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; SeRie (a-Sauer) Thermal, Physicas Voy Heokt unths TUSLaNtd) Colt RrQrcarsunig) Co ACL 4-2T Mode of Head Traneter= 1. Convection’ AM Rduida dig car) Duarte density dikRerend. = Ackual motor ok modacuier. SLOW Method. = Divecdion of conv eckon-upasardt > Coravity ae in eending et Locker’, Heading ef adtadstierg Rayer, seabreezeand Qand breeze. THE, castomBy coed Tap &-Conductions 4a Sodids (Qeneraatyy SKIPHON 4 Ha Caray) 7 PULTO vib and cObLisionet moreculer pie ramerciod unr) F x a lenainlsed » LUunear dimencion Ted Nadtusthe, @ Aisa poop. ok okeria’T Nokes 1) rods are identical Cha, RNS a Lagame , A- Aarne) Rat Bae : ; Da-suvo rods are identical 1 dimendion- Ry a Digherentk combinakon of rode> ~ Actual motion gd rodeculs X 1. Sevien/ Compound Gab 4 Meat stmt * Ka, A 7 % 2g Heading st vod. “Ta a Rade ct Heck §Rowdyrough ard SI BOWL Hee Yor WTR es a re — 7 < +, Aes, —KAG Ki S&- AGs 2s Conductivity CoeRR. ch ermal KENT Keg, = KiAvt Ka Ax: K-97 5 conduchivityst tnateviadt Eines) (Head Rratnager early) Noles dopends on Nakuve of maseriad oe, BS 2 WT Petes Paraded Unli eer Ravin oe K* Mekale non melals 2» APY oA A Cred AV ABTA Senyes, % - 2)9Hlernp. not given Series QeTwo hodlow concemric oydinder GE vadiWARyand yore: ranged ad Mawr Findkea=? VLA mR ) AZZ LLL Keq= Ki Are K Ar At AQ _KIMREY Ky RERR) ~ TRE RRE TRAE SReady Skates 3 Ternp.of each Leckion do nok Navy uattn dame tuk Sermp- ak diRRarentt] T Poink of rod ia dittererkandit Yetn “Fhe diredVat heck § ow. m3 7 Ta WT4 1 Ra & & We = ely Teh, =. Bk a Tata — T-T4 Fy Ry RRS Q-THree rodack idence cross seckionall Avea and made-—Brom Ae 2AMe mokerial Srom tHe aides sPan sows cEexiangne ABC right Spe! ak QThHe Points A and® ake maintained ak sernp. T and SET respedivedsy (1 Steady rake. Agaumme heat Ho OTH oy conduct Find Temp. ak pone Atte snk ‘ a ww WSs ic 8 a Ry Q. Tug idemicad conducking rode AG i ANACD axe connercked “0 G GALCULOK Conduching ving ok reso diarnerrically oppostas points and CThe radius: he Ting 18 equadko Langtn shod AG and CD. The area eR cross KeUIO'Y Anddnermas conduc vity of the vod, andving ave equad. Come Aand O axe mairtained, ak Samp. ct iooe and Te. Temp. sR point Cored be. [a & c d “a oc Jose 1 Io RRERL er Rey RAL BR A eS RR A RH. BR et tose Bot Soe Yoo-Te, RETRY, TeAave Sq acc 4—\l0umn FJotemp-at poiirk Boem asa From hosker end . Woum— NOC avo uni sry ON CdeMica) our —+ MWOx ade voR 11o aM4method —- T=N40-20 =e \40-T _ 1-30 . Bo Seer TaN Q@.Lo\dentital vod, Fpotempok BC ge Sai : 4 i Se eae RE 4 NAS AR 200 AVOR A 2 in 2 ‘i Rast avo? roots _ Tos 306 Ta = o0-AS=IS6o < Tee WO-AMB=COE > 2o0-Te _Te-20 aR OR a mide — gh aworodsatand [oy qyiabis area rod Q@ br ame maieriall a} 2) variable wth soid Sc aNd Lame crore Ty x ¢ as Peay axea having! +, t 2 G 4 vercara§ = : \ ig ae 4inak AG. ra b an so) neak are st Kagkame coven Whee Lep= 2tag RONAN SF CD Ie R= & a RAL 4k? Rep Leo 4 _2tne Rar MN Raa tag Bae tay PAS Slopeding 7 wth, Voo=Tye Tr 0 Tees Areating 7 TT “= T, rm’ Tey rain ‘ab Qa *SSKY veg Sees an Sr) * Note, a. S Brodsek game ae 28 Aiamedey 2 dst p “Zab A ¥2 mnaderial, axe arranged Sesgny Odper given diagram. Ee A ¢ 38 Ven on % Kg AC wweaual-to heak | &.-Tuo concentric Hadlow aphere a . current shrough ABC. [Sk radiud % and Ya are Hanh: ie lac= lnwe AeA Ty BT Tapeciveay CYTE Wek Tyste MddeTa o& K CONGUE AMAA | ee Rebs bJus nem tne rads. Read Hod AS RngrRac SAnvqugh vk: & oth at) Race Ragth® SES os Nae an ‘ 8. “taney VOTO ast + X2-%, AKA A ad Seadsredt. Qt “Temp gradients (ah on et atys Wate of ae . es % WR aK she ow kelvityry | PFERZING of ices ~ J ve repraLent] AB _ KiwAlo-Co) B& KART? inthe dived ak % ls FR AX) FH heat So] e Reap. alt olusayy Bemle =TAXLxA ILE NOW cf cemp-and weak current odong Suresh dQ= (Ady) Pott 4) vniform crost Leianvod. aya st rae ee FoR eae siope=S=204 18. 1c ni cane et StH Nowy BL CONSE x Next Lem oe 8 eT BRD ST @e+ cit pon @L)nowre eae | =FheN ‘ ‘ QThe Lemp. drop through each Vay ey Ra Awo Layer furMrgce wad (s shown Wn Rig. Aasame-thakte exdernad demp. Trandt ave maintained conead and TLD Ta ff AMIR Dagens KAN Hy, ANE Kame WOE Statement axe cored: . Ki aS tent ee 3 ma BAK R.KCK, BKIZK buk heok, RAOLW-WOUGH mae Odie GaNQey than trough@) 4-K\=Ka buck heak Flow Hhrougn material CA) 1A Bete Hnantrrough 2) TKI, wt = ‘i 2 cate blCsene ae~ kagtt a at yt “aE S.Radiodon > = BBtemp. cLbady> OKARIN VL 4 Ae nen body) emite Yadiakioln, Rad ave em eaves (c= anid ms) mea srt aat 5 Fastest method, J Moxarnt: Radiadion -under ingrared Fagin Sovradiakon are K/aIR vray. o qyretnaedrad™) AT _, stope fk AS i agent Cea Q, Caraniminedyad") Oza FQotO, — dividad by® aay Va vepdochive coet/ Power O= Atoesplive coeFh. | PoUser KARYHAL Sy Q2Oz kD PEK LOK veRMeckay Cer Feat PoUsheduay WIRG=LHYSO=* H perkockabsorber CRaUAH AURA.) HSRRHAS Grocy > perRerdaransmniter Tdeol BOK GOdY BB+ a Haypatnel(cal body aborts aL\Ahe cad and ernite rady-arodedvad"? ~ Cola maintained at const 4eeng- San id assumed 0410 7 Spectcurn EF IVB—CONMNUOSE » Erniaaive pourey) rence 9, Wa i io = ReQokive emissive (Ce onens Cooney g= Radioked Powers 4 usa Pradinser=T ATS EHEE oR 3/rVc. TEAL Gk which energy invadisied . Prevost Sheard of Weak Exchange» Every body emits vadiakion a Possible Lemp. and absorbs as well. TaTemp. of Body Tr Serre DIRTY Ta Leg-TAin Acvoors} By body emit absorbs Nek emission wen aenerqyy Feasting coat, DIETCTg Leger in weaker voor} Bybady ernikCarsorb> Nek absorp” Let Faading hot DIRT=Te LRodien rtherrrai ed] Byrvody- amiga DONE Ratha aetna R= power/ Emnisaivity, Ean at sameterne- Bea Qoo= 4s Cua dd KH DANG ve (oe eh) POWEK Noiety Body ak thepmnall et emijgvad”™ ana, U1 Sa OA buk Nortel SReRarig ays forge Basin ™ \ - <8 uy TA SheRaVAconsss = 5-61 X10 wa TaTemp: Ckedvin) An &uyhacd Aveo, OY Geneva a « + Sage radiate COAT AR Taiven add TI Ts Gees Ges Rabe eh eekLOss (€) = Heak LL STemp.CHMia Scooting! ¥ Q=msat Cremp. change) Gam Cphage change) Qo St = ALTA) Ra AR HS Henk CARAT Rak ot Bard inter: /roke oR cooling, Moms r-+apedhic Heck Same Qt. > (ame maleriod) ah anape? $F Roane, dary. ad Shape Ry Nps Notes Sokject ch same mad L maka Aves spheredcubedpras # LO Specval Energy Diadribusion cue alven, by PRanck 5 (Cad enos™ a baie +5 Kein OniBy| Cahn Ayn Wovedanghy Corresponding =F MOK VAAL \ON Qin PYeQ: covvaponding to Ynax- ermiaalon. Toad erisgive pouser (Eye P= Aveabfw curved) D-ONNR Avant curve Ay Weina Diapdacemenk Laws weaniecnss, 2 3x15 SRP se romp. RiV9 Ted, B ee ah cuxvet. Amy Nin? NOLS Colour or Hoe abletk CAAT) a \ndicodion cf tnele Samp. nae Jy Canary ing Amy Am, Atay) RAUL oTanye Red NWOT, Area, Ainy> ding [Ama] ny S¥mg C demg (Nm LAaTy YX vv vig mus RW —— Br CAM Care WTemp.aaTh, Benen Hous Wren ea, . jonas: , Diaphacemenk= Amo my Newton's Law oF Coodengs ° ‘ 5 Radaskcooing CAT og CI-Te) ' Kivclno g's Law tay ae } , é : ) Ramuatve parser e)eh Abscrpive pownar(a) Roy TT Svergamads (Asko 1009 } Spod abaoroer=Srood erniser d RBAd absorber ==Bad emisex Shows +ads_CP Coding Vacs with : rood aemlser in bad veRdedor. “ae Cracka of Ras of Atenp) y » Leconsa, Caame Rov af bodies ak ; given temp) 7 Ore 2 Redakive emisaiuey y BL egg , 38 Rpphicakion= 4. Days are howler and Wights axe bo conde in derek. ANLc is Wed-to determine gpeGic > x SOLFO X Dine (DAK Aine) Produce} Roe hia, p AULTO absOK Moh Cun aight by SB. Aa 43, p Cmrormnagphere gf tun. ave 2 We. > aS RyLOLBQ Cratre coding We. ) RQack part emiks o wbtn-dmne, . Raking More ANd appears wap 8 RETRY brighter (Good : > Yoorn Absorber ia Good SY anct-T) = KES > ern\ater) (T=) oS . Uaensio j . = = g SOLO CONEAE/BRaT CONT oa Dene ee 4 7 = gaTRTh ‘y QA Body ot tempT Kept in soreaind ad pS FS kL} Sov DIB. | OR To AeeMP-theN Vox ob (ye Aemp-eaith . sun DU? eraneke | Ame. S iS) ACS oda od coading VAM =o} oF coos nd les VV isa. eatin: oe eat? of earth a . & =(S)\...- .) | se o (Decent Dewi U=KE + PEK depends on Me depends ond Onsemp (KET) AdealQax4+i1MF=o then TG. have ontyke. Brera energy -e) & Adeal gas depenty only On Lemp: * Readers Rorows vanderwale eq” ta) (W-nby= ney o& oft porsibee semb. and pressure. @ReadGas Somos dead Qased akhigh Remp. > dow PPCALUTR and dow density, ®arvsoduts zero Remp. Co Kelvin) i emp. 8 Zero energy for ideal gare) buk Nok Loy auosrance other +hant.@. 4 Mads oP \ modacute NA No.of Qos mogeu@ina Lambie Ma mass of comp dats gad NTP eet Tac onmak P=10km ORTeommebHg oR VOL3K1F Pg O8 A] en MONET AR Revo Kellvin Cabsowse zero emp) motion, BE moteculed woudd have, bean sekzed xo ok 6 Kalvin Speadeloaty higntersp KE, Momertam Wd be aero. Tdearcras eqs, Parressure (syn?) rama ornSeafere Vavodumetn®) 1a iti® veceis nd TaTeMmpCeeduind A403 Tmodl ent PV=neat mike Pha 4 Boderan's const] N+ Wook molacutes @ K=-85 Degree of Breedom (fs Gu $y FRY Monoakome 3 06 Cheneeko Diatomic CHa nyeto : > Podyokomie 3 Uyveax . . COQ: eked Podyakome 3 3 6 Non Qinear Cog wrgetd Dv ibrodonal degree af Freedom ane adwery high seh ae ax chante Ave) 4 Monoakomic have no £y- exceptions Co should vin even ak Norrnad emp: Maxwedd Law of equipartikion & Enerqus+ en Wrocialed-te 1D.0.4.— LT et Cov eaate cass 2 Translatory Sr net Fryer Fs py Men Sega INT RoRokionad ~*aney_tayxt —frev KE. 7 ame Sey Nibrakionag Av net_Avaer_ ty ev KE-Cak very SOQ SS NKT = Se termad - SF nat_ fruur- fev —a = 5 x Notes KES Tramalakory= St net Avg Per person value CnoRtist) Avg Sans KE=EEMET (Hog NEN) AU= Enacgh) = Fear Ri)= NCAT. proceng U4 Change in MemaL energy. NT Asothermal Procese— a Kesconsee = OKE=O REVaniP Fe Molarsp-Heak= 9 Sp neal x ' ) i ) ; ’ , , y ) ; , > b > » p » h » b b » i b b > Mayer's Retation Note "GA GS) Ss Ty yt: Tenis Mo MF AMA an eee Nmotente My gas — = Sv N='n) Drakornig eat bapyaiea mogecuta HF rootac da. oe — mola, ALuociake NET C83 RT Cut Magar op. neck ak consi vodume $a dagreest frectoy Cos Mogay ap-neak ok Consdk prensre Morar sp heak — Gram£p. heak Y [adiabatic exponenti}is Gas cyt$R cpacan 2% BR rd pla ol Podyackorne 3 Cronainenr) wl> oh ult ole A Y= Max Hoe MONOCONNS Wex SlOpery Surrmodudus(B) 5 CBr HP} Baar Bpoag=*P compreasibitity(K)= 4 =4 = IPRasibility (k) = Kyi Knap ; . A - \, Charte’zLaw Boyde’s Law Gray WUsrech Cow Avogodrss | ay ne ea PAOMSBA VAT vy _cayug PTO PAY CHER Naconash PAT — sCOMSRR [ gua tateg ent) vy ne NO- PV=comake Werden Preabanduar. : ‘ Pah rnndecuter aso carne Reet: aK ak @,TLN KAR Dashor's artiad Rreawires We ; vy : AC AOANTE Law PAAR wv e e axerted by a tnx oR QAI r ix equal to sum af Parad 7 ep taratal'T | pecs: PALAU of cornponernt used v v (aes War aame) - Qn adosecontainer 60: - . gE Yh, [NEES8Q OR gOS eet “a tek Hak OF mix (2 Zobax then Kd Pe ‘ PAThad Preawre cFAKYQeH PAX nae ea f | |: etna rap CULPA STROOD TMU haMay Tet Nghe | | Work done in Byaphss DARN cues WE Area bf curve & Vd axe Wex(area) NTS weave 2) Cyeaic process (Pu) We Saat Cycha aT Aved’ qt i = Pvcuve eR Mockwise — w=aue axis ANH okie Woe Gockwike Weve Yecurve ¢ , * Antidockwulee Woe (yoxus 3) Othey tah PvCUrVes be Lorrauda method - Exee expansions @BQ=O_ N= (No one oppose) eave KH Te Couk nok ogner mad) * RM=NAT,—O RAE NARR-@ O=® oa @+O Dig Speed d Wenocidier F gas Aaphess S) Average vedocity (Wy o& QE ty sHER a tg N ANg momentams MCy'> = 2er0 D Average apeed [vay oR QD] = RAN sg 4) Rook mean square upeed= | mag (GANTT AVA Vorny R25 wo S) Most probable apead Wmg= spond for Walnich no. WHOLRCUbes Axe MAX 1H AAA LAMPE. Notes Vy=0 =0 VO #0 Odd posers even power fo certo v= BE = FS Np = SET = EET = BE FOr Boa = op ™ =(f 4) Veound= Met iow = |p Ror agas— 5) Noms Mavg>\enp> Neound RDADM @®remng, dapendron fernp- oP gas and is Mo bik Go Nok dependon i prewure luk depends on Q. F]o min-temp- Fany gosto excape ouk Brom earth. Nims? Neg Rox earho Vega\-2cra| nt) K~BOSPESCHCSCHOKHFCEPFEECSHEEOCHECEGCECECEECEEEECECUGCEY @® Wrenp- of earth iaiaed then Hy Qo wsigs AACAHe OOK Taek. ae ray Musk: Moxwiell vetocisy disierioukion cuxvess No.akmogecules ex \eapeabive am Mop Yaug Vanna! Cope WATS yb —ao wor dapendontemp. BFRermp-oh1.4. sample wed Napt Laverast $ of ST |_,Vavgt Axea af CANNES BaMe No eP wnoseculer Lspeai ) aT Area some Te, Nw 2 Nap t FT Vine, Ynp, * gram spedRic Heat = G_ mat * Pi oe Moder apedfic Heat= i = 325 Heakcapackty n= ms wae z NC rolex = = asta K AHO For aLugcvic procera Meankree path (A — § Avg ABLANG bur Heo CONARUWE codaiaion. — untkaa” der djarneder & wnodecuta MA MaLecudar densi’ SN Se Ns Seime TERME ata Time Raken Mmadlinon= Expansion C@njy— an compression Q@uy— (¢) Wiso? Nadiad aaias>isottertnal CIP ODnaio, @aypaiar€ad iso SSske. Adiabaicepan: Adiabatic corprasion Votumet vosumey We Wwe Wee Q=o Tern Lae. Coodin: CLOT during Phare change ACS AIH FS ABRIL Workdone= Py) AU=? af Pvawe 8 1G. &. Lome. 4 = Srixeduith tmoke Qe Wm PVM = contas (rqiven TG. Y= ima container sheng T im diagrarn then tj for mixture. Ke Nunes LES Monoakomg = L vary onlin Ny + f=6 cys Bh Cye3R NI atta MwiF MMR Daal : Sow EDoict : erie = Q. Givencurve axe Qdiabae MNIKe a Fo aukQabls option Bor given cues Q. 18 hog. Vase: ‘ : an whe oar arene &) We, BQ a . ane Ra NQ A) HaNe omg V=sxaney P . eo ¢ Qa SeQney GW g=54ANRT_ Boaemeen (8) SOS U3 TS AMNNST Re rem 2 AVE NG STS WRAT — QQEAK ‘ 3 = / =CyeR =3R ‘enone ? Vein a at Ve @lope) mare? G'eFela aan NSSR = options b 2 mix of tone 6 dickomnic . (stoped, Gres MONO Diakomic Options 4 Termp. Scage- ovdax ch NV Leading o® 4.2. YAVSENENT — \y AvaT=iEhit Ss = meso MAP — coneht DWI DUM ayaa TO UD UT 0. Pu cue TI AYR Temp.dipder en _. consti seks WOM ayheaks 1>UT based sented No- 4 Cal Wea(ty), a ae SBR SSTISG aI Weak (a energy inant. Cost ey ACal agar 44-a5 | PH SOUTECONLAR Aone sionLachor Mechanicaleay ol Weak “Temp.chany 5 @ Che eee LOOT = Q4caX FTemp.consd Latent heat uy) _ Phate change ice —y waa waka 4 Stearn QoL Bank TA s Wad ggd-2F og AROOT tondan= eens o@ Kye Sieg Oe, OSXAAS gQ ROOT ie oa ce Ye | Sig 20-47 2 OS CY Ee Latent Neat (9 LES Fe ey Datos are of Susiono'C yap: Wwatnx SP, love. Noes ice ss Se Stearn -age Rewe steam (y= S40cek loc. q . Tene ceargs Phares: Te . Wee 5 ide TE ES vet oe ¥ eer Sgt ange =m ALIAS T Ly EP SAT, SER WY ot. St ets 5 ABS ORE ET ag St WEjce Meanere 1 acy a Nopeyzero Cosiope = Ft « Meak Capacity (ngs dapends on Mass Brake rear any =ms= AR Wave WENT $e Lrein), ay? 2 Lgyh Anendneian ‘akance ia being heated, toy Unigoren Heosing, BOATCR hevcompare \€S Ladany heak and Speatic Heat. YLOW > Ssoara7 Sug, DLECLY > Seong dSuigy Dhecly 5 Ssoma7 Sig, Sere 5 Ssoarg Slope), WMOgn SHO ey F8Spy CMSep Saad Sep, Somed aay cone , ‘vase vodn (1p) sat e= Ss MSST é 2 TR p Ts poset . Q__ msat yp WEAR, He * “Caiysec, AG. usadar indak isc rocdsec p R=? Geyeer= 2-AKD POLaEY po Po Ra RIAI os _ mscreTy), 4A SeC " Labs Bfer$ ma 209 b ease SER TOT 3 BUCKEL-ent{O & thin a eROKLIN KD | Aous Dass Codef"Se Vks Reenp. LASS — SAT 5 Suppay-doag = SSE 200 A300 _ a 20x18 1130 AR = j R= Qomin, 7 Liar enp irae nt (Warn) & ; combate: : S. Log ice ak —Ie Kepk in containe BR 100g MALE ANd Seonpaimsy Yee] » tren F]o arnt 6B heak yea Ro (ur Vapourse ik. ig —— j Iw BT ETA weep eet Yasst THT FaLy mSAT MEAT Qe OKLA OOKOANOF [OKADA OOK 4AOOKOAK LOOX OKS4O Q=8350C09, Prin chpde of codorimedyy T ues bared on Mixing] ® ‘| CaBe1e Wane same phase re mixed- SoUidesoridHhd Lataliy GEO4Gar Heok ex change— MEAT “P@Bwoekay ontar® Heaksoecbye=Hedguinyh SE BOR gox Aout) = 1x20) avery eee pace oa ) mined TE? MRESOC Notes) Temp. mixture wi 09 miek fovsneds oye neok Copacedy ru wekaneLl in SArre POR ri SOR Condit HeGBA & Rang Aarne) QrTus0 L00ids ®L@® eR same moderiahare Made Pa wWbekante Ware He Teas ith, Ase in temp. 32 amp-ORA (LOC & Anok GRRL Looe Ahem Kind ternp When's \ ak comtack. P Mivenbath eke Weng OYSSCUSTSUe gyTCS0c od) Ranney Mewak ofc A ee ese HQher HR SR@ Trix Sts HACHeB “owed TSdc Caer when dine Phare are Yaixed— \cesusaoxs — ice oR water oR (LEWaOX Wathar +-Steam—> Wader oR Ceam oR We & ieersteayn—— 108 steam of Voa8ar 812 odes ay Ses = X ave wetter 19 yh Os =20e de Rnaliemp 2m: Qyemaine 100-30 aektal AIM \O8=2V=BOKE ad na SOK cad usi 29 MB AoME (Q OS nd Es SLtect © maikgcmegy “SAS AAS kg TWEAK] watBINKy Hewhreaytomeld dts sise (age Egat 2x0 SBE Verne AW 1g LaAQy wes FOTN TBE @ — 256 ( e042) sok Qy =1S42=17 ky AROTLTRAKST AT=STOLT Cip— OY H7-0LE Taye TOSE . Phare Diagram (W=Vcurwe)> Gg. Ps ice aan ans % A)wodar A pear lon Sead, } econ swipe CBgWA48? md cans oscud miege Soreetlag. Sond POINk SYOASIope-Ve YOXIHOS Laroctceanter UUsEZT OP orcatro| IRSeTSTY agnor = 9odKcod : SM-P.LSi loscuTeh head BATL : : SKK WEL OTehl Stearn 2 chat ne Me one ee @uresia oon Feehan mel AY OBSoperave Hy Hg Prose Wodey= (5-1-6 13-453 ae ® 0.0. cB cocker Teer on ngpredsine- Steam= s+ *66KQ, a 2g -Preasune a) ast Lat Pex ¥q unk dary Ques Baredon Bnergy conse wy T st oe a Saginporny™d — 4) iba & As. BR eneergy tae : SR Brock vobaind “Ue eee, QpSomsundlng TR Sratey with had VSeodempluct 2 Gealatnrmslemsat “kung theN ipl ret sri rene yee tem Herm, Prous Ss MBH = Ingy Anscinte=rnsat cuuoe tee prv= meat “een n F/0 nee ' ie 3 mat @mechanico_"Ther mat energy, weahint Piet Enev : a4 Wr. Lots in vez seems Thermak Expansion in —- DBthermot Expansion is jus Souids a eyreceenns mea poe eed ee al Fe mH Eke Gas Sens cee Ly " Sen _ay, A + aapendsontuaduveet tod. pos re = et n,, aa a umidyLoet, “crane gn sp enangg vine Zcnange vot De ig Exes AATYIDO, A “Adxioo = =a Ga CA. YT; Bevery dimension Wer Rats ROUFAST) = AGHRST) EVE) 8 4) at a Le at, SPaumaance} sean eh Spans q nels caerat Contac on coating A Srsensimits NOWWD Saaiera.bouitig Pighe K iO \AxPands More on he NE aNd, contaty MOTe OH COOLING. 2 Tsokropicmaknidha y= 3% Berd VB das ad SAniskxopic makerial+ Qa bAAQ hoakg N= Kye Agrady 4) /Acmange im vor: Snoo=Yatxloo=s4ATvtoo 3 (AXxto0 Sydensv ~) WW WS aT SUT SPL PAP UNSTI? 2 Teno tara P=PUNED FAuwonret x00 < G92 coege. oF Bineay expandionata 3 Acange in vor=2T7.change ncangil b> 4 b 6. Stress £ Serain EWYS2Q2 XaYoungs Modulus fash aXoungs ac a veniaaen’ ose © _ Kepton Sricklondess Q) WF Buyvkaca. No one is there Ko wrisk loud BRreRK=O MraiN=0 TW3STEeY stega=o skvain=o ©) TS TR AAT, A SMALY Sera’ ESYAAST DTme Reriod oP sirnple Pendurume $= an | % TOMA VE AL alo sts 101 and Ayalon Khe dimen noha L-to dangthhent]o” fin sur coeg. ok ag vt expanuch PSone FM ARTS hak mel b ote a vena anuiniers, Weck Rast Time gain FREE Teatatct a donot erty PROC _D FF aiene’? [tarts 1 ak amy temp siren zx FAWAL Cafeusatr , AM EAL. — NASTESAGA | Tinve dooaqain RTE) Nog 24 Sara _, [SE oR goxe> C23 PEs iowa, say? vaohny von expansion ~ =e NeSTt WA WAT Kang = SOE NNT TE eo Apprited te. insobidas 1. Mr Q. = WU at! ‘Radreoayy tracks Qe da diamekex Ss. Siena ic BA Temp. COMA et wax ZZ. Gremp Sel a 2 AT Loude’y oh e*. waded adthermosesy TE. in Liquidas ____ Lron®y vok- expansion. Veaimaial vot Dia, B COMALNRY ave gate First expanaion on container. ALEVYAT— © Tig: tever v1 ANEW ST—O Leg: event] ‘apparent expansion s® Ua, vere Yc CoeRR vod: expansion af comtainey Xo coekh sky OR S*P RUG AK PU? WA) Appawerst coeRP. chv0d exp. of ia ; Nore aasive coe te Soameitk A (BO TT Bends on WAAR Bong % VIE. Rone towards Ber ol. OR Ware. COONEY

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