Canoeing Assessment

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Year 10 Outdoor Education

45 minutes

Question Marks Mark allocation

1 3 1 mark per correct water safety signal
2 3 1 mark per correct canoe label
3 3 1 mark per correct canoe label
4 4 1 mark per correct canoe label
1 mark per correct associated colour
5 2 1 mark per major difference using a full sentence answer

6 6 a) 2 marks for an in depth, full sentence explanation of

rafting up
b) 1 mark for identifying a potential raft up hazard
1 mark for how this can be avoided
c) 1 mark for identifying the stroke used to raft up
1 mark for explaining the stroke

7 5 a) 1 mark for identifying the person that uses a J Stroke

b) 2 marks for an in depth, full sentence explanation of why
J Stroke is used
c) 2 marks for an in depth, full sentence explanation of how
J Stroke is performed
8 6 1 mark allocated for basic response
6 marks allocated for comprehensive and in depth, step by step
explanation of a T-rescue provided in full sentences
9 3 1 mark for correctly identifying true or false
2 marks for an in depth, full sentence justification of your answe
10 9 a) 1 mark for identifying what PFD stands for
b) 1 mark for identifying each preventative measure
1 mark for explaining each preventative measure
c) 2 marks for an in depth, full sentence explanation of wha
you would do if you were in the canoe
d) 2 marks for an in depth, full sentence explanation of wha
you would do as a by-stander

Short Answer
1. Name the following water safety signals (3 marks)

Complete the diagram below by answering questions 2-4 (10 marks)

2. Label the parts of the canoe indicated by the arrows below.

3. Label the Hull, Bow and Stern

4. Label Port Side & Starboard side. Include which colour is associated with each.
5. Identify 2 major differences between a Canoe and a Kayak (2 marks)


6. Consider the canoeing manoeuvre of ‘rafting up’ to answer the following questions (6 marks)
a) Explain the process of rafting up.
b) Identify 1 potential hazard that can occur when rafting up and state how it can be avoided.
c) Identify and explain the stroke that is most useful when rafting up


7. A J Stroke is a variation of a forward stroke. Answer the following regarding a J Stroke (5 marks)

a) WHO: Identify which paddler uses a J stroke

b) WHY: Why is a J Stroke used?
c) HOW: Explain how a J Stroke is performed

8. Describe the process of performing a T-Rescue (6 marks)


9. Circle true or false for the following statement (3 marks)

When using busy waterways, a sailboat must give way to a motorised vessel (TRUE/FLASE)
Justify your answer
Extended answer
10. Answer the below questions using the following emergency scenario (9 marks)

You and a friend have decided to enjoy the sunshine by spending a day swimming and jetty jumping
down at the shark net. At 1pm, the offshore wind increases to steady gusts of 18 knots. Two young
individuals have been paddling around in a blow-up canoe all morning and you notice they are
getting blown further out to sea. You can see them paddling back towards shore however are not
making any ground and continue to drift further out. The two individuals in the canoe are not
wearing life jackets.

a) What does PFD stand for?

b) List and explain two preventative measures the individuals in the canoe should have considered
before taking their vessel into the water
c) If you were in the canoe, describe what you would do once you’ve notice that you are being
swept out to sea
d) As a bystander, explain how you would respond to this emergency scenario?



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