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Trade City Project

Exceeds Meets Expectations Needs Improvement Below Expectations

Expectations (4 (3 points) (2 points) (0 points)
Trade City Name Trade city is given a Trade city is given a Name was given to No name was given
name that is name, but the name the trade city, but to the trade city.
4 points creative and original. is unoriginal. The the name was not
The city name is city name is listed listed on the poster.
listed on the poster. on the poster.
Trade Port Trade port is Information about Trade port is No trade port is
included on the trade port is included, but there is included on the
poster with a trade included, but no information given poster.
4 points port name. information is not about the trade port.
Information about clear or trade port
the trade port is name is not
included. included.
Trade Products Two or more trade Two or more trade Only one trade No trade products
products are listed products are listed product is included are included on the
on the poster. All on the poster, but on the poster. poster.
4 points trade products relate trade products do
to the trade city and not relate to the
trade port. trade city or trade
Major Events/ Major events/ Major events/ Major events/ No major events/
Conflicts conflict are included conflict are included conflict are included conflicts are
and clearly on the poster, but on the poster, but no included on the
described on the are not clearly description of the poster.
4 points poster. Major events described or do not events is included.
or conflicts relate to relate to the
the envisioned trade envisioned trade
city. city.
Explorers Well-known Well-known Well-known No explorers are
explorers who may explorers who may explorers who may included on the
have traveled have traveled have traveled poster.
4 points through the city are through the city are through the city are
included. Includes included. included, but no
explanations for Explanation on why explanation is given
what the explorers they might have on why they might
might have done or traveled to the city is have traveled
why they might have included, but is not through that city in
traveled through city clear in presentation.
in presentation. presentation.
Visual Project contains a Project contains a Project contains a No visual of the
visual of the trade visual of the trade visual, but little to no trade route or
route or products route or products effort is put into the products traded is
4 points traded. Effort is traded. Effort is visual of the trade included in project.
clearly put in to the clearly put into the route or products
visual and has visual, but visual is traded.
connections to the not connected to the
envisioned trade envisioned trade
route. route.
Grammar Poster has two or Poster has three to Poster has five to six Poster has more
less grammatical four grammatical grammatical errors. than seven
errors. errors. grammatical errors.
4 points
Organization All components of All components of Some components No components of
the project are the project are of the project are the project are
clearly labeled. The clearly labeled. Most not labeled. Most labeled. Project is
4 points project is arranged parts of the project parts of the project chaotic and
nicely and visually are arranged nicely are not arranged cluttered.
appealing to look at. and are visually nicely and are not
appealing to look at. visually appealing to
look at.
Presentation Group presented Group presented Group presented Group did not
their poster to the their poster to the their poster to the present their poster
rest of the class in a rest of the class. rest of the class, but to the class.
4 points clear manner. All Group was slightly group was
group members unorganized or did unorganized, acted
took turns sharing not have all immaturely, or had
information. members of the less than half of the
group share group share
information. information.

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