Invoice Processing Using AI

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SB Consultancies scales human intelligence with

leading-edge AI and ML securely trained on data to

learn unique systems, continuously adapt to
changing environments, and deliver comprehensive
automation and analytics for complex workflows US
Invoice Processing
Robot Processing Automation (RPA) Future Ready
Enhanced Efficiency
Entire invoice processing cycle is Adaptability and scalability for future
Using growth and digital transformation
faster, enabling swift data extraction
and transfer to structured formats Artificial Intelligence

Quick ROI
Error Reduction Reduced processing time and human
AI reduces the risk of human error achieves rapid ROI, resulting in
inaccuracies and costly mistakes long-term cost saving

Seamless Integration
Cost Savings
Smooth integration with
Automating labor-intensive tasks with AI SAP/Excel, making transition to
optimizes operational cost and enables AI-driven systems hassle-free
to allocate resources more effectively

Improved Compliance Scalability Customer Satisfaction

Faster invoice processing, timely billing and
Ensuring adherence to regulatory AI handles growing workload
payment, enhancing customer satisfaction,
requirements without compromising accuracy
building stronger business relationships
Business Objective for Invoice Processing RPA
Objective Solution
Streamline and Automate Invoice Processing Workflow AI-Powered RPA Application for Invoice Processing

Handling invoices big-data

from all of vendors

● Accelerated Invoice Processing

Extracting data (text) of any ● Enhanced Data Accuracy and Validation
kind from any type and format ● Improved Workflow Efficiency
of invoice documents ● Reduction in Manual Errors
● Cost and Time Savings

Ensuring state-of-the-art accuracy

and timeliness in processing
AI-Powered Solution for Invoice Processing

Computer Vision for OCR and Machine Learning for Data Natural Language Processing for
Invoice Text Extraction Structuring and Validation Handwritten Data Recognition


Customized to Meet Unique Integration with Existing Scalable and Adaptable

Business Requirements Systems and Workflows for Future Growth
Data Collection and Preprocessing
1 1) Gather invoices from various sources
2) Preprocess data to improve OCR accuracy and handle different formats

Optical Character Recognition (OCR)

1) Utilize OCR technology to extract text from digitally typed and scanned invoices
2 2) Employ advanced OCR algorithms to handle handwritten invoices with high accuracy
Technical 3) Process images and convert them into machine-readable text

Approach Natural Language Processing (NLP)

1) Apply NLP techniques to understand and interpret the extracted text
3 2) Identify key entities to extract as per the requirement of the output
3) Normalize and validate the data to ensure consistency and accuracy

Machine Learning Models

1) Implement machine learning models to recognize patterns and structures in data
4 2) Train models to classify invoices into categories based on their characteristics
3) Continuously improve model performance with feedback and data updates
Data Structuring and Transformation
1) Transform unstructured invoice data into a structured format, such as Excel
5 2) Organize information into relevant columns and rows for easy access and analysis
3) Incorporate business rules to handle exceptions and outliers

Exception Handling and Verification

1) Identify and handle exceptions, such as missing data or ambiguous information.
6 2) Enable user verification and correction to ensure data accuracy and reliability.
Approach Integration with Workflow (AI <> SAP)
1) Integrate the AI-powered solution into the existing invoice processing workflow
7 2) Allow seamless interaction between the AI system, human operators and SAP
3) Provide real-time updates and notifications for efficient decision-making

Scalability and Adaptability

8 1) Design the solution to scale with growing data volumes and business needs.
2) Make the system adaptable to handle new vendors and invoice formats.
Data Collection and Preparation
Integrate data from different sources into a unified dataset
Gather data from various
Merge and align relevant information from various invoice types
sources and formats
Create a comprehensive and structured dataset for analysis

Data Integration

Data Data Variety

Preprocessing Challenges
Clean and normalize the data to ensure consistency
Overcome the challenge of dealing with diverse invoice formats
Handle variations in document layout and formatting
Handle differences in layout, language, and data presentation
Address data quality issues, such as missing or inaccurate information
Implement robust preprocessing techniques to handle variability
Convert scanned images into machine-readable text using OCR
AI Text Extraction and Information Filtering
OCR (Optical Character Recognition)
1) Convert scanned documents into machine-readable
2) Extract textual data from all types of invoices
3) Achieve high accuracy in text extraction Handling Complex Documents
1) Handle diverse invoice layouts and formats for
robust text extraction.
NLP (Natural Language Processing) 2) Address challenges posed by unstructured data to
1) Apply NLP techniques to process and analyze the achieve comprehensive information filtering.
extracted text from invoices.
2) Understand the context and semantics of the data
for meaningful information extraction. Data Validation and Accuracy
3) Handle linguistic variations and complexities to 1) Implement validation mechanisms to ensure the
ensure comprehensive analysis. accuracy of extracted information.
2) Cross-reference with known patterns and formats
Information Filtering to detect errors or discrepancies.
1) Employ AI models to filter out essential information 3) Continuously optimize the filtering process based
from the extracted text. on feedback and validation results.
2) Identify key details such as invoice numbers, dates,
line items, and totals.
3) Classify and categorize data to create a structured
format for further processing.
Structured Data Output
Invoice Processing RPA
using AI

● The extracted information from

invoices will be organized into
a structured format.
● Key data fields, such as invoice
number, date, item details, and
totals, will be identified and
Timelines and Milestones: POC + Deployment
Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4
Data Cleaning and Structured Data
Preprocessing Output
● Collecting invoices from all ● Structuring the extracted
different vendors. information in a standardized
● Preprocessing the data to ensure format.
consistency and quality. ● Transferring the data to an Excel
● Addressing data challenges and file for easy access and analysis.
ensuring data variety. ● Validating the output against
Text Extraction ground truth data.
Project Kickoff
3 weeks and Information 2 weeks
● Requirement gathering and ● Implementing OCR and NLP
analysis. techniques for text extraction.
● Finalizing the scope and ● Training AI models for
objectives of the POC. information filtering and
● Defining the data sources and validation.
access requirements. ● Iteratively refining the models for

2 weeks 6 weeks
Timelines and Milestones: POC + Deployment
Phase 5 Phase 6 Phase 7

Product Deployment
● Integrating the AI-powered
solution into the existing invoice
processing system.
● Conducting user training and
knowledge transfer.
● Finalizing the deliverables and
project documentation.
Performance Final Review and
Evaluation 4 weeks Handover
● Evaluating key performance
● Reviewing the POC results with
metrics, such as accuracy,
processing time, and error rate.
● Addressing any additional
● Benchmarking against industry
requirements or feedback.
standards and best practices.
● Handing over the project to the
● Identifying areas for optimization
client for further deployment.
and improvement.

2 weeks 1 weeks
Do you have any questions?
Contact Us

Sudipto Banerjee
CEO, Founder

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