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Who Am I?

Personality Profile Assignment

Name: ____________________ Block: ______

For this assignment, we are going to be looking at two different Personality Profile survey sites and comparing the

First, please login to your MyBlueprint page and look at the personality profile survey. (If you did this in grade 10 or
just want to redo your survey, please click the “restart” icon to do your survey over again.)

Once you have completed your My Blueprint survey and you have discovered your learning style, compare the results
with the results from the profile.

Letter Percentage

i 62

o 57

f 66

J 54

t 58

C) What do each of the letters mean?

I = Innervation
I = Intuition
T = thinking
J = Judging
Section: List bullet points:

Strengths Supportive, reliable, observant, enthusiastic, hardworking, good practical skills

Weaknesses Overly humble, Taking Things Personally, Repressing Their Feelings, Reluctant to Change,
Too Altruistic

Friendships Warm and supportive friendships

& Relationships

Career Paths very reliable, hardworking, and always ready to lend a hand to those who need it

Workplace Habits ISFJ personalities can always be relied on for their kindness and ability to listen carefully to

Next, go to Answer ALL of the questions as HONESTLY as you can.

Using the16 personalities results, answer the following questions:
A) What is the name of your designation from the 16 Personalities site?
B) What is your personality type? ISFJ - T

Personality Profile Notes:

Finally, write a comparitive paragraph based on the two survey results. Focus on the similarities, the differences and
your opinions of the results.
*Your writing should be between 200 – 300 words in length.*
I took two personality surveys one on my blueprint and one on 16 personalities. We’ll both surveys are about
personalities the 16 personalities has far more questions and delves into further depth. The myblueprint survey
well having less questions and more basic questions ended up with similar results to the 16 personalities test. Both
tests ended with my personality being caring and slightly introverted which I believe accurately represents me.
Though I do rather trust feeling over thinking and believe some of the traits are off on the My blueprint survey as
it doesn’t have enough information to achieve a true response, well on the 16 personalities it says I value feeling
over thought. Besides the feeling over thought trait the my blueprint survey says I’m more intuitive which I believe
it wrong and the 16 survey says I’m more observant which I believe to be more true to me. Although the tests are
not accurate I believe the 16 personalities survey accurately depicts my personality and the traits I possess. The 16
personalities survey calls my personality the defender and is described as family oriented which I believe describes
me well, it does say I would prefer practicality in life but personally I don’t see any point in being practical and
believe being impractical and inefficient brings more enjoyment to life. Both tests accurately breakdown my
personality with very little errors, I believe it’s impossible for a test to accurately predict or breakdown anyone’s
personality but believe the tests do well at breaking down the traits of certain personalities.

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