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A Project report Consumer Behavior On Balaji wefar pvt, ltd

Submitted to Asst,prof : Amrut Rabari Samarth Inst, of Management Himmatnagar Submitted By:Rahul M Shah Enrollment No107530592011 Sem- III


Index 1 2 3 4 5 6 Acknowledgment History Sampling methodology Analysis Suggestion and Findings Conclusion


Preparing a project of this nature is an arduous task and I were fortunate enough to get support from a large number of persons to whom I shall always remain grateful.

I would also like to thanks all the respondents for giving us their precious time and relevant information and experience, I require which this project would have been a different story.

HISTORY BALAJI WEFAR PVT LTD, is a produce a different Namkeen products, and very popular products. Balaji most of product produce only foer Gujarat and very successful products in market, Balaji started from 1976 than time not achieve a higher position in the market but balaji Achieve a higher and top after 2005-06, now balaji have a plus point is they have strong distribution channel, NDTV India given Awarded for strong distribution channel, and all channel conducting by Kataria transport.The journey of Balaji Group in year 1976 by the member of Virani family. For supplying wafers and namkeens to local brands to the patrons of Astron Cinema, Rajkot. Due to the shore supply of that product they decided to make their own product line in year 1982. By the overwhelming retail success they inspired to set a semi automatic plant. Instead of preparing wafers by the traditional frying method this semi automatic plant boosted the quality, taste and more sales also. The fame of taste reached to the whole Gujarat hence it was time to takeover the whole Gujarat so that biggest automatic plant of Gujarat came in to the picture. Quenching the demand of Gujarat, Maharashtra and Rajasthan region Balaji Group is now looking forward to march over India. Network The wheel of network is devised under the ideal distribution channel network. That ensures to supply fresh product in any corner of Gujarat within 24 hours. You can have Balaji snacks in every 100 meters of are in Gujarat. At Balaji is not just distribution but it is an euphemistic effort of team work. Strategy This simple mantra rocked and changed the definition of chip world. Winning the heart by quality and great taste and distributing sufficient dealer margin is a winning strategy of Balaji Group. Its 'Value for money' strategy enables even a kid to buy fresh & healthy food in small prices. Indeed in a neck to neck competition ear one must implement new ideas and balaji group has developed the think tank who continuously update strategy in the right direction. Think win-win & Stay ahead with us. Future Plans

Balaji Group perceive in growth rather say development to touch the sky. The company will enhance its product range by adding some futuristic and Indian traditional taste company will plan to some extruded snacks and western products to their Global market. Recently company has acquired more space where its entire namkeen unit will be shifed. The future will see more of Bhikubhai Virani as a Chairman, Mr. Chandubhai as a Managing Director, Mr. Kanubhai Virani as a Technical Director & Mr. Keyur Virani as a R&D Director. At Balaji progress is a life line. Accolades People's love is the most memorable achievement. Truly, that helped Balaji Group them to reach its fame across the globe. Apart from this, Economic Time recognized Balaji Group as 'Sultan of Wafers' and international magazine i.e. Asia Pacific food online published a special article with 'Chip Off the Old Block' tag. Balaji Group is also a member of Snacks Food Association. Balaji Group believes in sheer performances which win a accolades of people and media at the same time. Faith in God, Faith in Good taste The makers of 'Balaji Group' brand wafers and namkeen food products has deep faith in God & in good taste. Converting dreams into reality it leads them to the biggest potato wafers plant of India. The Balaji plant covers over 85,000 sq. m. area in the outskirts of Rajkot city. Its big taste revenue i.e. turnover touched to the crore rupees milestone. Balaji Group has 90% shares of wafers market and 70% shares of namkeen market in Gujarat. You are invited to travel the past, present and the future or Balaji Group. Main competitorSamrat Namkeen Real Hariom Lays Other BALAJI maintain a quality because all product produce by the machinery if automatically quality should be maintain, PRODUCTS Wefar Mungdal Chandal (Allu and Banana)

Sev (Ratlami, Allu sev, ) This all are the main product of a BALAJI,

Sampling Methodology:
In our case we have adopted Simple Random Sampling.

In case of consumers
Population/Universe : Sample Size : Himmatnagar 31


GENDER (1) How many male and female in consumer for balaji? Particular People Percentage Male 24 77.41%

Female 7 22.58%

Total 31 100%

Fem ale, 7, 23% Male Fem ale Male, 24, 77%

Interpretation In the above graph show the sex of the respondents in my survey they are 77.41% respondent male and 22.59% respondent are female hear I seen 77.41% % male and 22.59% female respondent.

Q- 10. Which product is been more preferable by you? Table no -7 Products Sing bhugiya Mungdal Wafer Sev Total No of respondent 8 8 10 6 31 Percentage 25.80% 25.80% 32.25% 19.35% 100%

No of respondent

Sev, 6, 19%

Sing bhugiya, 8, 25%

Sing bhugiya Mungdal wefer

wefer, 10, 31%

Mungdal, 8, 25%


INTERPRETATION: There are 25.80% Respondents are preferred for singbhujiya, 25.80% Respondents are preferred for mungdal, 32.25% respondents are preferred for wefar and 19.35% Respondents are preferred for balaji. It indicates that there are most of Respondents 32.25% are preferred to wefar and very less amount of Respondents 19% preferred for sev.

3) Are you motive while purchasing a product? Particular Yes No Total No of respondent 31 0 31 Percentage 100% 0.00% 100%


Percentage, 100%

No of respondent Percentage

No of respondent, 31


Every consumer are motive while purchasing a product..

Q-4 What your perception regarding Balajis product? Particular Good Average Bed Total Interpretation There are perception regarding balajis product is good 80.64% consumer said product is very good. And 19.36% consumer said product is average. But no any one said him perception is bad regarding the balaji No of respondent 25 6 0 31 Percentage 80.64% 19.36% 0.00% 100%

(11) How did you come to know about balajis product? How products know? Advertisement Suggestion Trough relative Total No of respondent 4 23 4 31
No of respondent

Percentage 74.19% 19.90% 12.90% 100%

Trough relative 13%

Advertisement 13% Advertisement Suggestion Trough relative Suggestion 74%

INTERPRETATION: Here, it shows that 13.% Respondents have come to know above BALAJI By Advertising, 74% Respondents by suggestion,12.90.%. It interpret that most of Respondents are come to know about BALAJI products by suggestion which amount is 74% and very less from trough relative and advertisement which amount is 13 and 13%. So, the company have to focus on advertisement for provide information about product to the consumers.

Q-(12) Apart from Balaji, which is your preferable brand? Preferable brand Samrat Hari om Real No of respondent 11 6 8 6 Other Total 31 Percentage 35.48% 19.35% 25.80% 19.35% 100%

No of respondent

Other 19%

Samrat 36%

Samrat Hari om Real

Real 26%

Other Hari om 19%


Here, it shows that 36%% Respondents are purchase porduct form the samrat, 26% from Hariom also 19% respondents are purchase from other company. So, it is found that the most of market is covered by from the samrat which is 36% and 26% from Real.

Q_ (13) Does Balaji easily available in the market? No of respondents Available in the market Yes No Total 31 0 31
No of respondents

Percentage 100% 0.00% 100%

No, 0, 0% Yes No Yes, 31, 100%

INTERPRETATION: Here it is shows that 100% respondents are says that the Balaji products is easily available in market It has giving result that Balaji is provides its availability over the market.

Q_ (8) provide your opinion regarding looks of Balajis packing ? Peoples opinion Very good Good Average Bed Total No of respondent 22 9 0 0 31 Percentage 70% 30 % 0.00% 0.00% 100%

No of respondent Average 0% Good 29% Bed 0%

Very good Good Average Very good 71% Bed

InterpretationAccording my survey 71 % respondent the look are very good then 29% respondent look are good and 0% respondent are average and 0% respondent look are bed.

Q_(9) Are you satisfied with the price of the Balaji ? Particular Yes No Total No of respondent 31 0 31 Percentage 100% 0.00% 100

No of respondent

No, 0, 0% Yes No Yes, 30, 100%

INTERPRETATION: This question is shows that 100% respondents are satisfied with the price of the BALAJIs product. So, it indicates that most of the respondents are satisfied with the price of the product and no any one respondents are dissatisfied with the price of the product.

Q_ (17) Are you satisfied with the quality of Balajis products ? No of respondent Particular Yes No Total 31 00 31
No of respondent

Percentage 100% 0.00% 100%

No, 0, 0% Yes No Yes, 30, 100%

NTERPRETA TION:In this question the respondents suggestions are the quality of the Balaji 100% respondents are satisfied and 0% respondents are dissatisfied with the quality products. So, it indicates that most of the respondents are satisfied with the quality of are dissatisfied with the quality of the balaji , no any one respondents are dissatisfy with the quality of the products

Q_ (11) which feature you consider while purchasing Balaji?

Table no- 15 Particular Good quality No of respondent 12 13 Easy availability Reasonable price Brand name Total 6 0 31
No of respondent

Percentage 38.79% 41.93% 19.35% 0.00% 100%

Reasonable price 19% Easy availability 0%

Brand name 0%

Good quality 39%

Good quality Easy availability Reasonable price Brand name


Chart - 15 INTERPRETATION There are 39% respondents are considers good quality when purchasing BALAJI,19 % respondents are consider reasonable price, 42% respondents are consider easy availability and 0% respondents are brand name. So,it indicates that most of respondents are consider reasonable price when purchasing product and no any one respondents are considered brand name. Q _ (12) Main Reason behind choosing city tiles?

Particular Brand name Quality Price Other Total

No of respondent 1 12 16 2 31

Percentage 3.22% 38.70% 51.61% 6.44% 100

No of respondent

Other Brand name 3% 6% Quality 39% Price 52% Brand name Quality Price Other

INTERPRETATION Here, it is shows that 525% respondents are choosing the Balaji with its price, 39.% respondents are for its quality, 3% respondents are Brand name and 6% are for other reason. So, its indicated that most of the respondents are choosing the Balaji for its Price and quality and very few are from other reason.

Q_ (20) Is there any problem related with quality ? Particular NO Yes Total No of respondent 29 2 31

Percentage 93.56% 6.44% 100%

Percentage 3% No of respondent Percentage No of respondent 97%


Chart no- 17

Im 97% consumer have no any problem related quality of Balaji products, but only 3% respondent have normal problem related to quality.

(15)Can you want return purchase in future? Particular Yes No Total No of respondent 28 3 31 Percentage 90.32% 9.68% 100


Yes, 100%, 3% No of respondent Percentage Yes, 31, 97%

Finding and suggestion 1) 2) 3) 4) Advertisement is a very poor. So, improve a advertisement Distribution channel is a very strong Quality is a excellent Price is also GOOD most of consumer said price is good, so, maintain this price level. 5) Balaji is a not national or international level balaji only for product produce For Gujarat so, not a brand name, try for make a brand name


During my project training in the diwali vacation Have got a lot of practical knowledge in the Balaji Pvt, Ltd.


Every thing is done so perfectly that I could hardly find any sought of irregularities. I hope that BALAJI pvt ltd be successful in near future because there are so many changes in the company they have many brilliant people in the management. The financial position of the company is also good. I have given some recommendation from my study and findings. I suggest the company to adopt my recommendation and suggestion that will help the company to achieve or to take some decision.

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