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Bronze Medallion Class Notes



A - airways

B - breathing

C - circulation (pinch finger)


Always - unconscious ask around

S - signs and symptoms

A - allergies

M - medication

P - past medical history

L - last oral intake

E - events leading to

Fast - Stroke

F - face droops (half the face)

A - arms

S - speech (drunk)

T - very little time (call 911 asap) 1st

Semi prone


- warm - towel, blanket, hot drink

A - A,B,Cs (2 deep breaths)

R - rest and reassure

T - treatment

S - semi prone - on side

- pregnant - lay on left side

Goals of First Aid (3 ps)

P - preserve life

P - prevent further injury

P - promote recovery

Keep in mind while doing first aid

● Offer them help

● Only do first aid up to what you know
● Do not leave until paramedics arrive
● Gloves/pocket mask to protect both

911 Phone call

● Where are you?

● What happened?
● Gender
● Age (guess if Dk)
● Injury
● Level of consciousness/awareness
○ Confusion
○ Amnesia
○ Fully Aware
● Number of victims
● Indicate where the ambulance shows up
● Give your name/phone number
● Time of arrival
● Update 911 on situation
● Sample

● no wire (electrical)
● no fire
● no glass
● no gas
● Assess victim - act upon the situation
● Try and help if possible


● Mild - still be coughing

● Tell them to keep coughing (ask if u can help)
● Severe - can’t breathe at all
● Unconscious - also cpr
● J thrust (x5)
● Under ribs and J shape
● Curved hits (x5)
● Hit between shoulder blades

Heart Attacks

● Angina and heart attack is similar

● Angina
● Angina is a medical disorder caused by poor blood circulation to the heart. The heart
muscle is having what might be considered muscle pain or muscle spasm.
● Signs and Symptoms
● Pain, pressure or tightness in the chest or shoulder
● Trouble breathing, shortness of breath
● Flushed face, sweating
● Anxiety, fear
● Shock


● Assess responsiveness, maintain and open airway and asses the victims breathing.
Start CPR if needed
● Contact EMS.
● Assist the victim into a comfortable position
● Help the victim take his or her angina medication as per the 2 low dose of ASA
(aspirin), chew or let it dissolve, unless the victim is allergic to ASA or has been
advised by a doctor not to take ASA tablets. (Sexually enhancing drugs - viagra)
● Loosen tight clothing around the neck and chest
● Treat for shock - WARTS
● Give oxygen if you are trained


R - rest and reassure

E - elevate

D - direct pressure

Minor bleed: scratch, little cut, nosebleed (not life threatening)

Major gash: stab wound, bullet wound, and big cut (life threatening)

● Do not take anything out

● For all internal bleeding treat for shock and call 911
● If smth is in the eye cover both eyes so that they don’t move
● Place gauze like jenga - on top of previous pieces, don’t take off and put new one


● with rabies: call 911, disinfect and pack it

● Inform 911 what animal


Types of burns - heat, friction, chemical, sunburn

Always treat for shock

1st degree burns: sunburns, red, tender to the touch,

● minor
● treat with cold or aloe

2nd degree burns: blistering, swelling, tender or sore

● cold compress
● Burns upper thin layer of skin
● Hot to the touch - very sensitive

3rd degree burns: burns through all layers of the skin, lose sensation, colours from red -

● major call to 911 and bring to hospital

Separate burn fingers - so they don’t melt together

Broken Bones


R - rest

I - immobilize (don’t move it)

C - cold compress (helps swelling)

E - elevate (helps control swelling)


● Looks blue - lips and fingers

● Loss of consciousness

Helping them

● protect head (hold head at back or use blanket in first aid kit)
● Semi prone - lay on side so they don’t choke from frothing of the mouth - all you can


● diabetic emergency
● Look for bracelet identifying diabetic condition
● two types - type one and two
● Hypoglycaemia - not enough sugar
● Signs and symptoms
● Pale, cold and clammy skin
● Restlessness and weakness
● Fear and anxiety
● Confusion and disorientation
● Weak rapid pulse
● Shallow rapid respiration
● Cyanosis of the lips and fingernails
● Give them juice box
● Treat for shock
● call 911 if situation doesn’t improve


● ingested or swallowed poisons

● Poisson control and ems
● Treat for shock
● Poison control will assist further

● Narcan spray, - unconscious and non breathing, will bring someone off high, may be


● pain
● Altered sensation (burning, pins and needles, numbness)
● White area on skin
● put in warm water not hot
● Put in blanket warm up with body heat, armpits knees


Signs and symptoms

● shivering, feeling cold

● Loss of muscular co ordination
● Decreased consciousness, confusion, disorientation, unconsciousness
● Fatigue
● Shock
● Call 911 if severe
● Warm them up slowly


● Itchiness, hives (red)

● Difficulty breathing (wheezing)
● Lower level of consciousness (confusion, disorientation)
● swelling facial features
● epi pen - half an hour
● Orange to the thigh, blue to the sky
● Call 911 treat for shock

AVPU - Scale

A - Alert (aware and responsive - eyes are moving)

V - Verbal (eyes do not open but is able to respond in some way)

P - Pain (trying to wake them up - not alert or responding verbally) (pinch earlobe, bone on
eye or neck, patient will roll away)

U - unresponsive (not responding to anything)

Test Review - Bronze Medallion

What are the goals of first aid

3 ps

Preserve life, prevent further injury and promote further recovery (a)

Before you assist with first aid you must follow the proper protocols by first

Ask victim first for permission if conscious (b)

If first aid standard of care means

Acting as a responsible person within your training scope (c)

When approaching a incident scene you should first

Check for hazards (d)

You should contact ems for victims who

All of the above (d)

Use of barriers is important because they

Protect you and the victim from each other (c)

Poisonous gas, smoke, suffocation and drowning may result in breath difficulty caused by

Reduced oxygen supply (b)

AVPU stands for

Alert voice pain unresponsive (d)

When performing CPR which of the following apply

all the above (d)

Asthma is a breathing disorder in which airway sensitivity is increased the sensitivity results

Spasms of the airway of the airway muscles and increased production of mucus (c)

Treatment for hyperventilation should include

All of the above (d)

A drowning victim may experience symptoms up to 72 hours after the event due to

Aspiration of water or liquid (b)

What does FAST mean

Suspected stroke (a)

For victim experiencing chest pains what can you give them

Asa or aspirin (c)

Shock is

Inadequate circulation to the bodies vital tissue (a)

What is incorrect by using a Tourniquets

Used for any form of major bleeding on any part of the body (d)

Secondary assessment

All of the above (d)

What is the proper ratio of compression to breath for CPR

30:2 (d)

How to treat a nosebleed

Tilt head slightly forward

Grandma weakness in left leg and left arm, anxious and disoriented

Assist her into a comfortable position and call EMS (a)

Which of the following would be considered a full thickness burn

3rd degree burn

When should a victim with a sunburn seek medical assistance

Has widespread blistering, begins to vomit or develop a fever (d)

Treatment for an electrical burn should include

Cover both ends with dry dressing (a)

24 When should an AED not be used

If victim is located in oxygen rich environment (b)

25 (a) ventricular fibrillation

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