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Chapter 4

15 Multiple Choice Questions:

1. What type of machine is an induction motor?
a) Synchronous
b) Asynchronous
c) DC motor
d) Universal motor
2. What principle is the operating principle of all rotating electrical machines based on?
a) Generator action
b) Motor action
c) Electromagnetic induction
d) Transformers action
3. What type of rotor is used in over 90% of 3-phase induction motors?
a) Squirrel cage rotor
b) Wound rotor
c) Permanent magnet rotor
d) Hysteresis rotor
4. What is the frequency of the voltage induced in the rotor?
a) Same as the supply frequency
b) Varies with slip
c) Zero
d) Double the supply frequency
5. What is the speed at which an induction motor develops zero torque?
a) Synchronous speed
b) Half synchronous speed
c) Double synchronous speed
d) Asynchronous speed
6. Which losses are considered fixed losses in an induction motor?
a) Stator copper loss and rotor copper loss
b) Stator core loss and friction & windage loss
c) Only friction & windage loss
d) Stator iron loss and rotor iron loss
7. What type of starting is provided in wound rotor induction motors?
a) High resistance starting
b) Star-delta starting
c) Autotransformer starting
d) Plug starting
8. What is the rotating magnetic field produced in a 3-phase IM called?
a) Travelling magnetic field
b) Rotating primary field
c) Phase displaced field
d) Revolving field
9. Where are the rotor bars/windings placed in an induction motor?
a) In the airgap
b) On the inner surface of the stator
c) In slots on the outer periphery of the rotor
d) Around the shaft
10. What type of speed control can be implemented for squirrel cage induction motors?
a) Variable voltage control
b) Variable frequency control
c) Rheostat starting
d) Both a and c
11. In which operating mode, the slip is negative?
a) Motoring
b) Generating
c) Braking
d) Starting
12. What type of losses increase with the increase in slip?
a) Fixed losses
b) Variable losses
c) Stator copper loss
d) Rotor copper loss
13. What is the maximum value of slip?
a) 1
b) 0
c) -1
d) 2
14. What is the direction of rotation of the rotor with respect to rotating magnetic field?
a) Opposite direction
b) Same direction
c) Either direction
d) At right angles
15. The power developed at the shaft of an induction motor is called:
a) Shaft power
b) Mechanical power
c) Rotor power
d) Output power

15 Short Explanation Questions:

1. Explain the principle of operation of an induction motor.
2. Describe briefly squirrel cage and wound rotor construction of induction motors.
3. Explain the need of developing an equivalent circuit model for induction motor.
4. Write short notes on rotor circuit parameters and how they vary with slip.
5. State the significance of synchronous speed in induction motors.
6. What is slip in induction motors? How does it vary with rotor speed?
7. Describe the no-load test conducted on an induction motor.
8. Briefly explain the torque-speed characteristics of an induction motor.
9. Compare the efficiency of induction motor in motoring and generating modes.
10. Write a short note on rotating magnetic field produced in a 3-phase induction motor.
11. What is the direction of induced voltage in stator and rotor windings of an induction
12. Compare starting torque of squirrel cage and wound rotor induction motors.
13. Write a brief explanation of blocker rotor test conducted on induction motor.
14. What is meant by maximum developed torque in induction motor?
15. How are the parameters of induction motor equivalent circuit determined?

8 Short Answer Questions:

1. Define slip in induction motors.
2. Write an expression for synchronous speed of induction motor.
3. State any two advantages of squirrel cage construction over wound rotor.
4. Write an expression for frequency of induced voltage in the rotor.
5. Define full load torque and pull out torque of an induction motor.
6. Write an expression for maximum torque developed in an induction motor.
7. State two fixed losses considered in induction motor equivalent circuit.
8. Write an expression for ideal or internal efficiency of induction motor.

8 Discussion Questions:
1. Discuss the principle of operation of an induction motor with the help of a neat diagram.
2. Compare and contrast the construction and operation of squirrel cage and wound rotor
induction motors.
3. Discuss the various tests conducted to determine the parameters of induction motor
equivalent circuit.
4. Explain the torque-speed characteristics of an induction motor with appropriate diagrams.
5. Discuss the power flow and losses associated in an induction motor.
6. With neat diagrams, explain the equivalent circuit model of an induction motor.
7. Discuss the factors affecting maximum torque developed in an induction motor.
8. Compare and contrast the operating characteristics of induction motor in the motoring
and generating modes.
Chapter 4 answers
Multiple Choice Questions:
1. b

2. b

3. a

4. b

5. a

6. b

7. a

8. d

9. c

10. b

11. b

12. d

13. a

14. b

15. b

Short Explanation Questions:

1. The principle of operation is based on electromagnetic induction. When stator windings are
energized with 3-phase current, it produces rotating magnetic field which cuts rotor conductors
and induces emf in them. This results in rotor currents producing rotating magnetic field to
develop torque.

2. Squirrel cage rotor has bars shorted by end rings forming a cage. Wound rotor has three phase
winding distributed in slots connected to slip rings. Wound rotor provides better starting torque
control compared to squirrel cage.

3. Equivalent circuit model is needed to study performance characteristics and predict induction
motor behavior. It helps in analyzing tests done on motor.
4. Rotor circuit parameters like reactance and resistance vary inversely with slip. Rotor frequency
also varies directly with slip.

5. Synchronous speed is the speed at which the rotating magnetic field produced by stator rotates.
Induction motor develops zero torque at this speed.

6. Slip is difference between synchronous speed and rotor speed expressed as percentage of
synchronous speed. It decreases with increase in rotor speed from maximum at standstill.

7. No load test is done to determine losses like friction & windage, stator resistance and
synchronous speed. Core loss is determined by blocked rotor test.

8. Torque decreases with increase in speed from maximum at standstill. It is zero at synchronous
speed and becomes negative in generating mode beyond synchronous speed.

9. In generating mode, induction motor acts as synchronous generator with efficiency more than
95%. In motoring mode efficiency is lower around 90% due to additional rotor copper losses.

10. Rotating magnetic field is produced by supplying balanced three phase current to stator
windings spaced 120° electrically. This produces a revolving magnetic field rotating at
synchronous speed.

11. Induced voltage in stator is same as supply voltage but rotor induced voltage frequency varies
with slip and is maximum at standstill becoming zero at synchronous speed.

12. Squirrel cage has very low starting torque due to low power factor at start. Wound rotor with
added resistance improves power factor providing high starting torque.

13. Blocked rotor test done by clamping rotor measures core loss and determines synchronous
reactance. It assists in finding equivalent circuit parameters.

14. Maximum torque or pull out torque is the highest torque developed by motor at a particular slip
and is 2-3 times full load torque. It occurs when rotor and airgap impedances are equal.

15. No load, block rotor, full load and slip test are conducted. Data from tests are used to determine
various resistance, reactance and other parameters of equivalent circuit model.

Short Answer Questions:

1. Slip is difference between synchronous speed and rotor speed expressed as percentage of
synchronous speed.

2. Synchronous speed Ns = (120f/P) rpm where f is supply frequency in Hz and P is number of


3. Squirrel cage is rugged and maintenance-free construction. No slip rings needed.

4. Rotor induced voltage frequency, fr = sfe where s is slip and fe is supply frequency.

5. Full load torque is developed at rated load. Pull out torque is maximum torque developed which
is 2-3 times full load torque.

6. Maximum torque, Tmax = (3V2/8πfsX2)(1-s/smax)

7. Stator core loss and friction & windage loss.

8. ηi = (TmNs/3V2)(1-s)

Discussion Questions:
1. Refer to principle of operation described in short explanation question 1 along with a neat single
line diagram showing rotating magnetic field concept.

2. Refer to description in short explanation questions 2 and 12 comparing construction, operation,

characteristics like starting torque for both types.

3. Tests like no load, blocked rotor, full load, slip test are conducted. Data collected is used to
determine various parameters of equivalent circuit model like resistance, reactance, leakage
reactance etc. Significance and procedure of each test should be discussed.

4. Refer to description in short explanation question 8. Curve showing variation of torque with
speed along with regions of operation like generating, plugging should be diagrammatically

5. Refer to power flow diagram showing flow of electrical input power, conversion to mechanical
power accounting for various losses occurring in the process. Losses like copper, core friction &
windage should be explained.

6. Explain per phase equivalent circuit model showing stator, rotor circuits along with airgap
components like leakage reactance. Transformation using turns ratio should be shown.
Parameters and their physical significance discussed.

7. Factors like voltage, frequency, number of pole pairs, temperature, rotor resistance affect
maximum torque. Effect of each factor and final mathematical expression relating these factors
to maximum torque should be discussed.

8. Refer to short explanation question 9. Operating characteristics of IM in motoring and

generating modes interms of torque, speed, efficiency range using diagrams should be
contrasted. Conditions for transition between modes explained.
Chapter 5

Here are 15 multiple choice questions related to the content on DC

1. A DC machine can operate as:
a) Only a generator
b) Only a motor
c) Both a generator and a motor
d) None of the above
2. Which of the following DC machines has constant voltage characteristics?
a) Shunt generator
b) Series generator
c) Cumulative compound generator
d) Differential compound generator
3. The field winding of a separately excited DC generator is:
a) Connected in series with the armature winding
b) Connected in parallel with the armature winding
c) Has no connection with the armature winding
d) Connected across the output terminal
4. The function of commutator in a DC machine is to:
a) Convert mechanical energy to electrical energy
b) Convert alternating current to direct current
c) Provide smooth rotation to the armature
d) None of the above
5. A DC shunt generator always builds voltage regardless of the field resistance.
a) True
b) False
6. A DC series generator supplies:
a) Constant current
b) Constant voltage
c) Constant power
d) Variable current
7. The speed regulation of a generator is calculated as:
a) Percentage drop in terminal voltage for full load current
b) Percentage increase in terminal voltage for full load current
c) Ratio of no load to full load voltage
d) None of the above
8. A generator having both shunt and series field windings is called:
a) Cumulatively compounded generator
b) Differentially compounded generator
c) Compound generator
d) None of the above
9. The flux produced in the air gap of a DC machine is mainly due to:
a) Armature reaction
b) Residual magnetism in pole pieces
c) Interpoles
d) Field winding excitation
10. In a lap wound armature, the number of parallel paths is:
a) 2
b) Number of poles
c) Number of armature conductors
d) Number of brush segments
11. The EMF induced in an armature conductor of a DC generator is maximum when the
conductor cuts flux at:
a) Pole tip
b) Pole shoe
c) Pole centre
d) Air gap
12. Armature reaction in a DC machine is minimized by using:
a) More number of parallel paths
b) Interpoles
c) Residual magnetism
d) Compensating windings
13. Which of the following is used to remove ripples from the output of a DC generator?
a) Commutator
b) Interpoles
c) Brushes
d) All of the above
14. When interpoles are provided in a DC machine:
a) Commutation improves
b) Armature reaction increases
c) Speed regulation improves
d) None of the above
15. The speed at which no load voltage builds up in a shunt generator depends upon:
a) Armature resistance
b) Field resistance
c) Field current
d) Supply voltage

Here are 15 explain questions related to DC machines:

1. Explain the basic construction of a dc generator.
2. Explain the principle of operation of a dc shunt generator.
3. With the help of circuit diagrams, explain the working of a separately excited dc
4. Explain the process of voltage build up in a self-excited dc shunt generator.
5. Briefly explain the working of a dc series generator.
6. What is meant by armature reaction in a dc machine? Explain its effects.
7. Explain how interpoles are used to reduce the effects of armature reaction in a dc
8. Briefly explain the working of a commutator in a dc machine.
9. Explain the significance of residual magnetism in self-excited dc machines.
10. Differentiate between wave winding and lap winding in an armature.
11. Explain the working of a dc compound generator.
12. What are the characteristics of a dc shunt generator? Explain them briefly.
13. Define voltage regulation in a dc generator. How does it get affected by load current?
14. Explain the working principle of electromagnetic induction and derivation of EMF
equation in a dc generator.
15. Briefly explain how armature reaction causes sparking in dc machines and the methods to
overcome it.

Here are 8 short answer questions:

1. What is the function of yoke in a dc machine?
2. Differentiate between drum type and ring type armature.
3. Name the two types of field windings in a compound generator.
4. What are interpoles? Why are they provided in dc machines?
5. What is critical resistance of a shunt generator?
6. Define speed regulation of a dc generator.
7. What is commutation period in a dc machine?
8. Name two techniques used to reduce sparking in dc machines.

Here are 8 discussion questions:

1. Discuss in detail the process of voltage build up in a self-excited shunt generator. What
factors influence the rate of build up?
2. Explain the circuit diagram and voltage-current characteristics of a shunt, series and
compound generator. Compare their characteristics.
3. Discuss the principle of operation of a DC motor with the help of its internal components.
How does it convert electrical energy into mechanical energy?
4. Elaborate on the concept of armature reaction in a DC machine. How does it affect the
operation and what methods are used to minimize its effects?
5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of DC machines over AC machines? Which
types of applications require DC machines over AC machines?
6. Derive the emf equation of a DC generator. Explain the significance of each term in the
equation with respect to the machine construction and operation.
7. Compare and contrast the speed regulation and voltage build up characteristics of shunt,
series and compound DC generators. Which type offers the best performance and why?
8. Discuss in detail about residual magnetism in self-excited DC generators. How does it aid
the process of voltage building during motor-generation?

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