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Queen Emmas Visit With Us At Cloverleaf Spokesperson For Her People

This conversation and the channeling from Queen Emma occurred because of a ceremony the week before that was performed by Cloverleaf participants on February 28 where a strong, loving energy channeled through Kalena. It was later determined that it was Queen Emma, the Hawaiian queen and wife of King Kalakaua, who came as a spokesperson for her people, directing our spiritual service. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Esselie: Palm tree groves were marking places or cultural centers all around Polynesia. Places of commerce have many palm trees. Palm trees provided material to repair canoes, to provide food for the people and many other things. Ariana: Sometimes palm trees were planted in lines in a grove. The people of the past were buried and at that time a palm tree was planted. The body gave life to the palm tree that gave life to the people through the food, transportation and shelter. Esselie: And even more than that, they were all buried looking out to the ocean. Wai, in the Hawaiian language, means water. Vai is birth water. They considered the womans womb to be so sacred, as well as the birth water. Hawai`i is often pronounced Havai`i. It is so sacred. Everybody is Hawaiian because we are all of the Ha, which means the sacred breath and we all come from our mothers Vai or birth water. Ariana: So thats where the name came from! Esselie: And the last i in Hawai`i comes from `Ionalani, the highest, our Creator. This came through my kumu hula (teacher of hula), passed along from her mother and her grandmother. So that energy is what we were working with when Queen Emma directed us to do spiritual practices together. That energy needs to be set free, is what Im getting. Ariana: Then that was what our ceremony was about, not setting free spirits who were under the palm trees or stuck in astral planes but basically setting free the mindset of the Hawaiian people Esselie: and the government, the whole thing! Lisa: It was the group consciousness and the depression and trampling of their authentic spirit, which includes the basic spirit of Lemuria and every culture and even the depression of the feminine Esselie: The Tahitians came and grabbed on. The Russians came, the Germans, the Japanese, the Chinese, the Samoans, the Tongans, the Americans. They all came and latched on. 1

Lisa: It is what modern man is doing in every part of the world. This has happened in every part of the world! Esselie: The native indigenous people were connected into Spirit. They were connected into the energy of the place, the land, the beings and also their ancestors. It was like a whole circle and the people coming in from other countries were not connected. Lisa: This was done with the aboriginals in Australia, the Native Americans on the mainland. Theyre doing it down in the Amazon Esselie: South America. Theyre doing it with the Mayan teachings. A friend of mine just returned from spending time with the Mayans, sharing their most sacred ceremonies and he was sick to see how all of the different people, who were big in the Mayan prophecies of 2012, are making a lot of money by raping the whole idea. Petra: It sounds like there are a whole lot of native spirits that cant leave their land, that have not gone into the Spirit World for that reason. Ive heard that before. Maybe that is part of the mission we have now because we are connected with Hawai`i. Esselie: Some of the hula teachers are now bringing out and sharing what they know so I think our ceremony cleared away a lot to allow more it was like a huge door opening that will allow freedom and other understanding to come forth. It brings tears to my eyes, the depth of the interference and the need of the whole world for this knowledge. Now Im feeling theres a lot of energy coming in through me and also Earth energy. A lot is going through to balance all of this. Actually, thats what aloha is. Ariana: What does aloha mean, when you break it down? Esselie: Alo is sacred space. Ha is the sacred breath. It could be a location, your heart, your home or your body, for example. Aloha is the frequency of the heart. Once youve received it, it is passed on and kind of lit heart to heart. Petra: In a way it is passed on through resonance and resonance is something that you feel in your gut. It is not coming from your head. Esselie: Its even bigger than this, Im getting, because there is so much opening up that needs to happen in the world and is happening. Were moving forward and this is what is moving. Whatever you do, as long as it is done with love and aloha, the real thing gets done because aloha, which is unconditional love or Divine love, is the highest energy and it entrains everything else to itself. Ariana: How beautiful Esselie. I think its really important for us to put this information out into the world. Tremendously important. Just to wrap up the meanings of words, the an at the end of Hawai`i or in the names of other countries means the family of mankind. There is an an in man and woman. It is all to do with promoting the oneness of the worldwide family. Think about Hawaiian, Russian, African, Canadian, Japan, England, American.

Spread The Love

Queen Emma: Devoted souls, I am the energy of Queen Emma that was known to the people of Hawai`i and I come with a smile on my face to realize the monumental work that you began last Sunday in your circle of Light, channeling my energy through Kalena. I come this time to thank all who were there and all who understand the energies because of the Light that is being spread. I am so thrilled because the Hawaiian ways have been crushed and downtrodden, both the land and the people and now, little by little and certainly through the kumu hulas, they have been energized and enlightened in order to give the story of the Hawaiian ways out to those who would listen. Those ways are the ways of Spirit but the way of the White man, those who came to take possession of the Hawaiian lands, were actually practicing the ways of greed, even though they first came in the name of God. It did not end up being of God. I came to speak for my people and to lead you through a process that night that began an energetic shift, not only on Kauai but throughout the islands of Hawai`i because it awakened all those who are buried under palm trees who are now in their own heaven. It awakened them to understand that there is a shift occurring and that they are part of it. They are part of this wondrous shift that your people are going through from materialism back to spirituality, to love, to the heart. So as we awaken those ancestors of the Hawaiian who lay underneath the palm trees. We also ask those spirits of natives around the world to awaken for now is the time. Now is the time to spread the love that native people know and to spread it worldwide. As above, so below, when all those spirits become energized it will make a difference to their families who live on Earth who will become more open to change. The work done on Sunday I do now understand was an opening of energy that has worldwide significance. It is truly the beginning of the energy shifts that will occur between now and the Mayan prophecy year of 2012. This is in Divine Order and it is to do with the native people around the planet. They will provide themselves as examples. Male energy, in human form, will take on a more relaxed, softer feel. This is love awakening in the male. This has been occurring, little by little. There is a long way to go. We are looking for the time when there are an equal number of males and females at spiritual gatherings. You will notice, as time goes along and you will celebrate the male as they arrive in your circle for you know then that the energies are softening into love. I give my personal thanks to each and every one of you for listening to me and for understanding. I give special thanks to those who are studying the Hawaiian ways and who share and assist to spread the native ways. The energies of love are with you until the end of time. Do not worry, the world will not come to an end in 2012. Listen only to the stories of the Mayans and other native people and be aware also of the animals. Notice their habits and how they move and change. Look to nature because nature is your guide and your home. All of the Hawaiian ancestors in the Spirit World applaud you now! This group thanks you for your love, for understanding and for deciding to be partners in the Third Dimension with them. They will know you by your enlightened footsteps and enlightened footsteps are those of everybody present here and of anybody who reads this message with an open heart. Your enlightened footsteps will carry aloha around the world. 3

Ariana: Queen Emmas husband is here, King Kalakaua and he wants to thank us too. He is bowing to us. They both have tears of gratitude in their eyes. Esselie: King Kalakaua was an incredible person. He was the first monarch that left his land to travel around the world to visit other monarchs in other lands to share and to connect. He was the one that broke the tabu about monarchs leaving their land. He had such foresight that Iolani Palace in Honolulu had running water, interior bathrooms and electric lights before the White House had them. He was a very, very forward thinking monarch. He did so much to bring back the Hawaiian culture and traditions and also was open to share in other cultures. Ariana: He went to England to visit the Queen there Leslie: He went to Europe too and was making his way around the world. He did not take his wife with him and I think he passed away before he got back. Queen Emma remained as queen of her people when that occurred. Queen Emma Spoke through Ariana Sheran March 4, 2010 Cloverleaf Connection 138 Sturgeon Drive Saskatoon, SK Canada S7K 4B3 Web Site: E-mail: PRESENT: Ariana, Jeannie, Judie, Esselie, Lisa and Petra

"We must come together with one heart, one mind, one love and one determination." ~ William Commanda Life is external; and love is immortal; and death is only a horizon; and a horizon is nothing save the limit of sight. ~ Anonymous

We are immortal. We will always be together. ~ Brian L. Weiss, M.D., Author, Many Lives, Many Masters

The message of God is clear. No matter what the religion, no matter what the culture, no matter what the spiritual or indigenous tradition, the bottom line is identical: We are all one. ~ Neale Donald Walsch 4

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