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Test Code: APTI-3 Max.

Marks: 28
Note : Negative mark of 0.25 for every wrong answers Each question carries one mark. 1.

Date: 17 January 2007 Time Duration: 20 minutes


A trader purchases two sofa sets at price which are in ratio 5 : 3. The profit percentage he made on second set twice the (Numerical value) loss made on the first set. In entire transaction the trader make gain of 2.5%. What is loss percentage on the first set? (a) 16% (b) 12% (c) 20% (d) 12.5% A student calculated a percentage of profit on a transaction by taking SP as a base and arrived at figure 50% profit. What is correct profit percentage? (a) 50% (b) 66.66% (c) 100% (d) 200% The price of sugar decreased by 20% and then increased by 50%. By what percentage should a House wife now increase/decrease her consumption so that expenditure on sugar remains same? (a) 30% decrease (b) 16.66% decrease (c) 6.25% decrease (d) 6.25% increase An item was sold at price after giving 2 discounts of 30% and 50%. If selling price of item was Rs. 448. Then what was marked price of the item? (a) Rs. 849 (b) Rs. 1280 (c) Rs. 1140 (d) Rs. 1640 A person sold two refrigerators each for Rs. 5060. On one he gained 10% and on other he lost 8%. Find overall profit or loss. (a) RS.20 loss (b) Rs.20 profit (c) Rs. 10 loss (d) Rs. 10 profit Mr. Agarwal, a shopkeeper defrauds both retailer and customer by measuring the weights incorrectly. When he is purchasing the items from the retailer, he takes 20% more than the indicated weight. When he is selling to the customer he gives 20% less than the indicated weight. If he proposes to sell the items at CP, then what profit % he makes. (a) 40% (b) 44% (c) 50% (d) 43.2% Amar travels by Delhi metro to his office from his home & back. The train fare from his home is Rs. 10 and from office to home is Rs.14. Amar has monthly discount pass, he needs to pay 60% of fare every time that he travels by train. If pass cost Rs.192, find minimum number of days he has to travel by Delhi Metro Train to his office & back in order to save the money that he spent money on buying the pass. (a) 20 (b) 21 (c) 22 (d) 24 A property dealer sell a 2500 sq. ft. house for Rs. 6,30,000 and in bargain makes a profit of 5%. Had he sold it for Rs. 5,10,000 then what percentage of loss he would have made? (a) 16.66% loss (b) 18% (c) 15.5% (d) 15% A shopkeeper sold an article at profit of 17.5%. If he had brought it at 8% loss and sold at 30% profit he would have earned Rs. 11.55 more as profit: CP of an article is: (a) Rs.550 (b) Rs.750 (c) Rs.675 (d) Rs.475 If 7 kg of Tata tea price Rs.72/kg is blended with 33 kg of Lipton tea of Rs. 87/kg and 35 kg of Brooke Bond tea cost Rs. 85/kg. The mixture is sold at 15% profit. Then what is selling price/kg of mixture? (a) Rs. 84.66 (b) Rs.91.22 (c) Rs. 97.37 (d) None of these EEE/CPC/R/A3/1











A fruit vendor purchased 88 dozens of bananas at Rs. 10 P per dozen. Out of this 18 dozens were rotten, therefore, he sold those for Rs. 5/dozen. He sold 45 dozens for Rs.12/dozen. Find total profit made. (a) 18.38% (b) 16.6% (c) 17.05% (d) None If the cost of 12 pencils is equal to the SP of 10 pencils, the profit percentage in transaction is (a) 16.66% (b) 20% (c) 25% (d) 18% A retail has four schemes to sell a product. Which scheme will he opt to minimize loss? (a) Discount of 30%. (b) Successive discount of 10%,10%,10% (c) Successive discount of 5%, 10%, 15% (d) Discount of 10% and 20% A manufacturer estimates that on inspection 12% of the articles he produces will be rejected. He accepts an order to supply 22, 000 articles at Rs. 7.50 each. He estimates the profit on his outlay including the manufacturing of rejected articles to be 20%. Find the cost of manufacturing each article. (a) Rs. 6 (b) Rs. 5.50 (c) Rs. 5 (d) Rs. 4.50 A dishonest dealer marks up tile price of his goods by 20% and gives discount of 10% to the customer. He also uses a 900 gram weight instead of a 1 kilogram weight. Find his percentage profit due to these maneuvers (a) 8% (b) 12% (c) 20% (d) None of these Ganeshan bought 100 kg of rice for Rs. 1100 and sold it at a loss of as much money as he received for 20 kg rice. At what price did he sell the rice? (a) Rs. 9 per kg (b) Rs. 9.1666 per kg (c) Rs. 9.5 per kg (d) Rs. 10.33 per kg A merchant marks a profit of 20% by selling .an article. What would be the percentage change in the profit percent had he paid 10% less for it and the customer paid 10% more for it ? (a) 120% (b) 125% (c) 133.33% (d) 150% A driver of a autorickshaw makes a profit of 20% on every trip when he carries 3 passengers and the price of petrol is Rs. 30 a litre. Find the percentage profit for same journey if he goes for four passengers per trip and the price of petrol reduces to Rs. 24 litre? (Assume that revenue per passenger is the same in both the cases) (a) 33.33% (b) 65.66% (c) 100% (d) Data inadequate A shopkeeper purchased 40 litres of milk at the rate of Rs. 2.00 per litre and 60 litres of milk at the rate of Rs. 2.25 from two sellers. He sold the whole milk at the rate of Rs. 2.35 per litre. Find his profit or loss percent. (a) 9.3% (b) 10.3% (c) 11 (d) 12% A manufacturer fixes the price of his product by adding 20% to cost. He, than allows some discount to the customers on this marked price. He still makes a profit of 8%. Find out the rate of discount. (a) 5% (b) 8% (c) 20% (d) 10% With a view to attract a large number of visitors the authorities of an exhibition reduced the admission fee of 25 paise per head by 24%. This increased the daily sale proceeds by 33%. Find out the percentage increase in visitors. (a) 50% (b) 70% (c) 75% (d) None Prashant sells his goods 10% cheaper than Rajat and 10% dearer than Mayur. A customer purchases goods worth Rs. 11,200 from Prashant. What will the profit or loss for him to buy half of the goods from Rajat and half of the goods from Mayur? (a) Rs. 113.11 loss (b) Rs.131.11 loss (c) Rs. 113.13 loss (d) None EEE/CPC/R/A3/2













A sold a watch to B at a profit of 50 per cent, B then sold it to C, C sold it to D, and D sold it to E, each at the same profit of 50 per cent. If Rs.180 be the difference between the prices at which C and E bought the watch, the price at which C sold the watch to D is (a) 64 (b) 60 (c) 256 (d) 216 40% of the gross receipts of a Ltd. Company is taken up in meeting the working expenses; 40% of the remainder goes to reserve fund and the balance is paid away as dividends to shareholders at the rate of 3.33 % on their shares, the total value of which is Rs. 8,64,000. Find the amount of gross receipts. (a) 86,000 (b) 80,000 (c) 84,000 (d) None An almirah manufacturer wishes to make a clear profit of 20% on cost after allowing 16% discount. If the cost price rises by 15%; by what percent should he reduce the rate of discount so as to make the same 20% profit? (a) 15.6% (b) 17.6% (c) 17.7% (d) None Mr. Pratap purchased 1,000 meters cloth @ Rs. 30 per meter and got a discount of 25%. He sold 750 meters at cost price before discount and another 200 meters at the same price, but on this he had to allow 20% discount. Assuming that the remaining prices would be sold for Rs. 825 only, find the percentage of profit on the whole deal. (a) 20% (b) 25% (c) 30% (d) None A sewing machine with a marked price of Rs. 400 was being sold at a 10% discount for cash payment and during the stock clearance a further discount was offered so that the machine now costs Rs. 342. What was the second discount offered? (a) 2.5% (b) 5% (c) 7.5% (d) 8% The list price of an article is Rs. 1200. If it is available on a discount series of 10%, 8% 5%, the selling price of the article is: (a) Rs. 1080.00 (b) Rs. 993.92 (c) Rs. 943.93 (d) Rs. 812.76







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