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Budget Assignment

For this assignment, we are going to project you into the future. For the purposes of this
assignment, your parents will pay for your education, but you will be responsible for
everything else! You need to create a budget for yourself that will include everything you
need. Here are your constraints:

1. For the sake of simplicity, you will be going to school anywhere in Canada (sorry, no US
schools as it will be very difficult to find the info you need, and almost impossible to get a
work visa in the current political climate). Choose your school wisely because you need to
be able to find a job and afford to live nearby.

2. You will live away from home (by yourself or with roommate/s), anywhere you like, but
think about logistics. Keep in mind rent prices, but also commute times and challenges.
For this assignment, you may live in residence, but you are responsible to pay for it, as
you would an apartment.

3. You will have a job which pays minimum wage ($15.25/hr, as of May 1, 2023 in Quebec,
but if you live in another province, you need to find out what the minimum wage would
be). You will need to determine how many hours you need to work, but be sure to
balance how many hours you need to do your school work.

4. If you can find a listing for a better job, show it to me and you can apply for it (through
me). If you “get” the job, you can change how much you get paid. There will be a job

5. You need to budget all of your expenses: rent, food, transportation, utilities (electricity,
phone, internet, etc), clothing, entertainment, and anything else you may need. Make
sure you can justify all of your information. I want you to include links to support all your

To help you organize your information, I have included a sample graphic of a possible budget
format. If you work in Excel or Sheets, you can have it do all the calculations for you. I can
show you how, if you are not sure.

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