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Complete o exercício com o artigo definido the, ou o artigo indefinido a(n).

Se nenhum dos
artigos for necessário, utilize o hífen ( - ).
1. I love living in this __________ city.
a) no article
b) a
c) the
2. Generally speaking, __________ boys are physically stronger than girls.
a) a
b) no article
c) the
3. Bill enjoys reading __________ mystery novels.
a) a
b) the
c) no article
4. __________ girl that I told you about is standing over there.
a) A
b) The
c) no article
5. Where did you go last night? We went to __________ restaurant that you recommended.
a) the
b) a
c) no article
6. He is __________ really good person.
a) the
b) a
c) no article
7. My brother is __________ expert at fixing cars.
a) the
b) no article
c) an
8. __________ Paris is a beautiful city.
a) A
b) no article
c) The
9. My __________ teacher’s name is William.
a) no article
b) a
c) the
02. ________ lion is _______ biggest animal in ________ circus.
a)The – the – …
b)That – a – …
c)This – the – the
d)A – a – the
e)A – an – a
03. ________ jealous husband is ________ unpredictable man.
a)A – a
b)The – a
c)A – an
d)A – …
e)… – the
04. (ITA) ________ Pacific and ________ Atlantic are ________ oceans. ________ Alps are
________ mountains, and ________ Amazon is a river.
a)The / … / the/ … /the/ …
b)… / the / … / … / … / the
c)The / the / … / the / … / the
d)The / the / … / … / … / the
e)The / the / the / the / the / the
05. (UNIP) It’s ________ honor to meet ________ young lady from ________ Sweden.
a)a / an / an
b)an / a / a
c)a / an / a
d)an / a / …
e)a / a / a

06. ____ one-dollar bill is ______ useful thing for changes when buying goods.
a) A – a
b)The – a
c)A – an
d)A – …
e)… – the
07. _____Rhine is _____ longest river in ______ Germany.
a)… – a – …
b)… – the – …
c)The – the – …
d)… – the – the
e)The – the – the

08. ______ watches that they build in Switzerland have ____ high reputation.
a)The – the
b)The – …
c)… / …
d)The / an
e)The / a

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