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Case Study: Impatient Parents

Edwin Maturino

Masters of Educational Administration, Grand Canyon University

EAD-519: Clinical Internship I: Learner-Centered Leadership

Michael Sollitto

January 22, 2024


Part 1: Case Analysis

Case Analysis 1-3


The case revolves around Mrs. Lemming, the mother of a sophomore student, who is

concerned about her daughter being harassed by a male classmate. Mrs. Lemming visits the

school, expressing frustration at not receiving a response from her daughter's geometry teacher.

She provides details of alleged incidents, including anonymous calls and texts, as well as verbal

harassment in class. As the key figure in addressing the issue, the assistant principal needs to

navigate the situation effectively.

Issues to be Resolved:

1. Alleged Harassment: Investigate and address the claims of harassment, both verbal and

through electronic means, targeting Mrs. Lemming's daughter.

2. Communication Breakdown: Address the breakdown in communication between Mrs.

Lemming and the geometry teacher. Determine the reasons for the lack of response to

Mrs. Lemming's email.

3. Parental Concerns: Acknowledge and address Mrs. Lemming's concerns about her

daughter's safety at school. Assure her that the school takes the matter seriously.

4. Student Welfare: Ensure the well-being of Mrs. Lemming's daughter and address any

emotional or psychological impact resulting from the alleged harassment.

5. Resolution and Prevention: Develop a plan to resolve the immediate issue and

implement measures to prevent future incidents of harassment within the school


Stakeholders Involved:

1. Mrs. Lemming: Concerned parent seeking immediate action to address the alleged

harassment of her daughter.

2. Assistant Principal: Responsible for investigating the complaint, coordinating with

relevant parties, and implementing appropriate measures.

3. Mrs. Lemming's Daughter: The alleged victim of harassment, whose well-being and

safety are of primary concern.

4. Geometry Teacher: Involved in the situation due to Mrs. Lemming's claim of a lack of

response to her email. Their perspective on the incidents is crucial.

5. Alleged Harasser (Male Student): A stakeholder whose actions need to be investigated

and addressed appropriately.

6. Receptionist: Initial point of contact for Mrs. Lemming, facilitating communication

between Mrs. Lemming and the assistant principal.

7. School Counseling Services: Potential stakeholders if emotional or psychological

support is required for the students involved.

8. School Administration: Overall responsibility for maintaining a safe and conducive

learning environment, making them indirect stakeholders in the resolution process.

Case Analysis 4-5

Existing Laws or Court Ruling:

1. Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972:

 Title IX prohibits sex-based discrimination, including harassment, in educational

programs and activities. The alleged harassment of Mrs. Lemming's daughter falls

within the purview of Title IX, and the school is obligated to address and remedy

such incidents.

2. Federal Anti-Bullying Laws:

 Federal laws, such as the Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act,

require schools to have policies and programs in place to address bullying and

harassment. The school must comply with these laws in handling the reported


3. Confidentiality Laws:

 Laws such as the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) protect the

privacy of student records. The assistant principal must ensure the investigation

and resolution process complies with these confidentiality laws.

District Policies

1. Electronic Communications Policies:

 If the alleged harassment involves electronic communications (phone calls, text

messages), the school's policies on electronic communications and cyberbullying

come into play. These policies may specify disciplinary measures for such


2. Student Code of Conduct:

 The school's Student Code of Conduct typically outlines expected behavior and

consequences for violations. Harassment and bullying are likely addressed in this

document, providing a framework for addressing the alleged incidents.

3. District Grievance Procedures:

 District-wide grievance procedures should be followed in investigating and

resolving complaints. These procedures may outline the steps to be taken, the

parties involved, and the timeline for resolution.


4. Staff Training Policies:

 Policies related to staff training on recognizing and addressing harassment can be

crucial. Ensuring teachers and staff are trained to respond appropriately is

essential for preventing and addressing such incidents.

5. Restorative Justice Policies:

 Some districts may have policies promoting restorative justice practices as an

alternative to traditional disciplinary measures. These policies focus on repairing

harm and fostering a positive school climate.

Case Analysis 6-8

Possible Solutions:

1. Mediation Session:

 Facilitate a mediated conversation between Mrs. Lemming's daughter and the

accused student, guided by a trained mediator. Involve a counselor to support both

students during the mediation session.

2. Enhanced Communication Protocols:

 Establish clear communication protocols for teachers to respond promptly to

parent emails and concerns. Conduct training sessions for teachers on effective

communication with parents.

3. Educational Workshops on Cyberbullying:

 Organize workshops for students on the consequences of cyberbullying and

appropriate online behavior. Include parents in informational sessions about

recognizing and addressing cyberbullying.


4. Restorative Justice Circles:

 Facilitate restorative justice circles involving Mrs. Lemming's daughter, the

accused student, and relevant school staff. Establish a plan for restitution and

ongoing support.

Ideal Solutions and Rational:

1. Mediation Session:

 Encourages direct communication between the involved parties, fostering

understanding and resolution. It provides a safe space for Mrs. Lemming's

daughter to express her concerns and for the accused student to share his


2. Enhanced Communication Protocols:

 Addresses the communication breakdown highlighted by Mrs. Lemming. Prevents

future issues by ensuring timely responses to parent concerns and promoting a

collaborative school environment.

3. Educational Workshops on Cyberbullying:

 Proactively addresses the broader issue of cyberbullying, promoting awareness

and responsible online behavior. Involves both students and parents, creating a

unified approach to combating cyberbullying.

Action Steps and Timeline:

 Week 1-2: Mediation Session:

 Schedule and facilitate the mediation session with a trained mediator and


 Week 2-4: Enhanced Communication Protocols:


 Develop and communicate clear communication protocols for teachers.

 Initiate training sessions for teachers on effective communication.

 Week 4-8: Educational Workshops on Cyberbullying:

 Plan and organize workshops for students and separate sessions for parents.

 Ongoing: Continuous Improvement and Monitoring:

 Regularly assess the effectiveness of the implemented solutions.

 Adjust protocols and policies as needed based on feedback and evolving


Case Analysis 9

Moral and Legal Consequences of Proposed Solutions:

1. Mediation Session:

 Moral Consequences:

 Pros: Encourages empathy, understanding, and resolution through


 Cons: Potential for unequal power dynamics; sensitive issues may not be

fully addressed.

 Legal Consequences:

 Pros: Resolves issues amicably without resorting to legal action.

 Cons: Limited legal protections may not be suitable for severe cases.

2. Enhanced Communication Protocols:

 Moral Consequences:

 Pros: Promotes transparency, trust, and positive parent-teacher


 Cons: Increased workload for teachers; may not address underlying issues.

 Legal Consequences:

 Pros: Demonstrates compliance with legal obligations on communication.

 Cons: Potential legal challenges if protocols are not uniformly followed.

3. Educational Workshops on Cyberbullying:

 Moral Consequences:

 Pros: Raises awareness, fosters a culture of respect, and educates on

responsible online behavior.

 Cons: Effectiveness depends on participation; may not prevent all


 Legal Consequences:

 Pros: Demonstrates proactive efforts to prevent cyberbullying, aligning

with legal obligations.

 Cons: Limited legal protection if incidents still occur; effectiveness may


Part 2: Rational

In addressing the case involving Mrs. Lemming's daughter, the proposed solutions are

guided by a commitment to professional ethics, integrity, fairness, social justice, and individual

student needs (National Policy Board for Educational Administration, 2011). The rationale for

each solution reflects a comprehensive approach that prioritizes collaboration, trust, learning, and

high expectations within the school community.


The proposed mediation session embodies professional ethics by providing a platform for

open dialogue between the involved parties. It fosters empathy, understanding, and resolution

through a fair and neutral process guided by trained mediators (National Policy Board for

Educational Administration, 2011). This approach ensures that the concerns of Mrs. Lemming's

daughter and the accused student are addressed to uphold integrity and fairness, aligning with

ethical standards in conflict resolution.

Enhanced communication protocols directly address the breakdown in communication

highlighted by Mrs. Lemming. By establishing clear communication pathways and training

teachers on effective communication, the school promotes social justice by ensuring equitable

access to support for all parents. This solution recognizes individual student needs by

acknowledging the importance of timely responses to parental concerns, fostering inclusivity and

responsiveness (National Policy Board for Educational Administration, 2011).

The educational workshops on cyberbullying demonstrate a proactive stance in

addressing the broader issue of online harassment. The school promotes collaboration by

involving students and parents in creating a unified approach to combating cyberbullying

(Demir, 2015). These workshops foster a culture of respect, responsibility, and positive online

behavior, contributing to a learning environment that aligns with high expectations for ethical

conduct (National Policy Board for Educational Administration, 2011).

The proposed solutions are carefully designed to balance moral considerations with legal

obligations. While encouraging empathy, the mediation session acknowledges its limitations in

providing full legal protection, especially in severe cases (National Policy Board for Educational

Administration, 2011). Enhanced communication protocols promote trust and transparency and

ensure compliance with legal obligations on communication. Educational workshops on


cyberbullying demonstrate proactive efforts to align with legal requirements, even as their

effectiveness may vary based on participation (National Policy Board for Educational

Administration, 2011).

Each solution's action steps and timeline are thoughtfully crafted to ensure timely and

effective implementation. The mediation session is scheduled promptly within the first two

weeks, addressing the immediate concerns (National Policy Board for Educational

Administration, 2011). Enhanced communication protocols and teacher training sessions are

initiated within the following weeks, promoting ongoing collaboration and trust-building.

Educational workshops on cyberbullying are planned and organized in subsequent weeks to

address the broader issue and promote a positive learning environment (National Policy Board

for Educational Administration, 2011).

In conclusion, the rationale for the proposed solutions reflects a strategic and ethical

approach to resolving the case involving Mrs. Lemming's daughter. By upholding professional

ethics, promoting social justice, prioritizing individual student needs, and fostering collaboration,

trust, and learning, the school aims to create a safe and inclusive environment where high

expectations for ethical conduct are consistently met.



Demir, K. (2015). The Effect of Organizational Trust on the Culture of Teacher Leadership in

Primary Schools. Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice, 15(3), 621–634.

National Policy Board for Educational Administration. (2011). Educational Leadership

Constituent Council (ELCC) standards for advanced programs in educational leadership.

Retrieved from [


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