Open Frankie's Dictionary 2

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Numbers in parentheses at the end of entries refer apud, prep. + ace, with (16)
to the chapters in which the words appear in vocab- aqua, -ae, f., water (6)

ulary entries or in Building the Meaning or Forms arbor, arboris, f., tree (1)

sections. Roman numerals refer to Review chapters. area, -ae, f., open space, threshing-floor (11)

arripio, arripere, to grab hold of snatch (5)

ars, arris, gen. pL, arrium, f, skill (14)

ascendo, ascendere, to climb, climb into (a carriage) (4)

a or ab, prep. + zbl^from (13) audio, audire, to hear, listen to (4)

abeo, abire, irreg., to go away (3, 9) auriga, -ae, m., charioteer (13)

Abi!/Abite! Go away! (3) auxilium, -i, n., help (5, 15)

absum, abesse, irreg., to be away, be Fer/Ferte auxilium! Bring help! Help! (5)

absent (11)

accidit, accidere, it happens (14)

ad, prep. + ace,

adhuc, adv., still (5,

to, toward,

1 3)
at, near (2, 9)
baculum, -i, n., stick, staffs (\Q, 15)
adiuvo, adiuvare, to help (6)
bonus, -a, -um, good (12)
advenio, advemre, to reach, arrive (at) (5)
bos, bovis, m./f., ox, cow (15)
advesperascit, advesperascere, it gets dark (17)
brevi tempore, in a short time, soon (2, 12)
aedificium, -I, n., building (17)
Britannia, -ae, f., Britain (8)
aestas, aestatis, f., summer (1)
Britannicus, -a, -um, British (3)
aestate, in summer (1, 12)

ager, agri, m., field (2)

ago, agere, to do, drive (8, 14)

Age! /Agite! Come on! (8)

aUus, alia, aliud, another, other (10) cado, cadere, to fall (3)

alii... alii..., sofne... others... (9) caelum, -i, n., sky (17)

alter, altera, alterum, a/the second, one (of two), the calidus, -a, -um, warm (5)

other (of two) (1) canis, canis, m./f., dog (12)

alter... alter, the one... the other (16) carissimus, -a, -um, dearest (16)
ambulo, ambulare, to walk (2) caiipo, cauponis, m., innkeeper (17)

arnica, -ae, i., fiend {!) caupona, -ae, f., ifin (17)

amicus, -i, m.,fi'iend (3) Cave!/Cavete! Be careful! Watch out for...! Beware!
amo, amare, to like, love (4) (4, 13)

ancilla, -ae, f., slave-woman (6) celeriter, adv., quickly (8, 13)

animus, -i, m., mind (16) celerrime, adv., very fast, very quickly (14)
in animo habere, to intend (16) celo, celare, to hide (11)

aperio, aperire, to open (16) centum, a hundred (15)

appareo, apparere, to appear (15) cesso, cessare, to be idle, do nothing (14)

appropinquo, appropinquate, to approach (4) cibus, -i, m.,food (6)


cisium, -I, n., light two-wheeled carriage (14, 15)

cista, -ae, f., tnink, chest (10)

e or ex, prep. + 2\A.,fi-om, out of (2, 5, 9)
civis, civis, gen. pL, civium, m./f., citizen (13)
eadem, the same (3)
clamo, clamare, to shout (3)
eam, hei; it (9, 1 6)
clamor, clamoris, m., shout, shouting (5)
Eccel Look! (l)
commotus, -a, -um, moved (14)
effiigio, effugere, to flee, run away, escape (11)
complexu, in an embrace (9)
ego, / (5)
concido, concidere, to fall down (14)
Eheu! Alas! (7)
conspicio, conspicere, to catch sight of{^)
eius, his, her(s), its (2)
consulo, consulere, to consult (7)
eo, ire, irreg., to go (7, 17)
convoco, convocare, to call together (12)
eo ipso tempore, at that very moment (10)
coquo, coquere, to cook (6)
eos, them (5)
Comelianus, -a, um, belonging to Cornelius (10)
epistula, -ae, f., letter (7)
eras, adv., tomoiTow (10, 13)
equus, -i, m., horse (10)
cubiculum, -i, n., room, bedroom (8, 15)
erat, (he/she/it) was (13)
culpa, -ae, i., fault, blame (14)
erro, errare, to wander (5)
cum, prep. + abl., with (12)
esse (see sum)
cuncti, -ae, -a, all (14)
est, (he/she/it) is {\)
Cur...? adv., Why...?{\)
et, conj., and (1)
euro, curare, to look after, take care of (6)
etiam, adv., also, even (1, 6, 13)
ciirro, currere, to iiin (2)
Eugepae! Hurray! (7)
custodio, custodire, to guard (17)
eum, him, it (5)

ex or e, prep. + 3Lh\.,fi-om, out of (2, 5, 9)

excipio, excipere, to welcome, receive, catch (5, 16)

de, prep. + abl., down from, concerning, about (16)
excito, excitare,

exclamo, exclamare,
to rouse,

wake (someone) up
exclaim, shout out (10)

exeo, exfre, irreg., to go out (5)

decern, ten (15)
exspecto, exspectare, to look out for, wait for (15)
defendo, defendere, to defend (I)
extraho, extrahere, to drag out, take out (14)
defessus, -a, -um, tired (2)

deinde, adv., then, next (8, 13)

descend©, descendere, to come/go down, climb

down (4)

deverto, devertere, to turn aside (14) facio, facere, to make, do (l)

dies, diei, m., day (5, 13) Iter facere, to travel (13)

discedo, discedere, to go away, depart (9) Quid facit...? What does... do?
diu, adv., for a long time (15) What is... doing? (1)

doceo, docere, to teach (6) fatuus, -a, -um, stupid (13)

domina, -ae, f., mistress, lady of the house (17) femina, -ae, f., woman (3)

dominus, -i, m., master (1 1) ferio, ferire, to hit, strike (16)

dormio, dormire, to sleep (4) fero, ferre, irreg., to bring, cany (5, 12, 17)

duco, ducere, to lead, take, bring (7) Fer/Ferte auxilium! Bring help! Help! (5)

dum, conj., while, as long as {\) ferociter, 2idv.,fieirely (13)

duo, duae, duo, two (15) festino, festinare, to huny (9)


filia, -ae, f., daughter (11) ignavus, -a, -um, cowardly, lazy (5)

filius, -1, m.,son (11) ille, ilia, illud, that, he, she, it{\\, 15, 16)

fortasse, adv., perhaps (15) ilia nocte, that night (11)

fossa, -ae, f., ditch (12) immobilis, -is, -e, motionless (12)

fragor, fragoris, m., a'ash, noise, din (4) impedio, impedire, to hinder, prevent (11)

firater, fratris, m., brother (11) in, prep. + abl., in, on (1,9)

fngidus, -a, -um, cool, cold (5) in animo habere, to intend (16)

frons, fronds, i., forehead (12) in itinere, on a journey (10)

frustra, adv., in vain (14) in, prep. + ace, i7ito, against (3, 9)

furtiin, adv., stealthily (4, 13) incito, incitare, to spur on, urge on, drive (10)

incolumis, -is, -e, unhurt, safe and sound (14)

induo, induere, to put on (8)

infirmus, -a, -um, weak, shaky (4)

gaudeo, gaudere, to be glad, rejoice (14)
inquit, (he/she) says, said (7)
gemo, getnere, to groan (3) interea, adv., meanwhile (10, 13)
gero, gerere, to wear (10) interpello, interpellare, to interrupt (14)
Graecus, -a, -um, Greek (17) intro, intrare, to enter, go into (8)
Graeci, -orum, m. pL, the Greeks (I)
inuro, inurere, to brand (12)
invenio, invenire, to come upon, find (12)

habeo, habere, to have, hold (10)
iocus, -i,

per iocum,
m.,joke, prank (16)

as a prank (16)
ipse, ipsa, ipsum, himself, herself, itself, themselves,
in animo habere, to intend (16)
veiy (6, 10)
habito, habitare, to live, dwell (1)
ira, -ae, f., anger (\ 1)
haereo, haerere, to stick (14)
iratus, -a, -um, an^ (3)
hie, adv., here (9, 13)
ire (from eo), to go (7, 1 7)
hodie, adv., today (2, 13)
Ita vero! adv.. Yes! Indeed! (3, 13)
homines, hominum, m. p\., people (15)
Italia, -ae, f., Italy (1)
hora, -ae, f., hour (9)
itaque, adv., and so, therefore (16)
hortus, -i, m., gai-den (3)
iter, itineris, n., journey (10, 13, 15)
hospes, hospitis, m./f, guest, host, friend, a person
iter facere, to travel (13)
related to one of another city by ties of hospitality (16)
iterum, adv., again, a second time (8, 13)

iiibeo, iubere, to order, bid (10)

iacio, iacere, to throw (10)

iam, adv., now, already (1, 8, 13)

non iam, adv. no longer (2, 13) laboro, laborare, to work (3)

ianitor, ianitoris, m., doorkeeper (9) laborantes, working (7)

ianua, -ae, f., door (9) lacrimo, lacrimare, to weep, cry (9)

ibi, adv., there (5, 13) lacrimans, weeping (9)

id quod, that which, what (11) laetus, -a, -um, happy, glad (1)

idem, eadem, idem, the same (3) lana, -ae, f., wool (6)

identidem, adv., again and again, repeatedly (13) lanam trahere, to spin wool (6)

igitur, conj., therefore (4) latro, latrare, to bark (12)


lego, legere, to read (I) neque...neque..., conj., neither... nor... (5)

lente, adv., slo'cvly (2, 13) nescio, nescire, to be ignorant, not to know (9)

liberi, -oruiTi, m. pi., children (10, 11) nihil, nothing (4)

littera, -ae, f., letter (of the alphabet) (12) nohis, for us (9)
longus, -a, -um, lo7ig (15) nobiscum, with us (16)

lucet, lucere, it is light, it is day (6) nocte, at night (12)

ludo, ludere, to play (16) nolo, nolle, irreg., to be unwilling, not to

pila ludere, to play ball (16) wish {5, 17)

lupa, -ae, f., she--d'olf(lT) Noli/Nolite + infin., Do?i't. . .! (9)

lupus, -i, m., wolf (5) nomen, nominis, n., Jiame (1, 15)

nomine, by name, called (1)

magnus, -a, -um, big, great, large, loud (voice, laugh) (4)
non, adv., not (2, 13)

non iam, adv., no longer (2, 13)

nondum, adv., ?iot yet (6, 13)

magna voce, a loud voice (4) i?i
nonus, -a, -um, ninth (16)
magno nsu, with a loud laugh (13)
nos, we, us (8)
maneo, manere, to remain, stay (9)
noster, nostra, nostrum, our (14)
mater, matris, f., mother (6, 11)
novem, nine (15)
me, me (4)
novus, -a, -um, new (16)
mecum, with me (9)
nox, noctis, gen. pL, noctium, f., night (1 1)
meus, -a, -um, my, mine (7)
ilia nocte, that night (11)
mihi,/or me, to me (8)
nocte, at night (12)
mille, a thousand (15)
nubes, nubis, gen. pL, nubium, f., cloud (15)
Minime! adv., No! Not at all! (3, 13)
nuUus, -a, -um, no, none (9)
miser, misera, miserum, unhappy, miserable,
numerus, -i, m., number (1 1)
wretched (9)
nunc, adv., now (6, 13)
mitto, mittere, to send (9)
nuntius, -i, m., messenger (7)
molestus, -a, -um, troublesome, annoying (4)

mortuus, -a,

-um, dead
m., pest (3)

(16) o
6 (used with vocative and in exclamations) (9)
moveo, movere, to move (14)

mox, adv., soon, presently (6, 13) O me miseram! Poor me! Oh dear me! (9)

rmilti, -ae, -a, fnany (3) observo, observare, to watch (6)

murmur, murmuris, n., murmur, rumble (15) occupatus, -a, -um, busy (7)

miisso, mussare, to mutter (11) octo, eight {\S)

olfacio, olfacere, to catch the scent of, sviell (12)

nam, conj., ybr (8)
omnes, omnia,
-i, n., olive

grove (14, 15)

eveiyone, eveiything (6, 9)

omnia quae, eveiything that (6)

narrator, narratoris, m., narrator (8)
onus, oneris, n., load, burden (15)
-ne (indicates a question) (3)

Neapolis, Neapolis, f., Naples (15)

necesse, adv. or indecl. adj., necessaiy (6, 13)

nemo, neminis, m./f, no one (9) palla, -ae, f.,palla (10)

neque, conj., and. .not (6) . paratus, -a, -um, ready, prepared (10)


. . ?

parens, parentis, m./f., parent (1 1) Quam...! adv., //ozi;....'(13)

paro, parare, to pirparr, get ready (5) quamquam, conj., although (11)

pars, partis, gen. pi., partium, {., part, diirction (13) Quando...? adv.. When.. J (12)
pater, patris, m., father (6, 1
1) quattuor, four (15)
per, prep. + ace, through, along (6, 9) Quem...? Whom...?{S)
per iocum, as a prank (16) qui, quae, quod, who, which, that (1, 3, 14)

periculosus, -a, -um, dangerous (17) Qui...? Who...?{^\.){6)

penculum, -i, n., danger (14, 15) Quibuscum...? With whom...? {\2)

pemocto, pemoctare, to spend the night (17) Quid...? What...?{\,^)

perterritus, -a, -um, frightened, terrified iS) quidam, quaedam, quoddam, a certairi (10)

pes, pedis, m.,foot (13) Quid facit...? What does. . .do? What is. . .doing? (1)

peto, petere, to look for, seek, head for, aim at, quiesco, quiescere, to rest, keep quiet (13)

attack (5) quingenti, -ae, -a, five hundred (IS)

pictura, -ae, i., picture (1) quinquaginta,y?/ry (15)
pila, -ae, f., ball (16) quinquGffive (15)
pfla ludere, to play ball (16) Quis...? Quid...? Who...? What...? (l,^)
piscina, -ae, i., fishpond (i) Quid facit...? What does... do?
placide, adv., gently, peacefully (14) What is. . .doing? (1)

plaiistrum, -i, n., wagon, can (15) Quo...? adv.. Where... to? (4)

plenus, -a, -um, fiill (11) Quocum. . ? With whom ...? {\2)
Pompeii, -orum, m. pi., Pompeii quod, conj., because; v/ith verbs of feeling, that (1, 13)

pono, ponere, to put, place (10) quod, which, that (14)

porta, -ae, f., gate (11) Quo instrumento. . .? With what instrument. . .

porto, portare, to carry (6) By what means. . . ? How? (12)

possum, posse, irreg., to be able; I can (5, 14) Quomodo...? adv.. In what manner. ..? In what
poterat, (he/she/it) was able, could (li) way...? How...? (12)
potest, (he/she/it) is able, can (5) quoque, adv., also (2, 13)

praeclarus, -a, -um, distitiguished, fa?nous (13) Quos...? Whom...? (7)

praeterea, adv., besides, too, moreover (15) Quot. . ? How many. . .

(1 5)
praetereo, praeterire, irreg., to go past (15)
praetexta, toga, -ae, toga with ptn-ple border (10)


princeps, principis, m., emperor (7)

procul, adv., in the distance, far off', far (15) raeda, -ae, f carnage (10) ,

promitto, promittere, to promise (9) raedarius, -i, m., coachman, driver (10)
prope, prep. + ace, near (5, 9) ramus, -i, m., branch (4)
puella, -ae, f., girl (I) redeo, redire, irreg., to return, go back (7)
puer, pueri, m., boy (3) relinquo, relinquere, to leave behitid (16)
piilvis, pulveris, m., dust (15) repello, repellere, drive
to off, drive back (5)
purgo, piirgare, to clean (6) reprehendo, reprehendere, to blame, scold (6)

respondeo, respondere, to reply (5)

revoco, revocare, to recall, call back (7)

quae, who (1, 11)
rideo, ridere,

risu, magno,
to laugh,

with a loud laugh (13)

smile (3)

Qualis. . . ? What son of. . . ? (4) rivus, -i, m., stream (5)


rogo, rogare, to ask (12) strenuus, -a, -um, active, energetic (2)

Roma, -ae, f., Rome (7) strenue, adv., strenuously, hard (6, 13)

Romam, to Rome (7) sub, prep. + abl., under, beneath (1,9)

Romanus, -a, -um, Roffian (1) subito, adv., suddenly (3, 13)

Romani, -orum, m. pi., the Romans (III) sum, esse, irreg., to be (I, 14)

rota, -ae, f., wheel (15) sum, (they) are (2)

rustica, villa, -ae, f., country house and farm (1) surgo, surgere, to get up, rise (6)

rusticus, -I, m., peasant (13) suus, -a, -um, his, her, its, their (own) (9)

saepe, adv., often (2, 13) tabellarius, -i, m., courier {\'!>)

saluto, salutare, to gi-eet, welcome (7) taceo, tacere, to be quiet (9)

Salve !/Salvete! Greetings! Hello! (7) Tace!/Tacete! Be quiet! (9)

salvus, -a, -um, safe (5) tacite, adv., silently (9, 13)

scelestus, -a, -um, wicked (10) taedet, taedere, it bores (16)

scio, scire, to know (16) tamen, adv., however, nevertheless {6, 13)

scribo, scribere, to write (1) tandem, adv., at last, at length (2, 13)

se, himself herself oneself itself themselves (11) tantum, adv., only (15)

secundus, -a, -um, second (9) tardus, -a, -um, slow (15)
sed, conj., but (2) te (see tii), you (4)
sedeo, sedere, to sit (1) temerarius, -a, -um, rash, reckless, bold (5)

semisomnus, -a, -um, half-asleep (9) tempto, temptare, to tiy (9)

semper, adv., always (4, 13) tempus, temporis, n., time (2, 8, 12, 15)

senator, senatoris, m., senator (7) brevi tempore, in a shoit time, soon (2, 12)

senex, senis, m., old man (I) eo ipso tempore, at that veiy moment (10)
septem, i'eyew (15) teneo, tenere, to hold (9)

Septimus, -a, -um, seventh (13) terreo, terrere, to frighten, ten-ify (4)

servus, -i, m., i-Zz/ye (3) timeo, timere, to fear, be afraid (to/of (5)

sex, six (15) toga, -ae, f., toga (8)

si, conj., //(5) toga praetexta, toga with purple border (10)

silentium, -i, n., silence (15) toga virilis, toga ofmajihood, plain white toga (10)

silva, -ae, f., woods, forest (5) trado, tradere, to hand over (7)

simul, adv., together; at the same time (9, 13) traho, trahere, to drag, pull (6, 12)

soleo, solere +infin., to be accustomed (to), be in the lanam trahere, to spin wool (6)

habit of (10) tres, tres, tria, three (13, 15)

soUicitus, -a, -um, anxious, worried (4) tribus diebus, in th'ee days (12, 13)
solus, -a, -um, alone (3) Troia, -ae, f., Troy (I)

soror, sororis, f., sister (11) Troianus, -a, -um, Trojan (I)

specto, spectare, to watch, look at (7) Troiani, -orum, m. pi., the Trojans (I)

statim, adv., immediately (5, 13) tii (ace. te), you (sing.) (4)

statua, -ae, f., statue (3) tum, adv., at that moment, then (4, 13)

sto, stare, to stand (10) tunica, -ae, f., tunic (8)

stola, -ae, f., stola (a woman's outer gai-ment) (10) tuus, -a, -um, your (sing.) (9)


Ubi...?adv., Where...? {\Q, 12)
via, -ae,

Via Appia,
f., road, street (10)

-ae, f., the Appian Way (11)

vTcinus, -a, -um, neighboriiig (1)

ubi, adv., conj., where, when (1,5, 13)
video, videre, to see (4)
Unde...? adv., From where...? (12)
m., overseer, farm manager (11)
vilicus, -i,

undecimus, -a, -um, eleventh (17)

villa, -ae, f., coiintjy house (1)
unus, -a, -um, one (15)
villa rustica, -ae, countij house and farm
f., (1)
urbs, urbis, gen. pi., urbium, f., city (7)
vinea, -ae, f., vineyard (12)
ut, adv., as {\6)
vir, viri, m., 7nan, husband (3, 1 1)
uxor, uxoris, f., wife (11)
virga, -ae, f., stick, rod, switch (13)

vinlis, toga, toga of manhood, plain white toga (10)

ValelA^alete! Goodbye! (9)
vis (from \6\6),you

vito, vitare, to avoid (13)

want (16)

volo, velle, irreg., to wish, want, be

vehiculum, -i, n., vehicle (13, 15) willing {S, 17)
velle (see volo) \6s, you (pi.) (8)

venio, venire, to come (7) vox, vocis, f., voice (4)

verbero, verberare, to beat, whip (11) magna voce, in a loud voice (4)

verto, vertere, to mm (16) vult (from volo), (he/she) wishes, wants, is

vestigium, -i, n., track, footprint, trace (12, 15) willing {5, 17)
vexo, vexare, to annoy (4)


English to Latin
Verbs are usually cited in their infinitive fonn. For as, ut
fiirther information about the Latin words in this list, as a prank, per iocum
please consult the Latin to English Vocabulary list. as long as, dum
ask, to, rogare


at last, tandem
able, (he /she/it) was, poterat at length, tandem
able, to be, posse at night, nocte

about, de attack, to, petere

absent, to be, abesse

attend to, to, curare

accustomed (to), to be, solere avoid, to, vTtare

active, strenuus away, to be, abesse

afraid (to/of), to be, timere

again, iterum
again and again, identidem B
against, in ball, pila

aim at, to, petere ball, to play, pfla ludere

Alas! Eheu! bark, to, latrare

all, cuncti, omnes be, to, esse

alone, solus beat, to, verberare

along, per because, quod
already, iam bedroom, cubiculum
also, etiam, quoque beneath, sub
although, quamquam besides, praeterea

always, semper Beware! Cave!/Cavete!

and, et bid, to, iubere
and... not, neque big, magnus
and so, itaque blame, culpa
anger, ira blame, to, reprehendere
angry, Iratus bold, temerarius

annoy, to, vexare bores, it, taedet

annoying, molestus boy, piier
another, alius branch, ramus
anxious, soUicitus brand, to, inurere
appear, to, apparere bring, to, ducere, ferre

Appian Way, the. Via Appia Bring help! Fer/Ferte auxilium!

approach, to, appropinquare Britain, Britannia

are, (they), sunt British, Britannicus

arrive (at), to, advenire brother, frater


building, aedificium courier, tabellarius

burden, onus cow, bos

busy, occupatus cowardly, ignavus
but, sed crash, fragor

cry, to, lacrimare

call back, to, revocare D

danger, periculum
call together, to, convocare
called, nomine dangerous, periculosus
can, (he/she/it), potest dark, it gets, advesperascit
careful! Be, Cave!/Cavete! daughter, filia

carriage, raeda day, dies

carriage, light two-wheeled, cisium day, it is, lucet

carry, to, ferre, portare dead, mortuus

cart, plaustrum dearest, carissimus

catch, to, excipere defend, to, defendere

catch sight of, to, conspicere depart, to, discedere

catch the scent of, to, olfacere din, fragor

certain, a, quidam direction, pars

charioteer, aunga distance, in the, procul

chest, cista distinguished, praeclarus

children, liberi ditch, fossa

citizen, civis do, to, agere, facere

city, urbs do nothing, to, cessare

clean, to, purgare dog, canis
climb, to, ascendere doing?. What is.... Quid facit...?

climb down, to, descendere Don't...! Noli/Nolite + infinitive

climb into (a carriage), to, ascendere door, ianua

cloud, nubes doorkeeper, ianitor

coachman, raedarius down from, de
cold, frigidus drag, to, trahere

come, to, venire drag out, to, extrahere

come down, to, descendere drive off/back, to, repellere

Come on! Age!/Agite! drive, to, agere, incitare

come upon, to, invenire driver, raedarius

concerning, de dust, pulvis

consult, to, consulere dwell, to, habitare

cook, to, coquere

cool, frigidus

Cornelius, belonging to, Comelianus

could, (he/she/it), poterat eight, octo
country house, villa eleventh, undecimus
country house and farm, villa rustica embrace, in an, complexu


emperor, princeps gently, placide

energetic, strenuus get up, to, surgere

enter, to, intrare gets dark, it, advesperascit

escape, to, effiigere girl, puella
even, edam glad, laetus

everyone, omnes glad, to be, gaudere

everything, omnia go, to, ire

everything that, omnia quae Go away! Abi!/Abite!

exclaim, to, exclamare go away, to, abire, discedere
go back, to, redire
go down, to, descendere
fall, to, cadere go into, to, intrare

fall down, to, concidere go out, to, exire

famous, praeclarus go past, to, praetenre

far (off), procul good, bonus

farm manager, vilicus Goodbye! ValelA^alete!

fast, very, celerrime grab hold of, to, arripere

father, pater great, magnus

fault, culpa Greek, Graecus

fear, to, timere Greeks, the, Graeci

field, ager greet, to, salutare

fiercely, ferociter Greetings! Salvel/Salvete!

fifty, quinquaginta groan, to, gemere

find, to, invenire guard, to, custodire

fishpond, piscina guest, hospes

five, qumque

food, cibus

foot, pes
footprint, vestigium habit of, to be in the, solere
for, nam half-asleep, semisomnus
forehead, firons hand over, to, tradere
forest, sflva happens, it, accidit
four, quattuor happy, laetus
friend, arnica, amicus, hospes hard, strenue
frighten, to, terrere have, to, habere
frightened, perterritus he, ille
from, a, ab, e, ex head for, to, petere
From where...? Unde...? hear, to, audire
full, plenus Hello! Salvel/Salvete!
help, auxilium
help!. Bring, Fer/Ferte auxilium!
help, to, adiuvare

garden, hortus her, earn

gate, porta her (own), sua


her(s), eius mto, m
here, hie is, (he/she/it), est

herself, ipsa, se is able, (he/she/it), potest

hide, to, celare it, eam, eum, id, illud

him, eum its, eius

himself, ipse, se itself, ipse, se

hinder, to, impedire its (own), suus

his, eius Italy, Italia

his (own), suus

hit, to, ferire

hold, to, habere, tenere

horse, equus joke, iocus

host, hospes journey, iter

hour, hora

house, country, villa
How...! Quam...!
How...? Quo instrumento..,? Quomodo...? keep quiet, to, quiescere
How many...? Quot...? know, not to, nescire
however, tamen know, to, scire
hundred, a, centum
hundred, five, quingenti
Hurray! Eugepae!
hurry, to, festinare lady of the house, domina
husband, vir large, magnus
laugh, to, ridere

laugh, with a loud, magno risii

I lazy, ignavus
I, ego lead, to, ducere
idle, to be, cessare leave behind, to, relinquere

if, si letter, epistula

ignorant, to be, nescire letter (of the alphabet), littera

immediately, statim light, it is, lucet

in, in light two-wheeled carriage, cisium
in a loud voice, magna voce like, to, amare
in three days, tribus diebus listen to, to, audire
In what manner...? Quomodo...? live, to, habitare
In what way...? Quomodo...? load, onus
in vain, frustra long, longus
Indeed! Ita vero! long time, for a, diii

inn, caupona look after, to, ciirare

innkeeper, caupo look at, to, spectare

instrument...?, With what. Quo instrumento...? look for, to, petere
intend, to, in animo habere look out for, to, exspectare
interrupt, to, interpellare Look! Ecce!


loud, magnus neighboring, vicinus
loud laugh, with a, magno nsu neither... nor, neque...neque
loud voice, in a, magna voce nevertheless, tamen
love, to, amare new, novus
next, deinde

make, to, facere

at, nocte
night, that, ilia nocte

man, vir nine, novem

man, old, senex ninth, nonus
manager, farm, vilicus no, nullus

manner...?. In what, Quomodo...? no longer, non iam

many, multi no one, nemo
master, dominus No! Minime!
noise, fragor
me, me
me, for/ to, mihi none, nullus

me, with, mecum not, non

means...?. By what. Quo instrumento...? Not at all! Minime!
meanwhile, interea not yet, nondum
messenger, nuntius nothing, nihil

mind, animus now, iam, nunc

mine, meus number, numerus

miserable, miser
mistress, domina
at that, tum
at that very, eo ipso tempore
often, saepe
moreover, praeterea
Oh dear me! O me miseram!
mother, mater
old man, senex
motionless, immobilis
olive grove, olivetum
move, to, movere on, in
moved, commotus
on a journey, in itinere
murmur, murmur one, unus
mutter, to, mussare one (of two), alter
my, meus one. ..the other, the, alter.. .alter
oneself, se

name, nomen

to, aperire
space, area

name, by, nomine order, to, iubere

Naples, Neapolis other, alius

narrator, narrator other (of two), the, alter

near, ad, prope our, noster

necessary, necesse out of, e, ex


outer garment, woman's, stola reach, to, advenire

overseer, vilicus read, to, legere

ox, bos ready, paratus

ready, to get, parare

recall, to, revocare

receive, to, excipere
palla, palla
reckless, temerarius
parent, parens rejoice, to, gaudere
part, pars remain, to, manere
peacefully, placide repeatedly, identidem
peasant, rustdcus reply, to, respondere
people, homines rest, to, quiescere
perhaps, fortasse return, to, redire
person related to one of another city by ties of rise, to, siirgere
hospitality, hospes road, via
pest, molestus rod, virga
picture, pictura Roman, Romanus
place, to, ponere Romans, the, Roman!
plain white toga, toga virilis
Rome, Roma
play, to, ludere Rome, to, Romam
play ball, to, pfla ludere room, cubiculum
Pompeii, Pompeii rouse, to, excitare
Poor me! O me miseram rumble, murmur
prank, iocus run, to, currere
prank, as a, per iocum run away, to, effugere
prepare, to, parare

prepared, paratus

presently, mox
prevent, to, impedire

promise, to, promittere safe, salvus

pull, to, trahere safe and sound, incolumis

put, to, ponere said, (he/she), inquit

put on, to, induere same, the, idem

same time, at the, simul

quickly, celeriter
says, (he/she), inquit
scent of, to catch the, olfacere

scold, to, reprehendere

quickly, very, celerrime
second, secundus
quiet!, Be, Tace!/Tacete!
second, a/the, alter
quiet, to be, tacere
second time, a, iterum

rage, ira commotus
see, to,

seek, to,
a, -self, -selves, ipse, se

rash, temerarius senator, senator


send, to, mittere stupid, fatuus

seven, septem suddenly, subito

seventh, septimus summer, aestas

shaky, infirmus summer, in, aestate

she, ilia switch, virga

she-wolf, liipa

shout(ing), clamor
shout, to, clamare
shout out, to, exclamare take, to, ducere
silence, silentium take care of, to, curare
silently, tacite take out, to, extrahere
sister, soror teach, to, docere
sit, to, sedere ten, decem
six, sex terrified, perterritus
skill, ars terrify, to, terrere
sky, caelum that, file

slave, servus that, qui

slave-woman, ancilla that (with words of feeling), quod
sleep, to, dormire that night, ilia nocte
slow, tardus that which, id quod
slowly, lente their (own), siius

smell, to, olfacere them, eos

smile, to, ridere themselves, se
snatch, to, arripere then, deinde, turn
some... others, alii... alii there, ibi

son, filius therefore, igitur, itaque

soon, brevi tempore, mox thousand, a, miUe

space, open, area three, tres

spend the night, to, pemoctare threshing-floor, area

spin wool, to, lanam trahere through, per

spur on, to, incitare throw, to, iacere
staff, baculum time, tempus
stand, to, stare time, in a short, brevi tempore
statue, statua tired, defessus
stay, to, manere to(ward), ad
stealthily, furtim to Rome, Romam
stick, baculum, virga today, hodie

stick, to, haerere toga, toga

still, adhuc toga of manhood, toga virilis

stola, stola toga with purple border, toga praetexta
stream, rivus together, simul

street, via tomorrow, eras

strenuously, strenue too, praeterea

strike, to, ferire trace, vestigium


track, vestigium warm, calidus
travel, to, iter facere was, (he/she/it), erat

tree, arbor was able, (he/she/it), poterat

Trojan, Troianus watch, to, observare, spectare
Trojans, the, Troiani Watch out for...! Cave!/Cavete...!
troublesome, molestus water, aqua
Troy, Troia way...?. In what, Quomodo...?
trunk, cista we, nos
try, to, temptare weak, infirmus
tunic, tunica wear, to, gerere
turn, to, vertere weep, to, lacrimare
turn aside, to, devertere weeping, lacrimans
two, duo welcome, to, excipere, saliitare
what, id quod
What...? Quid?

under, sub
What does... do? Quid facit...?
What sort of...? Qualis...?
wheel, rota
unhappy, miser
when, iibi
vmhurt, incolumis
When...? Quando...?
unwilling, to be, nolle
where, ubi
urge on, to, incitare
Where...? XJbi...?
us, nos
Where. Quo...?
us, for, nobis
which, qui
us, with, nobiscum
while, dum
whip, to, verberare

vehicle, vehiculum
who, qui, quae
Whom...? Quem...?
very, ipse
whom...?. With, Quocum...?
vineyard, vinea
voice, vox wicked, scelestus
voice, in a loud, magna voce wife, lixor

willing, (he/she) is, vult

wagon, plaustrum
willing, to be, velle

wish, to, velle

wish, not to, noUe

wait for, to, exspectare wishes, (he/she), vult

wake (someone) up, to, excitare with, apud, cum

walk, to, ambulare with a loud laugh, magno risii

wander, to, errare wolf, liipus

want, to, velle woman, femina

want, (you), vis woods, silva

wants, (he/she), vult wool, lana


wool, to spin,
work, to,
lanam trahere
Yes! ita veto!
working, laborantes
you (sing.), tu, (pL), vos
worried, sollicitus
your (sing.), tuus
wretched, miser
write, to, scribere


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