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Title: "Nestle Corporation: A Global Culinary Giant's Cohesive Commitment to

Wellness, Diversity, and Responsibility"

Judy Garb

OGL 350 - Diversity and Organizations


Dr. Kermit Brown

Nestle Corporation, a global food and beverage giant headquartered in Vevey,
Switzerland, has made a permanent mark on both the culinary world and the corporate
responsibility landscape. Established in 1866 by Henri Nestlé, the company has evolved into a
global powerhouse, celebrated not only for its culinary excellence but also for its unwavering
commitment to nutrition, health, and wellness. This paper delves into Nestle's core mission and
vision, its dedication to diversity and inclusion, its cohesive corporate culture, and its resolute
stance on human rights and climate change. By examining Nestle's multifaceted approach to
these critical aspects, we gain insights into how the organization's cohesiveness permeates its
daily operations.

With a global presence that spans nearly every continent and a rich history of innovation, Nestle
serves as a beacon of culinary excellence and corporate responsibility. Nestle's mission
statement encapsulates its core purpose: "...the world's leading nutrition, health, and wellness
company. Our mission of 'Good Food, Good Life' is to provide consumers with the best-tasting,
most nutritious choices in a wide range of food and beverage categories and eating occasions,
from morning to night." This mission statement underscores Nestle's commitment to not only
delivering delectable products but also prioritizing nutrition and well-being. Nestle aims to cater
to diverse consumer needs throughout the day, aligning its mission with the ever-evolving
preferences of its global clientele.

Nestle's vision is "To be a leading, competitive, Nutrition, Health and Wellness Company
delivering improved shareholder value by being a preferred corporate citizen, preferred
employer, preferred supplier selling preferred products.” Their vision encapsulates the
company's ambitions for holistic success, aiming not only to lead in the market but also to make
meaningful contributions to society. This vision emphasizes Nestle's commitment to responsible
corporate citizenship, creating a desirable workplace, and offering products that consumers
prefer for their well-being.

Transitioning to the topic of employee diversity, it is essential to delve into how Nestle
Corporation actively fosters a workforce that mirrors the diversity and inclusion principles

embedded in its core values. As a global company that sells products in 197 countries with a
portfolio of more than 2,00 global and local brands, (Fox, 2019), Nestle benefits from a diverse
workforce representing various cultures and backgrounds. Nestle promotes diversity and
inclusion in its workforce. The company values employees from different cultural backgrounds,
genders, and age groups. They believe that this diversity enriches their perspectives and fosters

Judy Cascapera, Nestle North America's Chief People Officer, emphasizes the importance of
employee inclusion in shaping the organization's culture by stating in the article "Taking Action
on Diversity and Inclusion at Nestle" that, "To empower employees at every level to influence
our organizational culture, their voices must be integrated at every stage of the process." This
commitment to employee involvement touches on their dedication to fostering a workplace
where diversity and inclusion are not just slogans but integral components of their corporate
identity, creating a dynamic and innovative environment where all employees can thrive.

Cascapera further highlights that senior leaders are expected to include in their annual
performance goals strategies to address any detected diversity and inclusivity gaps within their
respective organizations. Additionally, they conduct thorough analyses to ensure that
employees receive competitive compensation in line with their performance and equitable pay
for equivalent roles within the organization. This commitment extends to biannual reviews to
guarantee the fairness of compensation decisions. This proactive approach demonstrates
Nestle's commitment to not only addressing diversity and inclusivity issues but also ensuring
fair and competitive compensation for all employees. By integrating these practices into their
annual performance goals, Nestle reinforces its dedication to fostering a workplace that values
diversity and equity at all levels of the organization.

Nestle's cohesiveness is notably reflected in its collaborative culture, which encourages

employees from diverse departments and geographical regions to collaborate on various
projects and initiatives. This collective approach not only fosters a sense of unity but also
cultivates a shared organizational purpose.

Furthermore, Nestle underscores its commitment to human rights awareness, recognizing the
growing consumer demand for transparency in supply chain practices. The company firmly
advocates against human rights abuses within its supply chains, emphasizing that such
violations have no place within their operations, (Nestlé, 2019). Instead, Nestle believes in the
mutual benefits of maintaining a content and secure workforce, which, in turn, enhances
stability and security across all tiers of its supply chain.This dedication to upholding human
rights principles aligns with Nestle's broader corporate values, reinforcing the company's
commitment to ethical practices and social responsibility in the global marketplace.

Nestle's commitment to addressing climate change reflects its cohesive approach to daily
activities and corporate sustainability. The company has adopted a comprehensive
environmental management strategy that interconnects climate action with vital concerns such
as water stewardship, biodiversity conservation, and human rights, (Nestlé Global, 2019)
Climate change presents a pressing challenge, affecting water resources, biodiversity, and

Nestle's dedication to reducing greenhouse gas emissions is evident in its year-on-year

achievements, despite the company's growth. This progress is driven by emissions reduction
projects and supply chain initiatives, highlighting their cohesiveness in daily operations.

Their Net Zero Roadmap outlines a multifaceted approach that encompasses emissions
reduction, sustainable ingredient sourcing, and investments in sustainable logistics. Notably,
Nestle's commitment to achieving net zero emissions does not solely rely on carbon offsetting
outside their value chain. Instead, they acknowledge that some brands may purchase
high-quality carbon credits to offset emissions generated during their lifecycle. These credits
complement Nestle's corporate objectives but do not substitute them, as brands are still
required to actively reduce emissions in line with the company's overarching sustainability

While Nestle promotes a cohesive culture, they also value diversity of thought and encourage
employees to voice their opinions. Non-conformity, when constructive, can lead to innovative
solutions and improvements. Nestlé's emphasis on cultural diversity and inclusion, coupled with
training and education, fosters a workplace environment where employees are motivated to
conform to these principles. The alignment of these principles with business benefits and
personal growth opportunities further reinforces employees' motivation to embrace cultural
diversity and inclusion within the company.

Nestle's commitment to diversity and inclusion extends far beyond mere acknowledgment; they
have implemented tangible measures to advance these principles within the organization. Their
dedication to fostering diverse and inclusive teams is evident through substantial investments in
training programs designed for leaders and managers. Adeline Looi, Nestle’s Global Head of
Integrated Leadership, underscores the significance of this commitment, emphasizing that the
Nestlé Leadership Framework, deeply integrated into every Talent and HR process, forms the
core of the employee experience, (Kruse, 2022). This framework delineates essential leadership
behaviors and beliefs that all Nestlé employees are expected to embody, rooted in the
company's purpose and values.

Furthermore, Nestle's proactive stance includes the organization of workshops and seminars,
aimed not only at raising awareness but also at educating employees about the concrete
advantages of workplace diversity.

Moreover, Nestle encourages the formation of employee resource groups (ERGs) that
concentrate on various aspects of diversity, including gender, ethnicity, and LGBTQ+ issues (Fox,
2019). These ERGs serve as essential pillars of support and education, fostering a sense of
belonging and understanding among employees.

Additionally, Nestle's commitment to transparency and accountability is evident in their

monitoring and reporting of diversity and inclusion metrics. This practice allows the
organization to assess progress, identify areas for improvement, and ensure that their efforts to

promote diversity and inclusion remain on track. Overall, Nestle's multifaceted approach
emphasizes their commitment to diversity and inclusion throughout the organization.
In conclusion, Nestle's journey from a small Swiss operation to a global food and beverage titan
is not merely a story of culinary success but a testament to its unwavering commitment to
principles of nutrition, health, and wellness. Nestle's mission and vision underscore its
dedication to delivering quality products while prioritizing the well-being of consumers and
society at large. The organization's approach to diversity and inclusion, coupled with proactive
measures like training programs, employee resource groups, and metrics monitoring, reaffirms
its commitment to fostering an inclusive workplace where diversity is celebrated.

While researching Nestle, I have come to appreciate the depth of their dedication to these
principles and the tangible actions they take to uphold them. It's inspiring to see how Nestle's
commitment to corporate responsibility goes beyond rhetoric and is deeply ingrained in its daily
activities. The company's collaborative culture, emphasis on human rights within its supply
chain, and stance on climate change all contribute to a cohesive approach that sets an
admirable example for the business world.

Nestle's enduring legacy is not only its delectable offerings but also its dedication to making the
world a better place, one product at a time. As I conclude this research, I am left with a sense of
admiration for Nestle's commitment to its core values and a belief that, in today's complex and
rapidly changing world, businesses like Nestle play a crucial role in driving positive change and
shaping a better future for us all. Through a detailed examination of its core mission, vision, and
strategic initiatives, my study underscores how Nestlé's global influence is not only marked by
its culinary achievements but also by its impactful contributions to societal well-being. The
company's initiatives in fostering an inclusive workplace, advocating for human rights, and
addressing climate change reflect a comprehensive approach to corporate sustainability. This
research has deepened my admiration for Nestlé's commitment to enriching lives, highlighting
its role as a pivotal force for positive global change.


Home. Nestlé Global. (n.d.-b).

Mission & Vision. Nestlé. (n.d.).,p

Nestle. Home. (n.d.).

Cascapera, J. (n.d.). Taking action on Diversity and inclusion at Nestlé. LinkedIn.

Respecting and promoting human rights. Nestlé. (n.d.-b).

Climate action. Nestlé Global. (n.d.).

Kruse, K. (2022, May 26). How nestlé personalizes leadership development for 30,000 leaders.

Fox, D. (n.d.). Building a better workplace for LGBTQ employees. Nestlé USA.

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