TP 2 Analytique Flamme

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Faculty of Science Department of

Specialties: Master -1- Analytical Chemistry
and Analysis
Module: Analytical chemistry and analysis
TP N° 02
Flame spectrophotometer assay L’étudiant :
Année universitaire 2023/2024

Sommaire :
Le but.
Partie théorique
. Les matériels et les produits.
Mode expérimental.
Flame spectrophotometry offers interesting possibilities for the
study of the mineral composition of a wide variety of products
compared with conventional chemical methods. In particular,
it allows the measurement of sodium, potassium, calcium and
magnesium, with good precision, at very low concentrations;
Due to its speed, it lends itself perfectly to series dosing.
However, the application of flame spectrophotometry often
poses complex problems and it is important to focus first on
the validity of the results obtained. Despite the good
selectivity of the devices used, there is still interference due to
other elements present in the solution. The direction and
magnitude of this interference vary of course according to the
composition of the Product to be analyzed, but also according
to the device used. Flame photometers are used by soil
analysis laboratories, in education, as well as in the field
of ...Le Photomètre de flamme convertit un élément en vapeur,
transformant l'état de base des atomes vers un état excité. En
d'autres termes, l'eau de l'échantillon s'évapore, puis les
molécules restantes, qui atteignent un état excité, sont réduites
à l'état d'atome (sodium, potassium, calcium, lithium). Les
atomes excités vont revenir ensuite à leur état normal, en
libérant leurs énergies sous forme de photons. Le photomètre
de flamme capte les photons émis et identifie l'élément grâce
aux spectres d'émission
Les phénomènes physico-chimiques

Physicohimmic phenomena in the flame

2.Le but
The purpose of this lab is to: -Know the principle of the flame
photometer and know how to use the device. -Check the ion content
(Na+; Li+; k+; Ca++; Ba++) of mineral water.

3.Partie théorique
Flame atomic absorption spectrometry enables the
mono-elemental determination of major cations in
the mg/L range in liquid samples.

⇢Special case: flame photometer
⇢General case: o Atomization system: flame o Nebulizer: same as in
atomic absorption o Pre-mix burner: stable flame o Gas: propane-air
mixture or butane air De quoi est composé un photomètre de flamme ?

A flame photometer consists of 4 main elements: A nebulizer that

generates an aerosol of the solution to be analyzed A burner that
generates the flame in which the atoms are excited. An optical filter
that isolates the characteristic wavelength of the atom to be analyzed.
A photodetector and an air compressor for a JENWAY photometer

Filtres Na, K, Ca, Ba et Li livrés Détection électronique de la

flamme Affichage LED réglage de la sensibilité alimentation
en gaz : butane, propane ou gaz naturel photomètre de flamme
simple canal et basse température analyses : sodium,
potassium (standard), calcium, baryum et lithium (option)
détection automatique de défaut de flamme gamme : 0 à 199,9
ppm limite de détection : Na+ - K+ : ≤ 0,2 ppm Ca2+ : ≤ 15
ppm Li+ : ≤ 0,25 ppm Ba : ≤ 30 ppm reproductibilité : ±1 %
linéarité : ±2 % interférences : ≤ 0,5% sortie analogique 0-1 V

Which ions are usually measured by flame

Les ions généralement dosés par photométrie de flamme
sont le Na (sodium), K (potassium), Li (lithium), Ba (baryum)
et Ca (calcium)

What gases are used with a flame photometer?

The gases are generally, butane or propane or natural
gas. They depend on the desired flame temperature.

Principe :
The process involves heating the metal ions in a sample
and using a detector to capture the light emissions
produced during their excitation. To do this, a carrier
gas system transports the nebulized sample into a flame
where the excitation occurs. Like many analytical
methods, there needs to be a calibration system to
determine the amount of metal present in the sample.
Let's say M represents the metal cation and X represents
its counteranion. The atomization process begins when
the nebulized analyte (MX-aerosol) enters the flame
within the instrument. The first step is the evaporation
of the solvent, leaving behind finThe process involves
heating the metal ions in a sample and using a detector
to capture the light emissions produced during their
excitation. To do this, a carrier gas system transports the
nebulized sample into a flame where the excitation
occurs. Like many analytical methods, there needs to be
a calibration system to determine the amount of metal
present in the sample. Let's say M represents the metal
cation and X represents its counteranion. The
atomization process begins when the nebulized analyte
(MX-aerosol) enters the flame within the instrument.
The first step is the evaporation of the solvent, leaving
behind fine particles of the analyte in a solid form (MX
- solid aerosol). The second step is the volatilization of
the solid analyte, transforming it from a solid to a
gaseous state (MX - gas). At this stage, there may be
several phenomena occurring. The first is the excitation
of the molecule (MX*). The second is the dissociation
of the salt (M(g) + X(g)). At this point, we can observe
three phenomena. The first is the desired excitation of
the gaseous metal (M*). The second is the ionization of
the gaseous metal, where the metal absorbs enough
energy during excitation to expel a valence electron
(M+ + e-). This ion can also be excited (M+*). The third
is the association of the gaseous metal with another
atom or molecule in the gaseous state, such as MOH.
This molecule can also be excited (MOH*). In the
second and third cases, the emission wavelengths are
different from the first case and do not interfere. In
some situations, it may be preferable to measure the
emission wavelength of the excited ion or associated
excited molecule, as the signal is stronger. e particles of
the analyte in a solid form (MX - solid aerosol). The
second step is the volatilization of the solid analyte,
transforming it from a solid to a gaseous state (MX -
gas). At this stage, there may be several phenomena
occurring. The first is the excitation of the molecule
(MX*). The second is the dissociation of the salt (M(g)
+ X(g)). At this point, we can observe three phenomena.
The first is the desired excitation of the gaseous metal
(M*). The second is the ionization of the gaseous metal,
where the metal absorbs enough energy during
excitation to expel a valence electron (M+ + e-). This
ion can also be excited (M+*). The third is the
association of the gaseous metal with another atom or
molecule in the gaseous state, such as MOH. This
molecule can also be excited (MOH*). In the second
and third cases, the emission wavelengths are different
from the first case and do not interfere. In some
situations, it may be preferable to measure the emission
wavelength of the excited ion or associated excited
molecule, as the signal is stronger.
Technique analytique
The flame photometry analysis technique involves
comparing a series of standard solutions that have
similar properties to the unknown solutions.

4.Les matériels et les produits

Matériel Produits
Bécher L’eau distillé
Fioles L’eau minérale
Pipette graduée Solution standard de Na+

5 .Mode expérimental
First, we will calculate the volume of the mother solution.

En utilise la solution de sodium

In a 50ml flask, the concentration of Na+ is 30mg/l in a solution

with a total of 1000mg/l.

The equation 1000 multiplied by V is equal to 50 multiplied by

30. This can be rewritten as V equals the product of 50 and 30
divided by 1000. Therefore, V is equal to 1.5 milliliters.

We take 1.5 ml of standard solution using a graduated pipette

(+/- 0.01 ml) and transfer it into a 50 ml flask. Then, we add
water to fill it up to the gauge.

We put distilled water into a beaker and adjust it to 0. We let the

distilled water absorb for a few minutes.

After setting up the standard solution in the apparatus, the

apparatus absorbs the Na+ standard solution and the flame's
color changes to orange. After that, the value is fixed in the
apparatus and written down, and the tube is rinsed with distilled
water. Then, a flask is obtained and filled with mineral water,
specifically IFRI water. The tube is placed in the flask and the
apparatus injects the solution. The value is displayed in the
apparatus and we check the displayed value against the value
written on the bottle.
L’eau minérale La valeur dans la La valeur affichée
bouteille dans l’appareille
IFRI 33 mg/ l 56 mg/l
MANBAA 68 mg/l 57 mg/l
OUWIS 60 mg/l 87 mg/l

The values are far from each other

It is concluded that flame spectrometry technique is a method.

very precise that allows for the analysis of water (solution) and
defines the concentration

d’un quelle ion dans cette eau.

Analytical applications to alkali and alkaline earth elements

allow for the identification of essential characteristics, which can
be summarized as follows: simplicity of equipment and
procedures; sensitivity comparable to that of common chemical
methods, often with better precision; and finally, extremely rapid


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