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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Hari / Tanggal : Kamis, 9 Juni 2022
Kelas : IV (Empat) Pukul : 07.00 – 08.30

NAMA : …………………………..


1. My mother parks his car in the ………
a. Yard b. kitchen c. garden d. garage
2. In the evening we dinner together in the ………
a. Bathroom b. balcony c. veranda d. dining room
3. “Breakfast” means ……………..
a. Makan pagi b. makan siang c. makan sore d. makan malam
4. Wini …………the flowers every morning
a. Cleans b. waters c. washes d. eats
5. We receive guest in the ……….
a. Bed room b. guest room c. kitchen d. veranda
6. Hilman takes a bath in the ……..
a. Living room b. garage c. bathroom d. bedroom
7. “wash clothes” the meaning is ……….
a. Menyapu b. mencuci baju c. menyiram d. bermain
8. “study” the meaning is ……….
a. Bermain b. menonton tv c. belajar d. mandi
9. My mother cooks in the………….
a. Yard b. kitchen c. bedroom d. veranda
10. Reno ……… TV in the living room
a. Watch b. read c. waters d. eat
11. Rini ………. The floor every morning
a. Sweep b. watch c. cook d. study
12. “mencuci baju” in English is ……..
a. Sleep b. sweep c. read d. wash clothes
13. “bermain” in English is ………..
a. Do gardening b. eat c. play d. water the flowers
14. My family sleep in the ……….
a. Bedroom b. garden c. dining room d. kitchen
15. “garage” the meaning is ……..
a. Kamar mandi b. balkon c. garasi d. halaman
16. “kitchen” the meaning is ……..
a. Dapur b. pagar c. ruang makan d. ruang tamu
17. R – O – M – O – T – A – B – H . The correct word is ….
a. Roombath b. bedroom c. bathroom d. dining room
18. G – D – E – A – R – N . the correct word is …….
a. Garage b. garden c. yard d. fence
19. Sleep – Joni – the – in – bedroom . The correct sentence is ……
a. In the bedroom joni sleep c. Sleep in the bedroom joni
b. Joni sleep in the bedroom d. Joni in the bedroom sleep
20. Living room – in – the – adi – read – a book. The correct sentence is …..
a. In the living room Adi read a book c. Adi read a book in the living room
b. Adi in the living room read a book d. read a book Adi in the living room
21. The student having a test in the ………
a. School yard b. garden c. flag pole d. classroom
22. The students borrow books in the ……….
a. Classroom b. library c. school yard d. field
23. We put our books and pencils in our ……….
a. Blackboard b. school bag c. calender d. cupboard
24. Thes thing are in the classroom, except ………..
a. Map b. television c. pictures d. cupboard
25. To find the meaning of the words, we use a ……….
a. Text book b. writing book c. dictionary d. drawing book
26. I use my …………. To sharpen my pencil
a. Compasses b. ruler c. eraser d. sharpener
27. The student having a falg ceremony in the ………..
a. Canteen b. garden c. library d. school yard
28. The student ………….. in the canteen
a. Studying b. having a break time c. playing d. sweeping
29. Susi writing a note on the ……….
a. Bag b. wall c. table d. map
30. This is a …………
a. Pencil b. clock c. bag d. map

31. This is a ………..

a. Cupboard b. calender c. dictionary d. balckboard

32. F – G – A – L – P – O – E – L . the correct word is …….

a. Text book b. flag pole c. protector d. clock
33. “having a flag ceremony” the meaning is ……….
a. Istirahat b. belajar c. upacara bendera d. kerja kelompok
34. “playing football” the meaning is ……….
a. Makan siang b. bermain sepak bola c. berolahraga d. menulis
35. “buku gambar” in English is ………..
a. Clock b. drawing book c. text book d. dictionary

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