people receiving the message who thereby affect it


The term 'audience' refers to the people receiving the message, information,
or communication, and whose understanding or reaction can influence the
effectiveness of that message. The audience is an integral part of the
communication process as they play a key role in shaping the impact and
interpretation of the message.

6. What is ‘Method’?

● The number of people receiving the message

● The people receiving the message who thereby affect it
● The way the communicator shares the message
● Relationships with others
Correct answer

The way the communicator shares the message


The term 'method' in communication refers to the specific way that a

communicator uses to share a message. It encompasses the various
techniques, channels, and strategies employed to convey information from the
sender to the audience. Methods of communication can include spoken or
written words, visual aids, technology-based tools, body language, and other
forms of expression.

7.The following is NOT a method of Written Communication:

● Fax

● Email

● Debate

● Text messaging

Correct answer


"Debate" is a form of verbal communication where participants discuss and

present arguments orally, often in a structured and organized manner. It is not a

written method of communication like fax, email, or text messaging.

8.Which of the following statements is FALSE?

● Paraverbal communication is what you are saying

● Communication affects your levels of stress
● Communication is the imparting of thoughts
● None of the above

Correct answer

Paraverbal communication is what you are saying


The statement "Paraverbal communication is what you are saying" is FALSE. This

term refers to how something is said rather than the actual content of the
words. It includes elements such as tone of voice, pitch, pace, volume, and other

vocal cues. It complements verbal communication but is distinct from the actual

words spoken.

9.What is Non-verbal Communication?

● What you are saying

● How you say something

● Gestures and body language

● Written words

Correct answer

Gestures and body language


Non-verbal communication encompasses a range of elements such as

gestures and body language. Gestures and body language are indeed

significant components of non-verbal communication, this category also

includes facial expressions, eye contact, posture, proxemics (use of personal

space), touch, appearance, and even the use of silence. Essentially, non-verbal

communication refers to any form of communication that does not involve


10.The following is NOT a method of Communication:

● Braille

● PowerPoint Presentations

● Text messaging

● None of the above

Correct answer

None of the above


All three options, Braille, PowerPoint presentations and text messaging are

methods of communication, so none of them are excluded. Braille: This is a

tactile writing system used by people who are visually impaired, and it involves a

method of communication through touch. PowerPoint Presentations: This is a

method of visual communication that uses slides and multimedia elements to

convey information to an audience. Text Messaging: This is a form of written

communication using mobile devices.

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