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Br Br
CH 3 CH +4 Na+ CH −CH 3 ⃗
1. (c) Br Br Δ

CH 3 −CH =CH −CH 3 + 4 NaBr


2. (c) It is a common method to prepare alkanes. Methane cannot be prepared by

Wurtz reaction.
CH 3 Br +2 Na+ BrCH 3 →C2 H 6 +2 NaBr

3. (d) On hydrolysis, ethylene dichloride gives ethylene glycol. While ethylidine

chloride give acetaldehyde.
aq . KOH CH 2 OH −CH 2 OH
CH 2 Cl .CH 2 Cl⃗
ethylene dichloride glycol

CH 3 −CH aq. KOH CH 3 CH
⃗ ⃗
−H O
Cl OH 2
ethylidine chloride


CH 3 NH 2 +CHCl 3 +3 KOH →3 KCl+CH 3 NC +3 H 2 O

4. (b) ( X)

n(CH 2=CH−Cl )⃗
Polymeriza tion (−CH 2−CH− )n
Vinyl Chloride |

5. (a) Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC)

sp 3 sp 3
CH 3 −CH 2−Cl+ KOH →CH 3−CH 2−OH + KCl
6. (c) ( aq) Ethyl alcohol

7. (d)

8. (d)
Opp. Om Shakti Temple, Beside Naturals, Ramakrishna Road, Salem : 83009 81676 / 98403 37371

Br Dehydrohal ogenation
     
Br - 2HBr
1, 2 dibromo cyclohexane Cyclohex-diene

9. (d) Due to +I effect of 3 alkyl group in option (d), the chlorine atom occupy the
maximum charge in it so it is more electronegative.

10. (d)It is the example of Wurtz reaction.

Br ..⊖
2Na 2Na + 2e–

Cl Cl

11. (d): It is Reimer‐Tiemann reaction. The electrophile formed is dichlorocarbene

which is formed according to the following mechanism :

Opp. Om Shakti Temple, Beside Naturals, Ramakrishna Road, Salem : 83009 81676 / 98403 37371

12. (d):

13. (c) : Electron withdrawing groups increase the acidity while electron donating
groups decrease the acidity of phenol.
14. (c) : The reaction is as follows:

Acid Sodium salt of acid (soluble)

Among all the given compounds, ‐nitrophenol is weaker acid than . Hence, it
does not react with

15. (d):

16. (b)
17. (b) : Phenol is most acidic of all the given compounds.

In phenol, the electron withdrawing phenyl ring polarizes the O—H bond thereby
facilitating the release of as and hence phenol is most acidic.

Opp. Om Shakti Temple, Beside Naturals, Ramakrishna Road, Salem : 83009 81676 / 98403 37371

In the electron withdrawingeffect of phenyl ring is somewhat diminished

by the group and it is therefore less acidic than phenol. In (c) and (d), −OH group
is attached to alkyl groups which, due to their effect reduce the polarity of —OH
bond and so the acidic strength is low.

18. (a): In phenols, the presence of electron releasing groups decrease the acidity,
whereas presence ofelectron withdrawing groups increase the acidity, compared to
phenol. Among the meta and para‐nitrophenols, the later is more acidic as the

presence of group at para position stabilises the phenoxide ion to a greater

extent than when it is present at meta position. Thus, correct order of acidity is:

para‐nitrophenol nitrophenol phenol (iv) (iii) (i)

methyl phenol (ii)

19. (c) : The value of molal depression constant, is constant for a particular
solvent, thus, it will be unchanged when molality of the dilute solution is doubled.

20. (a) : We know that 98% by weight means 98 is present in 100

of solution in water.

Therefore, its weight is 98 and moles of


and volume of solution

100 54.35

Therefore, molarity of

Opp. Om Shakti Temple, Beside Naturals, Ramakrishna Road, Salem : 83009 81676 / 98403 37371

21. (c) : Vapour pressure of pure solvent mm Hg, weight of solute

gram, weight of solvent grams, molecular weight of solute and

molecular weight of solvent

or Hg

22. (a): Weight of glucose

Weight of urea and weight of sucrose We know that the number of moles of


Similarly number of moles ofurea and the number of moles of sucrose

The osmotic pressure is a colligative property and it depends upon the number of
moles of a solute. Since , therefore

23. (c) : The molality involves weights of the solute and the solvent. Since the weight
does not change with the temperatures, therefore molality does not depend upon the

24. (a) : Since relative lowering ofvapour pressure is a colligative property therefore it
depends upon the number of solute particles or mole fraction of solute.

25. (c): Since the molecular mass of is 32, therefore quantity of to

prepare 150

solution of 2

Opp. Om Shakti Temple, Beside Naturals, Ramakrishna Road, Salem : 83009 81676 / 98403 37371

26. (b): and

Since both and give the same number of ions, therefore they have
the same van’t Hoff factor.

27. (c): For ideal solution,


28. (b) :

29. (c)

Now, electron


30. (d) : Reduction potential values of

Thus, due to higher negative electrode potential value of zinc than iron, iron cannot be
coated on zinc.

31. (c): for water.

Opp. Om Shakti Temple, Beside Naturals, Ramakrishna Road, Salem : 83009 81676 / 98403 37371


32. (c)

33. (c) : The oxidation reaction is

0. 0.

34. (d) : According to Faraday’s second law, or


35. (c):

36. (d) :

37. (d): Mn;

Opp. Om Shakti Temple, Beside Naturals, Ramakrishna Road, Salem : 83009 81676 / 98403 37371

For the cell,

Since the value is negative, so the process is non‐spontaneous.

38. (c) :

Number of unpaired electron 5

Number of unpaired electrons 4

Number of unpaired electrons 3

Number of unpaired electrons 4

Minimum paramagnetic behaviour is shown by
39. (a): A transition metal complex absorbs visible light only if it has unpaired e

lectrons. (gthroeuponrfdessetnatcee)):: ——11 11 33d11d

(in the presence

induces pairing of electrons
No unpaired electron so does not absorb visible light.

40. (d):

Opp. Om Shakti Temple, Beside Naturals, Ramakrishna Road, Salem : 83009 81676 / 98403 37371


41. (b)
42. (c)

43. (a) : Optical isomerism is shown by:

(i) complexes of the type

i.e., containing one symmetrical bidentate ligand.
(ii) complexes of the type , i.e., containing a symmetrical bidentate
(iii) complexes of the type , i.e., . However complexes of the
show geometrical isomerism, known as fac‐mer isomerism.
exhibitsfac‐mer isomerism.

44. (a): When the ligands are arranged in order of the magnitude of crystal field
splitting, the arrangement, thus, obtained is called spectrochemical series.

Opp. Om Shakti Temple, Beside Naturals, Ramakrishna Road, Salem : 83009 81676 / 98403 37371

Arranged in increasing field strength as

It has been observed that ligands before are weak field ligands while ligands after
are strong field ligands.

CFSE in octahedral field depends upon the nature of ligands. Stronger the ligands
larger will be the value of

45. (b): 3d

4 unpaired electrons

5 unpaired electrons

4 unpaired electrons

2 unpaired electrons
Greater the number of unpaired electrons, higher is the paramagnetism. Hence,
will exhibit the minimum paramagnetic behaviour.

46. (b): CFSE

where, ofelectrons occupying orbitals no. of electrons occupying orbitals

[ High spin ]

Opp. Om Shakti Temple, Beside Naturals, Ramakrishna Road, Salem : 83009 81676 / 98403 37371

47. (b)

48. (c):

Bromine is a weak ligand but it is known that all tetrahedral complexes are high‐spin
regardless Ofthe splitting power ofthe ligand. The low spin arrangement has five
unpaired electrons in the ‐orbital. So it is paramagnetic in nature.

49. (a): In the formation of hybrid orbitals, two orbitals of set

and orbitals one and three and orbitals

combine together and form six hybrid orbitals.

50. (b): The metals having higher negative values of their electrode potential can
displace metals having lower values from their salt solutions.

51. (a)


52. (b):


Cell Constant

Opp. Om Shakti Temple, Beside Naturals, Ramakrishna Road, Salem : 83009 81676 / 98403 37371

53. (d) : Nernst equation is ( at equilibrium


54. (d): Molar conductance

We know that molar conductance of COONa)

55. (c) : The properties which depend only upon the number of solute particles
present in the solution irrespective of their nature are called as colligative properties.
Lowering in vapour pressure, elevation in boiling point, depression in freezing point
and osmotic pressure are colligative properties.

56. (b): Blood cells neither swell nor shrink in isotonic solution.

The solutions having same osmotic pressure are called isotonic sdutions.

57. (a): Aryl halides are less reactive as compared to alkyl halides as the halogen atom
in these compounds is firmly attached and cannot be replaced by nucleophiles such
as , etc. In chlorobenzene, the electron pair of chlorine atom is in
conjugation with ‐electrons of benzene ring. Thus C—C1 bond acquires double
bond character and is difficult to break.

58. (a):

59. (d): ‐Bromoanisole gives only the respective meta substituted aniline. This is a
substitution reaction which goes by an elimination‐addition pathway.

Opp. Om Shakti Temple, Beside Naturals, Ramakrishna Road, Salem : 83009 81676 / 98403 37371

60. (c) : The reaction,

follows mechanism which is favoured by polar aprotic solvent i. e.,

dimethylformamide (DMF),

Opp. Om Shakti Temple, Beside Naturals, Ramakrishna Road, Salem : 83009 81676 / 98403 37371

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