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Item Analysis an Effective Tool for Assessing Exam Quality, Designing Appropriate Exam and Determining Weakness in Teaching

October 2013 · Research and Development in Medical Education 2(2)

License · CC BY 4.0


Reza Ghaffari
Ghadam Ali Talebi Eyoub Eskandarzadeh Ali E. Oskouei
Tabriz University of Medical Sciences

Citations (6) References (12)


Introduction: Item analysis is an integrate component of course assessment which helps

observe the item characteristics and improve the quality of the course exam. It also Discover the world's
provides a guide for improving the teaching method to enhance the students’ learning
outcomes. However, item analysis results may not be applied to adjust the way teachers 25+ million
teach and improve the items characteristics. The purpose of this study was to determine members
the effect of item analysis in improving assessment and teaching quality. Methods: The
Item characteristics of the final exam for kinesiology course for physiotherapy students in 2 160+ million
semesters were studied. Improved and good multiple choice questions (MCQs) were then publication
conducted for another semester, followed by application of both good MCQs and improved pages
teaching for the other semester. The item characteristics were compared to observe any 2.3+ billion
Join for free
effect of good MCQs and teaching on educational performance. Results: The good MCQs citations
along with the improved teaching were associated with the greater mean score and the
students who passed the exam rather than those with only good MCQs. The percentage of
easy questions (42.5%) in students who received good MCQs and improved teaching
compared with those (15%) who only received good MCQs indicated that the improved
pool of questions were shifted from medium to easier questions. Conclusion: We
concluded that the item analysis should be followed by revised and improved teaching
method. It appears that improved item characteristics are associated with improved
teaching method and possibly with an improvement in students’ learning.

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Res Dev Med Educ, 2013, 2(2), 69-72

doi:10.5681/rdme.2013.016 ppropriate_Exam_and_Determining_Weakness_in_Teaching 10/12/2023, 8 15 PM

doi:10.5681/rdme.2013.016 Page 1 of 9
Res Dev Med Educ, 2013, 2(2), 69-72
Item Analysis an Effective T
ool for Assessing Exam Quality, Designing
Appropriate Exam and Determining W Weakness
eakness in T
Ghadam Ali Talebi1, Reza Ghaffari2, Eyoub Eskandarzadeh3, Ali E. Oskouei4*
Department of Physiotherapy, Faculty of Rehabilitation, T Tabriz
abriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran
Medical Education Research Center
Center,, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, TTabriz,
abriz, Iran
Faculty of Rehabilitation, T
abriz University of Medical Sciences, TTabriz,
abriz, Iran
Department of Physiotherapy, Faculty of Rehabilitation, T Tabriz
abriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran

1 2 3 4
1A R T I C L E
4 Article
Article Type Introduction: Item analysis is an integrate component of course assessment which helps
Ghadam Ali
Original Research Talebi , Reza Ghaffariobserve the item
, Eyoub characteristics, Ali
Eskandarzadeh andE.improve
Oskoueithe * quality of the course exam. It also
Department of Physiotherapy, Faculty provides a guide forTabriz
of Rehabilitation, improving
University theofteaching method to
Medical Sciences, enhance
Tabriz, Iran the students’ learning
Medical Education Research Centeroutcomes. , Tabriz University
However,of Medical
item Sciences,results
analysis Tabriz,may
Iran not be applied to adjust the way teachers
Article History
Faculty History::
of Rehabilitation, Tabriz University of improve
Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran
teach and the items characteristics. The purpose of this study was to determine
Received: Analysis
Department 12 Feb 2013 an
of Physiotherapy, Effective
of Rehabilitation,
effect of item
ool for
in improving
of MedicalExam Quality,
Sciences, Tabriz,
assessment and
teaching quality
quality.. Methods: The
Revised: 7 Aug 2013
Accepted: 23 Sept 2013
Exam and Determining W eakness in T eaching
Item characteristics of the nal exam for kinesiology course for physiotherapy students
N F2013
O A B2Ssemesters
in T R A C T were studied. Improved and good multiple choice questions (MCQs) were
Keywords then conducted for another semester, followed by application of both good MCQs and
Item Type:
analysis improved teaching for the other semester. The item characteristics were compared to
Students learning observe any effect of good MCQs and teaching on educational performance. Results:
Original Research The good MCQs along with the improved teaching were associated with the greater helps
mean score and Itemtheanalysis
students is anwhointegrate
passed component
the exam rather of course thanassessment
those withwhich only good
Article History: observe The
MCQs. the percentage
item characteristics and improve
of easy questions (42.5%) theinquality
students ofwhothe received
course exam. It also
good MCQs
Received: 12 Feb 2013 provides
and a guide
improved for improving
teaching compared thewith
(15%) towho enhance the students’
only received goodlearning
Revised: 7 Aug 2013 outcomes.that
indicated However, item analysis
the improved pool results may notwere
of questions be applied
shiftedtofrom adjustmedium
the waytoteachers
Accepted: 23 Sept 2013 teach and improve the items characteristics. The purpose of this should
study was
ePublished: 15 Oct 2013
questions. Conclusion: We concluded that the item analysis be to determine
followed by
the effectand of improved
item analysis teaching method.assessment
in improving It appears and thatteaching
improved item. Methods:
quality characteristics
Itemassociated with of
characteristics improved
the nalteaching
exam formethod
kinesiology and possibly
course forwith an improvement
physiotherapy in
Item analysis students’
in 2 semesterslearning.
were studied. Improved and good multiple choice questions (MCQs) were
Students learning
Assessment then conducted for another semester, followed by application of both good MCQs and
improved teaching for the other semester. The item characteristics were compared to
observe any effect of good MCQs and teaching on educational performance. Results:
The good MCQs along with the improved teaching were associated with the greater
Introduction mean score and the studentscapabilities, who passedthey theassess
exam the rather than those with only good
judgeship of students. 2) MCQs
Assessment is a main step in the MCQs. The percentage
process of education of easycan questions
assess a (42.5%) in students
greater amount who received
of educational aimsgood
and MCQs
by which the academic performance and improved
of students teaching
duringcompared contextswithin those
a limited(15%) time who
period. only 3) received
MCQs can good MCQs
be marked
a course attendance is tested.1,2 indicated It can bethat the improved
considered as pool of questions were shifted from medium to easier
easily and scored electronically. 4) In compared with
questions. Conclusion: We concluded that the item analysis should be followed by
an educational tool which determines the competent of true/false question type, it
revised and improved teaching method. It appears that improved item characteristics is unlikely to mark the correct
students in educational improvement as well as
are associated theimproved
with gap answer
teachingby method
chance. And 5) if the false
and possibly with an answers are written
improvement in
between educational aims and thestudents’ degree of learning. 1
learning. properly, MCQs may diagnose the misunderstanding and
Multi-choice questions (MCQs) are one of the written educational problems of students.3,7
question types used usually in theoretically-based course Question designing and consequently exam conducting is
activities3,5 Although MCQs normally 1,2 assess the low levels often considered as the end stage of the course activity.
of knowledge,
Introduction they can be improved to assess the high However, in order to fulll the process of education during
levels of knowledge, understanding, perception, applying, acapabilities,
course, it they
is necessary
assess thetojudgeship
study and analyze the
of students. items
2) MCQs
and problemis solving
Assessment a main stepprovided
in thethat they ofconstructed
process education
1 (questions)
can assess aquality.
greater Therefore, item analysis
amount of educational is an
aims integrate
and course
by which the 6 academic
appropriately. There areperformance
some benets for MCQs
of students .
during as component
contexts in aoflimited
coursetime assessment
period. 3) which
3,7 MCQs helps
can to
be observe
a course 1)attendance
MCQs areismore exible
tested. It than
can the
be other question
considered as the itemand
easily characteristics and to improve
scored electronically. 4) Inthecompared
quality ofwith
types and3,5in addition 1,8
an educational tool to level determines
which of knowledge theand justication
competent of overall
question Intype,
otherit words,
is unlikely exam assessment
to mark is a
the correct
students in educational improvement as well as the gap answer by chance. And 5) if the false answers are written
between educational aims and the degree of learning
*Corresponding authors: Ali Eteraf Oskouei, Email: properly, MCQs may diagnose the misunderstanding and
Multi-choice questions (MCQs) are one of the written
Copyright © 2013 by Tabriz University of Medical Sciences
educational problems of students.
question types6 used usually in theoretically-based course Question designing and consequently exam conducting is
activities Although MCQs normally assess the low levels often considered as the end stage of the course activity.
of knowledge, they can be improved to assess the high However, in order 1,8 to fulll the process of education during
levels of knowledge, understanding, perception, applying, a course, it is necessary to study and analyze the items
and problem solving provided that they constructed (questions) quality. Therefore, item analysis is an integrate
appropriately. There are some benets for MCQs as component of course assessment which helps to observe
follows: 1) MCQs are more exible than the other question the item characteristics and to improve the quality of the
types and in addition
*Corresponding to level
authors: of knowledge
Ali Eteraf Oskouei, Email:
justication overall exam. In other words, exam assessment is a
Copyright © 2013 by Tabriz University of Medical Sciences ppropriate_Exam_and_Determining_Weakness_in_Teaching 10/12/2023, 8 15 PM

Page 2 of 9
Talebi et al
dynamic process aimed at improvement the questions and deciency in content were deleted or revised.
Most studies have addressed the validity and reliability of
an exam, questions taxonomy, difculty and discrimination Stage 3
indices and, indeed suggested some advices to improve Stage 3 aimed at determining the possible strengths,
the exam level. Improvement of assessment quality based weakness, misunderstanding about the content, and
on item analysis may include the determination of proper distortion during teaching based on the descriptive analysis
Talebi et al6,9deletion of hard questions, deletion of questions in stage 1. The high difculty and poor discrimination
with poor discrimination power, improvement of validity indices of items, for instances, were taken into account
and reliability, and more importantly its application for to determine the teacher’s weakness in teaching which
the next semester. Furthermore, it provides a guide for needed to be improved. In stage 3, the parts of the course
dynamic process the teaching
aimed atstyle to enhance
improvement the students’
the questions and that shouldinbe
deciency highlywere
content emphasized
deleted oror taught differently
teaching. outcomes, as the strengths and weakness and were all revealed.
Most studies have during addressed teaching can be and
the validity revealed by item
reliability of Stage 3
analysis. Thus, item
an exam, questions analysisdifculty
taxonomy, seems toand be discrimination
crucial in the
process Stage 4
indices ofand, education.
indeed suggested some advices to improve Stage 3 aimed at determining the possible strengths,
the examis no study,
level. to our knowledge,
Improvement of assessment to investigate
quality based the In stage 4, misunderstanding
weakness, fall semester (group about3) the2011content,
and winterand
on itemofanalysis
item analysis and teaching
may include improvement
the determination on the
of proper semester
during 4) 2012 were
teaching basedused
on thetodescriptive
study the effect of
assessment of a course.
questions, deletion of hardTherefore, this study
questions, deletion aimed at
of questions good
in stageMCQs and high
1. The improved teaching
difculty andmethods on the exam
poor discrimination
determining the effect ofpower,
with poor discrimination the results of item analysis
improvement of validity in scores.
indices Specically,
of items, forthe goal of stage
instances, were 4taken
was tointodetermine
improving assessment
and reliability, and more and importantly
teaching quality. In the present
its application for whether descriptive
to determine statisticsweakness
the teacher’s of the improved questions
in teaching of
the nextMCQs questions
semester. of the course
Furthermore, it entitled
a guide for the group
needed to be3 and 4 wereIndifferent
improved. stage 3, from thoseofin
the parts thegroup
for physiotherapy
improving studentsstyle
the teaching were toanalyzed
enhance in four
the semesters
students’ and
that 2.should
be highlyincluded the routine
emphasized or teaching for group
taught differently
over threeoutcomes,
learning years. With as the
strengths and that weakness
physiotherapy and 3were
andall improved
revealed.teaching for group 4 with the equivalent
students of our faculty
misunderstanding duringin teaching
different can semesters are relatively
be revealed by item MCQs in nal exam for both groups.
at the same
analysis. level,
Thus, we analysis
item hypothesized seemsthat to item analysis
be crucial in and
the Final exam was conducted for group 3 and 4 and the
Stage 4
the corresponding
process of education. intervention on the exam and teaching questions were analyzed using the same software.
There iswould affecttotheour
no study, students’ learning
knowledge, to investigate the Descriptive
In stage 4, statistics
fall semester were (group
compared 3) 2011among and4 winter
effect of item analysis and teaching improvement on the groups.
semester (group 4) 2012 were used to study the effect of
Materials of amethods
course. Therefore, this study aimed at To
and improved similar validity
teaching and reliability
methods on the exam of
The current the effect of the
experimental results
study was of item analysis
conducted in four in the exam
scores. in all groups,
Specically, effective
the goal factors
of stage 4 was such as MCQs
to determine
stages assessment and teaching quality. In the present
as follows: construction policy, statistics
whether descriptive dif
ferent of
levels of learning,
the improved questions
questions of
study, 1MCQs questions of the course entitled “kinesiology” Taxonomy
the group ,3period
and 4ofwerethe exam, exam
different administration,
from those in groupsame1
for physiotherapy students were analyzed in four semesters numbers of questions,
and 2. Intervention and same
included scoringteaching
the routine were considered
for group
Stage 1 aimed
over three years. at With
determining the descriptive
the assumption statistics of
that physiotherapy as much
3 and as possible.
improved teaching for group 4 with the equivalent
nal exam questions in two semesters. Final
students of our faculty in different semesters are relatively exam for the MCQs in nal exam for both groups.
course was level,
at the same rst performed
we hypothesized following routine
that item teaching
analysis and Final exam was conducted for group 3 and 4 and the
for Data collection and analysis
the Bsc. physiotherapy
corresponding studentsoninthe
intervention winter
examsemester 2010
and teaching questions were analyzed using the same software.
method 1) wouldand affect
then 2011 (group learning
the students’ 2). Forty different, but In stage 1 andstatistics
Descriptive 3, descriptivewerestatistics
compared (mean value, standard
among 4 study
equivalent, MCQs were prepared for the nal exam of deviation,
groups. frequency, and percentage) of item analysis
each groupand
Materials (totally
methods80 MCQs for both groups). were calculated.
To regard In order
relatively to compare
similar validitytheandvariables among
reliability of
After conducting
The current experimental the examsstudyand announcing
was conducted the students’
in four groups,
the exam ANOV
in allA groups,
and Tokieffective
test were used. such
factors Nonparametric
as MCQs
score, the exam
stages as follows: questions were analyzed by using the statistics
construction (Crosstabs/Chi
policy, differentSquare/Phi
levels of&learning,
V) were
item analysis software customized by the Education used to compare
Taxonomy , periodtheof nominal
the exam,variables (pass/fail in exam,
exam administration, same
Stage 1
Development Centre, afliated with the Tabriz University and
numbers appropriate/inappropriate
of questions, and same questions
scoring were according
of Medical
Stage 1 aimed Sciences.
at determining the descriptive statistics of the difculty
as much index) among the test groups. The level of
as possible.
nal exam questions in two semesters. Final exam for the signicance was set at (P≤0.05) in all tests.
course2 was rst performed following routine teaching
Data collection and analysis
for Bsc.
The goalphysiotherapy
of stage 2 wasstudents in winter
to construct semester 2010
40 appropriate and Results
(groupMCQs1) and thenon 2011 (group 2). Forty different, of but In stage 1 andof
3, descriptive statistics (mean
good based the descriptive Item analysis 80 Four groups physiotherapy students at value, standard
the same level
equivalent,in MCQs
questions stage 1.were W prepared for
Wee considered thethe nal exam
following of
criteria deviation, frequency, and percentage) of item analysis
were selected for this research in which the nal exam of
in group (totally
constructing 80 MCQs
a new pool for of both groups).
questions: 1) questions werecourse
calculated. In order to compare the variables among
the was analyzed. Descriptive analysis of the test
conducting the less
examsthanand 0.3announcing the students’ groups,wasANOV A and Tokiintest were
with index and more than 0.7 were groups demonstrated T
able 1. used. Nonparametric
score, the 2) exam questions werediscrimination
analyzed by using the statistics (Crosstabs/Chi Square/Phi & Cramers
deleted, questions with poor (0.0–0.1) No difference was seen in the variables of the V) were
group 1
item analysis software customized by the Education used to compare
and negative discrimination indices were deleted, 3) (routine teaching the
and nominal
MCQs) andvariables
group 2(pass/fail
(routine in exam,
questions withCentre,
one orafliated
two marked with the Tabrizwhich
choices, University
is a and MCQs).
appropriate/inappropriate questions according to
and However, the number of students who passed
of MedicalofSciences.
reection inappropriateness of distracters choices, were the difculty index) among the test groups. The level of
the exam was statistically increased in group 4 (good
removed from the pool of questions, and 4) questions with signicance
MCQs and was set at (P≤0.05)
improved teaching)in all tests. with group
Stage 2
70 goal
| Res DevofMed
stage 2, was
Educ, 2013, to construct
2(2), 69-7240 appropriate and Results
Copyright © 2013 by Tabriz University of Medical Sciences
good MCQs based on the descriptive Item analysis of 80 Four groups of physiotherapy students at the same level
questions in stage 1. We considered the following criteria were selected for this research in which the nal exam of
in constructing a new pool of questions: 1) questions the course was analyzed. Descriptive analysis of the test
with difculty index less than 0.3 and more than 0.7 were groups was demonstrated in Table 1.
deleted, 2) questions with poor discrimination (0.0–0.1) No difference was seen in the variables of the group 1
and negative discrimination indices were deleted, 3) (routine teaching and MCQs) and group 2 (routine teaching
questions with one or two marked choices, which is a and MCQs). However, the number of students who passed
reection of inappropriateness of distracters choices, were the exam was statistically increased in group 4 (good
| Res Dev
70 Medthe
from Educ
pool of questions,
, 2013, ppropriate_Exam_and_Determining_Weakness_in_Teaching
2(2), 69-72 and 4) questions with 10/12/2023,
Copyright © 2013 by Tabriz University of Medical Sciences 8 15 PM
MCQs and improved teaching) compared with group Page 3 of 9
Item analysis

3 (good MCQs and routine teaching). Similarly, mean to the easier ones by comparing the percentage of easy
scores and the number of easy questions were signicantly questions (42.5%) in group 4 (who received good MCQs
greater for the group 4 compared with the group 3. and improved teaching) with the parentage (15%) in
group 3 (who only received good MCQs) This nding
Discussion together with the increased mean difculty index in group
The present study assessed the item analysis outcomes of 4 (0.65) compared with group 3 (0.54) provided support
the nal exam for kinesiology course for physiotherapy for the effectiveness of the improved teaching method. As
students in 4 different semesters over three years. far as we know there is not any evidence that would link
Item analysis
Our results suggested that the good MCQs along with the improved item characteristics to an adjusted teaching.
improved teaching, as done in group 4, were associated Although the item characteristics did not statistically show
with the greater mean score and students who passed the any difference in group 1 and 2, group 1 exam appeared
3 (good
exam MCQs
rather than and
thoseroutine teaching).
with only Similarly,
good MCQs. mean
Although to the
be appropriate
easier ones and its characteristics
by comparing were also
the percentage of quite
scores andand
teachers the some
of easy questions wereperform
institutions signicantly
item consistent with some
questions (42.5%) ndings.
in group 4 (who Needless
received to good
say that
MCQs the
greater for the group 4 compared with the group
analysis computing the statistical variable and indicators1, 3. idea
and that appropriateness
improved teaching) of an
withexam the is associated
parentage with
(15%) item
the results may not be applied to adjust the way teachers characteristics
group 3 (who has onlyitsreceived
limitation.good ForMCQs)
teach and improve the items indicators for better evaluation characteristics,
together with thesuch as IQ,
increased mean motivation, and in
difculty index learning
Thethepresent assessed the item analysis outcomes of style,
4 (0.65) are the
comparedfacts that
with need
group to 3 be taken
(0.54) into
The nding
the nal exam of for
the kinesiology
present study suggested
course an effective
for physiotherapy course activity and ofitem
for the effectiveness analysis. teaching
the improved However,method.with theAs
role of item
students in analysis that needed
4 different to beover
semesters considered
three during
years. assumption
far as we know that there
all testis groups
not any 10are equivalent,
evidence and duelink
that would to
suggestedGoodthat MCQs and improved
the good MCQs along teaching
with the lack of
improved better
item explanation,
characteristics it seems
to an that improved
adjusted item
improvedbased on as
teaching, thedoneitemin group
analysis variables
4, were were
associated characteristics
Although the item for characteristics
the kinesiologydid course might be linked
not statistically show
with the greaterwith mean
the increased
score andnumber
passedwhothe to
difference teaching.
in group 1 and 2, group 1 exam appeared
passed the exam
exam rather than with
thosethe withgreater meanMCQs.
only good score. This may
Although All
to be weappropriate
can say withand certainty is that the improved
its characteristics were also teaching
teachers that
and thesome routine teaching
academic should be
institutions adjusted
perform in
item is associated
consistent withwith
somethe appropriate
ndings. resultsto of
Needless saythethatitem
such a way
analysis that the the
computing possible weakness,
statistical variablemisunderstanding
and indicators1, analysis
idea that and possibly withofthe
appropriateness animproved learning outcomes,
exam is associated with item
and distortion
the results mayduring
not beteaching
applied to canadjust
be corrected. This so
the way teachers but the students’has
characteristics characteristics
its limitation. canForbe example,
with the
teach andimproved
the itemsmay in turn for
indicators affect theevaluation
better students’ educational
characteristics, progress.
such as IQ, motivation, and learning
learning and lead to an educational progress. Our results
of the students. style, are the facts that need to be taken into account in
The ndingtheofimproved
the present pool of questions
study suggested shifting (to
an effective course activity and item analysis. However, with the
of item extent)
needed to be (medium)
during assumption that all test groups are equivalent, and due to
a course activity. Good MCQs and improved teaching the lack of better explanation, it seems that improved item
method based on the item analysisTable variables characteristics
1. Descriptive for the kinesiology course might be linked
in four test groups.
associated with the increased number of students who to improved teaching.
Variable group 1 group 2 group 3 group 4 P value
passed the exam with the greater mean score. This may All we can say with certainty is that the improved teaching
Number ofthat the routine teaching should be adjusted
students 34 in is 23associated with
20 the appropriate28 results of the item
such a way that the possible weakness, misunderstanding analysis and possibly with the improved learning outcomes,
Number of the students who passed the exam (%) 25 (74%) 21 (91%) 11 (55%)* 23 (82%)* 0.03
and distortion during teaching can be corrected. This so but the students’ characteristics can be associated with the
called scores (out
improved of 20) may in turn affect 11.54±2.82
teaching educational progress.
the students’ 12.32±2.47 11±3.26* 13.28±3.12* 0.03
learning and lead to an educational progress. 8Our
Number of easy questions (%) (20%)
results 10 (25%) 6 (15%)* 17 (42.5%)*
indicated the improved pool of questions shifting (to
greater extent)questions
of medium from appropriate
(%) Table
(medium)1. Descriptive statistics
questions 20 (50%)
30 (75%) in four test groups.
30 (75%)* 20 (50%)* 0.01
Variable group 1 group 2 group 3 group 4 P value
Range of difculty index 0.02-0.97 0.0-0.95 0.05-0.90 0.03-0.92

Mean of students
difculty index 34
0.57±0.18 23
0.59±0.23 20
0.54±0.17 28
0.65±0.16 0.07
P ≤ 0.05of the students who passed the exam (%) 25 (74%) 21 (91%) 11 (55%)* 23 (82%)* 0.03
Mean±SD scores (out of 20) 11.54±2.82 12.32±2.47 11±3.26* 13.28±3.12* 0.03
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30 (75%)
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No competing interests to be declared.
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7. Valiathan P. Overcoming the limitations of MCQs. Singa-
pore: Knowledge Platform; 2009.
8. Gronlund N E. Assessment of student achievement. Boston:
Allyn and Bacon; 1998.
9. Xu Y, Liu Y. Teacher assessment knowledge and practice: a
narrative inquiry of a chinese college EFL teacher's experi-
ence. TESOL Quarterly 2009;43(3):493-351.
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72 | Res Dev Med Educ, 2013, 2(2), 69-72 Copyright © 2013 by Tabriz University of Medical Sciences
Citations (6) References (12)

... The frequency results were analyzed in terms of distractor efficiency and it has been found that some distractors in
the exam are significantly ineffective and they should be revised. Talebi et al. [15] presented item analysis as an
effective tool for assessing exam quality, designing appropriate exam, and determining weakness in teaching. They
concluded that the item analysis should be followed by revised and improved teaching method. ...
... Items with discrimination index below 0.15 are 1,5,8,9,10,11,12,14,18,19,20 all these items are classified as poor
items in discrimination between HAG and LAG. Meanwhile items 2, 3,7,14, 15, 16,17 lied in the margin of 0.15-0.25 and
classified as good items. Items 4, 6, 13 have DI greater than 0.25 and classified as excellent items in discrimination
between HAG and LAG. ...

Assessment and Evaluation of Hybrid Education for Mechanical Engineering by Items Analysis of Summative
Examination on Firefighting Systems during COVID-19 Pandemic
Conference Paper
Oct 2020
Tarek A. Mouneer · Abdelrahman M. Elshaer

View Show abstract

... Exam questions should avoid focusing on tedious details and instead emphasize practical applications of knowledge
[6]. Previous studies have shown that item analysis of multiple-choice examinations can distinguish questions by
reliability, discriminative ability, and overall difficulty [7] [8][9][10]. ...

Item analysis of general surgery multi-institutional mock oral exam: opportunities for quality improvement
Article Full-text available
Oct 2023
Jerome Andres · Ivy A. Huang · Areti Tillou · James X. Wu

View Show abstract

... On the other hand, it is an opportunity for teachers to take advantage of the student response data to consider
improvements to learning methods to improve student learning outcomes through item analysis. Analysis of student
responses to the examination provides feedback to teachers to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the learning
methods they have applied so far (Quaigrain & Arhin, 2017; Talebi et al., 2013) and improve characteristic quality of
items that they might use in the future examinations (Quaigrain & Arhin, 2017). Therefore, based on the willingness to
obtain things that can be learned from the nationalstandardized school examination instrument, the present study seeks
to describe characteristics of the instrument that reflect the quality or characteristics of the test and its items on the
examination by performing post-examination item analysis. ...

What might be frequently overlooked is actually still beneficial: Learning from post national-standardized school
Article Full-text available
Nov 2022
Ibnu Rafi · Heri Retnawati · Ezi Apino · Munaya Nikma Rosyada

View Show abstract ppropriate_Exam_and_Determining_Weakness_in_Teaching 10/12/2023, 8 15 PM

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... Our findings corresponded with the previous study conducted by Pande An interventional study provided evidence for
the effectiveness of the improved exam construction and teaching methods on students' performance during
assessment. This is achieved using the results of item analysis of 2 final exam for kinesiology course for physiotherapy
by comparing the percentage of easy questions and the mean difficulty index between the test groups before and after
the intervention (29) . ...

The Use of Item Analysis Results to Assess the Quality of Undergraduate Physiology MCQ Exams at Faculty of
Medicine of Khartoum University
Mar 2017
Afraa Musa

View Show abstract

Assessment and Evaluation of Hybrid Education for Mechanical Engineering by Items Analysis of Summative
Examination on Firefighting Systems during Covid-19 Pandemic
Article Full-text available
Mar 2021
Tarek A. Mouneer · Abdelrahman M. Elshaer

View Show abstract

Role of item analysis in post validation of multiple choice questions in formative assessment of medical students
Article Full-text available
Dec 2015
Kaliyath Sajitha · Harish S Permi · Chandrika Rao · Kishan Prasad Hl

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