Photovoltaic System

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Renewable energies have multiplied sector including solar energy, Biomass energy, wind energy,

geothermal energy…, which make renewable energy like a very wide field requiring a large technical and
deep theory since it exploit all-natural resource such as forest asset, grand water, natural gas, solar
energy…. In our work we will focused on solar energy and more specifically on photovoltaics technology.

Photovoltaic capacity has increased during all the world, which makes scientific research focus on
photovoltaic energy as one of the most important potential future natural resources for a billion of people.

The photovoltaic system is very sensitive to environmental factors, that affect his performance such as:

- Humidity
- Temperature
- Cloud cover
- Solar radiation

In order to ensure the effective growth of solar energy it is required to:

• Monitoring approach (IOT):

This approach will divide to three parts:

- Data collection
- Data processing
- Data displayed

This approach is for:

- Performance verification on real Time

- Discovering issue, anomalies, faults early to increased photovoltaic system ‘s durability
- Cloud storage, to make it easier for user to have an actual state of the photovoltaic system
• IA approach:
- Using huge data stored from a specified photovoltaic system including a several weather state,
provide an algorithm that can predicted the power consumption of the photovoltaic system
➔ This approach needs:
- Collecting data from several sensor considering different state of weather
- Training algorithm
- Testing and validation

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