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Assalamu Alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, one thing that I have noticed in the 2-3 years
that I have been a student here in RC-AKIC-SLS is that most Khwarizmians downgrade
themselves whenever they make mistakes instead of taking their mistake as a means of knowing
that there's more room for improvement. One line that I've heard from Shunryn Suzuki is that "If
your mind is empty... It is open to everything. In the beginner's mind there are many possibilities,
but in the expert's mind, there are few". So that's why I think we should all stop the self-misery,
and self-pity party going on. It is NOT a good trait to have and it is certainly not a quality that we
should keep when we get older.
I'm not saying that every human being can stop all the self-negative thoughts that we get. Every
human has a bit of self-negativity by default, all I'm saying is that we shouldn't listen to it,
because whenever you say negative things about yourself when you make a mistake, those are all
whispers from the shaytan. We Muslims should be better than giving into the likes of shaytan.
Other than Allah (S.W.T) we only have ourselves to rely on because as we all know, not
everyone stays in our lives. Our dear friends, our beloved family members?? Somehow, in one
way or another, they will leave. So instead of making ourselves feel down, let's change for the
better. I know it's hard having to change, especially when it comes to something related to mental
health. But we shouldn't just sit around, complaining about stuff. Saying things like "oh I
should've done better", " should've done this or that".
No, the past is past, and what's done is done so leave it as that. If we made a mistake on
something really important, we should learn from it so that it won't happen again, take it as a
motivation to do better next time and move on because at the end of the day, we're merely just
humans, we commit mistakes everyday. And that's completely normal, what isn't normal is if you
think that you can do EVERYTHING right when even our beloved Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W)
also committed some mistakes in his life.
Hence why I chose this topic to talk about because I want to remind us that committing mistakes
is completely natural, because we humans are created to be imperfect. I am Daniyah Binaloy
from Grade 10 Onyx and I thank you for listening to me.

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