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In the beggining of the movie we can see how Tony stark receives a prize, but he is not there so
this partner receives for him. In the second scene Tony goes to his plane to afganistan for a missile
presentation, this missile it is a new technology of stark industries, when the presentation is over
and tony is going to the plane , the comboy of ARMY was attacked fot the ten rings( this is a group
of terrosrist in the middle east) Tony leave de car and that moment a missile hits him, he was
nocked for a long time, when he gets up he sees that he has his heart connected to a car
battery ,after the ten rings force him to create the new missile Jerico for them, TONY has a assistan
and Tony shows him a plan to get out from there.

The first step is to create a mini arc reactor for his heart, after 4 months they build the iconic mark
1, when they are going to leave their assistant dies , and tony continues his plan alone .the US
ARMY finds Tony, when he come back to USA he decides to closed the stark industries weapons
manufacturing industry.

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