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SEMI-FINAL Saint Joseph Institute of

EXAM Technology
ECE12 Corner Montilla Boulevard and T. Calo Calo
December 16, 2023 Certified : ISO 9001 :2000


Name of Student Score
Subject / Time ECE12 (6:15PM-7:45PM) MW Term FULL
(8:00AM-11:00AM) Sat
Instructor ENGR. JOEL J. ALMONTE Semester/AY SEM / SY 2023 -2024

TEST I. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Identify the letter of your choice that represents your answers.
(3 points each)

____1. What is the equivalent frequency response of a given Transfer Function H(s)?
a. 1/s c. H(ω)
b. H(jω) d. s = jω

____2. A signal defined as the difference between the highest and the lowest frequency of a particular type
of electromagnetic wave signal.
a. Signal c. Feedback
b. Bandwidth d. Frequency

____3. Steady-state behavior of systems to harmonic excitations over a range of input frequencies.
a. Frequency response c. Sensor
b. Control d. Noise

____4. For a process we may plot AR and PA as functions of frequency together in what is called a ___.
a. Bode diagram c. Controller
b. Amplitude ratio d. Phase angle

____5. These methods is often the most convenient for measurement of systems dynamics.
a. Frequency Response Methods c. Nyquist Stability Criterion
b. Frequency Domain Criteria d. Closed-loop control system

_____6. It is _____ responses of circuits that are of significance in many applications, especially in
communications and control systems.
a) Frequency response c) Frequency Response Methods
b) Input d.) Sinusoidal steady-state frequency

_____7. It is an interval between 2 frequencies with a ratio of 10 (between 10Hz and 100Hz or between
500Hz and 5000Hz).

a) Decade c) Input
b) Bandwidth d) Amplifiers

____ 8. In plotting, what is the equivalent phase angle given zero (jω) at the origin.
a. 180 degs. c. 270 degs
b. 90 degs. d. 360 degs

____ 9. The frequency where the two asymptotic lines meet is called the ___.
a. Corner frequency c. Frequency response
b. Frequency drive d. Amplifiers

____10. It states the number of encirclements about the critical point (1+j0) must be equal to the poles of
characteristic equation, which is nothing but the poles of the open loop transfer function in the right half of the
“s” plane.
a. Closed-loop control system c. Nyquist stability criterion
b. Simplified Nyquist Criterion d. Frequency domain criteria

____11. The measure of how close the system is to instability.

a. Disturbances c. Amplifiers
b. Output d. Relative stability

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____12. This can be alternately visualized on the Nichol’s chart, where the magnitude in dB is plotted along
the vertical axis, and the phase in degrees is plotted along the horizontal axis.
a. Frequency response c. Positive response
b. Closed-loop frequency response d. Amplifier

____13. The difference between input and output phases is called ___.
a. Bode diagram c. Controller
b. Amplitude ratio d. Phase angle

____14. It is the ratio of output amplitude to input, usually a function of the frequency.
a. Magnitude Response c. Phase Response
b. Amplitude response d. Frequency Response

____15. In frequency response, what response called that tells you by how much a pure tone at ω will be
advanced in phase.
a. Phase Response c. Magnitude Response
b. Frequency Response d. none of the above

____16. In frequency response, what response called that tells you by how much a pure tone at ω will be
a. Phase Response c. Magnitude Response
b. Frequency Response d. none of the above

TEST III. SOLVING. Show your solutions. (13pts each)

1. Find the frequency response of a first-order system, with

2. Determine the steady-forced response of a system with transfer function:

To the following sinusoidal inputs.

(a) R(t) = 2sin 0.5t
(b) R(t) = 2sin 5t
Note the effect of frequency on output amplitude and phase shift.



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CEA Instructor

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