Danh Essay 6

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Some people believe that it is important to instill a sense of competition in

children, while others argue that children will grow up to become more useful
individuals if they are taught how to cooperate instead of how to compete.
Although many workplace tasks involve teamwork, I believe encouraging
competition from an early age is more crucial because competitive people are
more likely to accomplish great things in the future.

On the one hand, many projects at work require employees to work in teams.
That is to say, children who learn cooperation would be able to better fulfill their
role in the workplace since they would know how to work together with their
teammates to accomplish a common goal.

On the other hand, being a good team player alone does not make a person
become an extremely valuable employee. More often than not, employees love
competition will bring innovation to their companies and help them stay at the
top of their game. Competitiveness helps a person to achieve extraordinary
success. Encouraging children to compete and not to be afraid of losing increases
their chances of becoming pioneers instead of followers. They may grow up to
become people like Elon Musk, who are willing to experiment and fail a lot to
innovate to stay ahead of their competitors. I think this is extremely important
because such people can push humanity forward.

In conclusion, it is true that teamwork is important at work. However, I think

competitiveness is an even more important personal quality since it is a signal of
whether a child would achieve greatness in the future.

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