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- Algebra & Pronumerals & variable:

Letters are used to present (代表) number.
Eg. ‘4x = 6y – xy’ 中的代数是‘x , y’

- Expression:
Is a combination (组合) of numbers and pronumerals connected by any of the four operations
‘+ , - , × , ÷‘ brackets can also be used.
在一个式子里要有未知数和‘+,-,×,÷‘ & 括号
Eg. ‘4x + 3’

- Term:
Is a combination of numbers and variables connected with only multiplication and division.
Terms are separated with the operations + and -.
‘4x‘ 可以分为’4×x’ 这样就是一项
Eg. ‘6x – 2y’ = two-term (两项) expression.

- Coefficients:
Are the numbers being multiplied by pronumerals
Eg. ‘4x’ 的系数是 4

- Constant terms:
Consists of a number only
Eg. ‘4x + 5y +2’ 的常数项是 2。

- Evaluated:
Expression can be evaluated by substituting (替代) a number for a pronumeral.
Eg. If a = 2, a + 7 的答案是 2 + 7 = 9

- Order of operation
 Brackets ( )
 Dowers (幂&函数) eg. Power (2,3) = 2 的 3 次方
 Multiplication and division (× & ÷)
 Division (÷)

- Quotient:
Quotient = division

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