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Who Am I?

Personality Profile Assignment

For this assignment, we are going to be looking at two different Personality Profile survey sites
and comparing the results.

Part 1: Please login to your MyBlueprint page and look at the personality profile survey. (If you did
this in grade 10 or just want to redo your survey, please click the “restart” icon to do your survey
over again.)

Which personality type did you receive from your MyBlueprint survey? INTP

Letter: Designation:
I Introverted
N iNtuiting
T Thinking
P Perceiving
Place a screen shot of your Overview page from your MyBluePrint results below:
Once you have completed your My Blueprint survey and you have discovered your personality
type and some of its characteristics, compare the results with the results from the profile.

Letter Percentage

I 75

N 54

T 52

P 51

T 53

C) What do each of the letters mean?

__I___ = introverted
___N__ = intuitive

__T___ = thinking

__P___ = prospecting
___T = Turbulent

Notes from 16 Personalities Personality Profile pages

Section: List bullet points:

Strengths Analytical

Weaknesses Disconnected

Friendships Like anyone, people with the INTP personality type (Logicians)
& Relationships look to their friends for companionship and support

Career Paths The INTP personality type is well represented among

mathematicians, analysts, researchers, and scientists, particularly
in more abstract fields such as physics. Jobs in engineering and
technology can also be a match
Workplace INTPs crave intellectual stimulation, freedom to pursue their ideas,
and opportunities to solve challenging puzzles. And if they can
fulfill these needs with minimal social obligations and humdrum
administrative tasks

Attach a screen shot of your personality profile results (It can be found on the left hand side of
your Introductions page and looks something like this...)

Finally, write a comparitive paragraph (can be more than 1 paragraph) based on the two survey
results. Focus on the similarities, the differences and your opinions of the results.

*Your writing should be between 200 – 300 words in length.*

Based on the traits associated with the INTP personality type, I would say it acuratly represents
who I am and how I act, For example liking to solve complex problems ,exploring various topics
out of curiousity, and valuing my independence.

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