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THE DEVELOPMENT OF MODERN NURSING  Gains perspective from planning own actions

based on conscious, abstract, and analytical

Three images influenced the development of
thinking and helps to achieve greater efficiency
modern nursing
and organization
 Ursuline Sisters of Quebec organized the
first training for nurses.  PROFICIENT
 Theodore Fliedner revived the deaconess  Perceives and understands situations as whole
movement and opened a School in parts
 Kaiserwerth, Germany, which was training  More holistic understanding improves decision-
nurses. Elizabeth Fry established the making
institute of Nursing Sisters.  Learns from experiences what to expect in
 She visited Kaiserswerth and received nurse’s certain situations and how to modify plans
training at 1850 for three months;
 Nightingale and her nurses transformed the  EXPERT
military hospitals by setting up diet kitchens, a  No longer relies on principles, rules, or
laundry, recreation centers, and reading rooms, guidelines to connect situations and determine
and organizing classes for orderlies; actions
 Much more background of experience
 Has intuitive grasp of clinical situations
 introduced the concept that expert nurses  Performance is now fluid, flexible, and highly
develop skills and understanding of patient care proficient
over time through a sound educational base as
well as a multitude of experiences. “CARPER’S 4 WAYS OF KNOWING”
 She proposed that one could gain knowledge  Carper’s work was based on the assumption
and skills ("knowing how") without ever that the patterns and structure of nursing
learning the theory ("knowing that"). knowledge provide the unique perspectives to
the discipline and suggested that these patterns
 She described 5 levels of nursing experience are all necessary, interrelated, interdependent
as; and overlapping and create the whole of
 NOVICE knowing.
▪ Beginner with no experience
▪ Taught general rules to help perform tasks EMPIRICAL KNOWING
▪ Rules are: context-free, independent of specific  Is the principal form relating factual and
cases, and applied universally descriptive knowing aimed at the expansion of
▪ Rule-governed behavior is limited and inflexible abstract and theoretical explanations.
▪ Ex. “Tell me what I need to do and I’ll do it.  It is information source or base of knowing.
 It emphasizes scientific research is important to
 ADVANCED BEGINNER nursing knowledge.
 Demonstrates acceptable performance  It focuses on evidence-based research for
 Has gained prior experience in actual situations effective and accurate nursing practice.
to recognize recurring meaningful components EXAMPLE:
 Principles, based on experiences, begin to be  A nursing student answers a question posed
formulated to guide actions by a clinical instructor based on what he
learned from the school.
 Typically a nurse with 2-3 years experience on AESTHETIC KNOWING
the job in the same area or in similar day-to-day  Focuses on empathy – the ability for sharing or
situations vividly understanding another’s feelings.
 More aware of long-term goals  Is related to understanding what is of
significance to particular patients such as
feelings, attitudes, points of view (Carper, care of the sick. It needs a deeper involvement
1978). and close supervision with all members of the
 It is also the manifestation of the creative and health team.
expressive styles of the nurse (Kenney, 1996)
 Nurse places himself in the “patient’s shoes”  Nurses in private practice are expected to be
when communicating, giving judgment and expert clinicians as well as expert generalist in
providing care. nursing.
 They use the title Private Duty Nurse, Private
ETHICAL KNOWING Nurse Practitioner, Special Duty Nurse or
 Requires knowledge of different philosophical Private Duty Nurse Specialist.
positions regarding what is good and right in  A registered nurse who undertakes to give
making moral decisions comprehensive nursing care to a client on a one
EXAMPLES: on one ratio.
 Nurse presents himself as a patient TWO CATEGORIES
advocate and defends his client’s right to 1. General Private Duty Nurse providing basic
choose care nursing care to any type of patient.
 Nurse explains the concepts behind organ 2. Private Duty Nurse Specialist skills in complicated
donation to a terminally-ill patient devices, interpreting, observing signs and
 Encompasses knowledge of the self in relation OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH NURSING OR INDUSTRIAL
to other and to self. It involves the entirely of NURSING
the Nurse-Patient Relationship.  Few nurses go into occupational health nursing.
 It is the most difficult to master and to teach. This is because they often work alone, and must
 It involves therapeutic use of self. therefore possess maturity, experience, and
EXAMPLE: wise judgment.
 A nursing student, strives to promote a  The practice focuses on promotion, protection,
meaningful personal relationship with his and supervision of workers health within the
elderly patient. context of a safe and healthy environment.


PRACTICE”  Qualifications of the Faculty:
1. Be a registered nurse in the Philippines
HOSPITAL/INSTITUTIONAL NURSING 2. Have at least three years of clinical practice in a
 Nursing in hospitals and related health facilities field of specialization
such as extended care facilities, nursing homes, 3. Be a member of good standing in the accredited
and neighborhood clinics, comprises all of the professional organization of nurses
basic components of comprehensive patient 4. Be a holder of masters degree in nursing.
care and family health.
 The concept of the modern hospital as a MILITARY NURSING
community health center where in patient and  Three broad areas:
out patient are continuous describes the goal of 1. To meet the nursing needs of today’s patient in
medical care in most general hospital AFP medical facilities
2. To prepare each Nurse Corps Officer for future
PUBLIC HEALTH NURSING OR COMMUNITY assignments at a higher level of responsibility in the
HEALTH NURSING different stations and general hospital in time of
 The National Health Program of the Philippines peace and war
gives as much emphasis on the promotion of 3. To teach and train enlisted personnel who
health and prevention of diseases rather than perform nursing functions under supervision.
 Nursing began as a desire to keep people “SISTER SIMON ROACH’S 6CS IN A NURSING
healthy and to provide comfort and assurance SITUATION”
to the sick.
The Nursing Profession has two different sides: It is Awareness of one’s relationship to others, sharing
both science and art their joys, sorrows, pain, and accomplishments.


 It is the “body of abstract knowledge” Having the “knowledge, judgments, skills, energy,
and motivation required to respond adequately to
NURSING AS AN ART the demands of one’s professional responsibilities.
 Art of caring sick and well individualju
“CARING” Comfort with self, client, and others that allows one
 An integral aspects of Nursing to build trusting relationship.
 Caring is a dimension of human relating and
often referred to as the art of nursing. CARE WITH CONSCIENCE
 SMITH (2013) proposes that nursing cannot Morals, ethics, and informed sense of right and
exist without caring. wrong. Awareness of personal responsibility.
 Caring is sharing deep and genuine concern
about the welfare of another person. CARE WITH COMMITMENT
The deliberate choice to act in accordance with
CARING AS “HELPING THE OTHER GROW” ones desire as well as obligations, resulting in
 MILTON MAYEROFF (1990) a noted investments of self in a task or cause.
philosopher, has proposed that to care for
another is to help him grow and actualize CARE WITH COMPORTMENT
himself. Appropriate bearing, demeanor, dress, and
 Milton Mayeroff (1990) defines major language that are in harmony, with a caring
ingredients of caring that provide structure and presence.
further description of this process:

 KNOWING- understanding the other needs and

how to respond these needs
 ALTERNATING RHYTHMS- signifies moving back
and forth between the immediate and long
terming meanings of behavior, consider past
 PATIENCE- enables the other to grow in his own
way and time
 HONESTY- includes awareness and openness to
one’s own feelings and a genuineness in caring
for others.
 TRUST- involves letting go, to allow the other to
grow in his own way and own time.
 HUMILITY- means acknowledging that there is
always moreto learn, and that learning may
come from any source.
 HOPE- beliefs in the possibilities of the others
 COURAGE- sense of going into the unknown,
informed by the insight from past experience.

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