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Good afternoon everyone, to start the event today, I’d like to have your attention for these interesting
perfomances coming up.

1. I am sure almost everyone here has once listened to Kim My astonshing voice. And now you are gonna feel
even more with her performance through the song “Friends”
2. Coming up next is a dancing performance with the cute rythms of “Cupid”, promising dozens of energiy,
introducing you, Cupid from class 11D.
3. The event will be a lost if we don’t count our beloved tutor, Mister William. Good news for any rap lovers, he
is gonna perform a freestyle rap on the stage.

Good afternoon, first words, with all of our excitement, Minh Khang , wants to give all of you a special thank for
your attendance today.

Ladies and gentlemen, today is the day we create memories, relationship and even more. With dozen of
extracurricular activities, made possible by Education Solutions Viet Nam, for 4 individual grades from Duy Tan
High School, in order to have a magnificent impact on qualities and English users quantities. Moreover, these
activities are the cooperation with Ministry of Education & Training. That is the reason we are here today.

I’d like to introduce you our special guests and judges for today event:
- The Principal of Duy Tan High School, Mister Le Cong Cuong.
- The Vice Principal, Miss Dang Thi Hong Hiep
- The Head Foreign Teacher, Mister William Adkins
- Teaching Staffs of Duy Tan high school
- DTP corporation
And with 4 classes have all attended today.
3. Next up, I’d be honour to have The Principal, Mister Le Cong Cuong, on the stage with a little speech of him.
4. For the next activity, I’d like to introduce Miss Ngoc Nu on the stage, to have some fun with the audience with
minigame “What is in the box?”.
5. And now, it’s about time we headed the first activity of the event “We introduce ourselves”
Lets hear what features does class 10A1 have for us at the start of the activity. Introducing, class 10A1.
Next up, I’d like to invite class 10D and their unique presentation for today’s activity.
For the next part, class 11A is gonna show us a fancy video for the event.
And the last but not least, 11D with also another funny video for their introduction.
6. Upcoming is our second activity of the day, “We share together”
With our first participant, class 10A1 with their topic, “Flood”
Next up is our second participant, class 11A. Lets hear they discuss about “Recycling”
7. Lets change the atmosphere a little bit. For the next I believe you all will be amazed by a singing perfomance
by class 10D, with a popular song you have already seen so much on the media “At my worst”
8. Head back to the activity is “pollution”, the topic from class 10D bring up for today.
9. And save for the last, is probably a well-known topic for all of us, “animal extinction” by class 11D.
10. For now, it is gonna live up our efforts and expectations. The Fashion Show with Recycling. Lets see what do
our participants have for us today.
11. For the last activity of today, I’d like to invite Mister William to go on the stage and have fun with the
audiences. Introducing, Mister William
After a long day from tons of fun activities, I am sure we have created so much of moments and lessons for
each others. And now, I want to annouce our priceless award for the chosen one.

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