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WHO SAID THAT THE INSTAGRAM COULDN´T KILL ? now we have one dead for his fault and a
murderer in freedom

Movie script:

Ilham: Taylor Flye

Sonia: lauren flye

Susanna: Emma Fletcher

Ana: Emily Parker

Detective’s office

(Door knocking)

-Please come it.

-Hi, I’m Taylor.

-Taylor, I was waiting for you. Have a sit.

(she takes a sit)

-How can I help you?

-One month ago, my step daughter was found dead.

-My condolences.

-….The Police said she was holding a gun.

-Was it a suicide?

-They believe so, but Lauren would never do such thing.

-Why do you say that? Do you have any clues?

-That’s why I’m here, I need you to find them.

- I’ll take the case. It seems interesting. Use this pen, sign here.

- Thank you.

(she walks out of the building and her phone rings)

-Hello? Who is this?

-If you investigate your daughter’s death no one will investigate yours.

- Stop the investigation now, or else… I’ll make sure you scream till I rip off your lungs.

-….(decisive) I won’t stop it.

Crime scene 1

(camera shows a shaking hand pouring chloroform on a cloth, then, the same person walks
along a corridor, stops for a couple of seconds and knocks the door)

Lauren fly: who is it? (Lauren is checking her phone)


Lauren looks through the peephole and opens the door.

Hi, how can I help you? (still having her phone screen on)

….Hi, I’m Emily, I’m your next door neighbor.

You are?

Yes, and we also went to the same class for two years.

Oh, did we? I’m sorry I am very forgetful.

Don’t worry. I am out of pepper, can I borrow some of yours?

..yes, of course. (walks in) Come in.

-Thank you

-Close the door behind you, please.

(Emily closes the door and notices the keys, she locks the door and puts them in her pocket)

(the phone keeps beeping and buzzing, Lauren checks her phone again. The camera shows her
instagram account and plenty of notifications)

-I follow you on instagram. (creepy stare)

-oh, what’s your account?

- @anhemia_69

(Lauren searches her name and displays her profile on her phone-screen. It shows hundreds of
similar pictures of her face in the dark, with an evil smile. Zero followers. Lauren drops her jaw
and says with a broken voice :

-Emily, It’s very nice meeting you but I’m going to have to ask you to leave.
She walks her to the door, but is not able to open it. She turns back her head and a couple of
arms grab her and press a cloth against her face.

Crime scene 2

(sound: phone beep) Lauren wakes up and finds herself tied to a chair, she looks around and
sees the crazy woman using her phone while giggling.

-What is this?


-What’s happening?...WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH MY PHONE?

-we got 50 likes. WE GOT FIFTY LIKES!

-What on earth are you talking about?

-All my life, I never existed. No one looked at me, no one liked me.

-Because you are not cool, you don’t have SWAG.

(psycho girl slaps her)

-SHUT UP, I AM COOL. You See? Fifty likes (shows a picture of her cat)

-Is that your cat? What! DID YOU USE MY ACCOUNT?!

- Go ahead, press like.

- I’m not going to press like. I only do #like4like and #follow4follow. Plus, the cat looks gross.

(Spycho bitch pulls a gun on her)


-I rather stick a train through my butt. Your cat is super gross.

-You asked for it.


Investigation scene

/in the streets/

Emma(getting closer to Taylor) sorry for be late

Taylor: I was waiting a long time here

Emma: it was a big traffic jam

Taylor: I have new news from the case

Emma: tell me about them

Taylor: the killer has called me

Emma (with a surprise face): what did him told you?

Taylor: he has told me that if I continue the investigation he will kill me

Emma: if he has told you that, he is afraid of are discoveries

Taylor: I know that; but I don´t know what we have to do now

Emma: we have to look for evidences in the crime scene

Taylor:My house is near here, we can who waking

(they start to move)

Emma: are you ok to continue with the investigation? I will understand if you are afraid, but
someone will have to avenge your daughter

Taylor: and the best one for do it will be me

/in the house/

Taylor: She wash lying on the floor with a gun in her hands, the policemen picked all the

Emma: Let me try to find some clues

(she moves around there for 20 seconds)

Emma. Someone came invited; probably it was a familiar or trustworth

Taylor: look at the carpet! In seems that it has been dragger

Emma. Hum... interesting…

3 days after

(Taylor and Emma talking)

Emma: Taylor,I find a clue in the pome of the door.

Taylor. Great!! When are we going to have the results of that clue?

Emma. Well that’s the problem, they wil be in two days

Taylor. Oh, great, I can´t wait to catch that son of bitch

Emma: don´t worry, we will be ready for catch him

Taylor: I hope that.

Emma. Well, how has your relationship with her? You have good memories of her?

Taylor:Yes!!We had a very good relationship. i remember the first time that she heard about


Lauren: mum¡¡¡

Taylor (screaming) (she is in a different place): WHAT DO YOU WANT??

Lauren : come quickly! it¨s a emergency¡

(Taylor cames running to the pleace of lauren, worried): what happenned?

Lauren: It´s something difficult to explain.

Taylor: Try to explain

Lauren: But i´m so embrarrassed...

Taylor: Well, if you don´t want, i´ll go back to the kitchen.


Taylor: SO... COME ON

Lauren: I... don´t.. HAVE INSTAGRAM

Taylor:What is this ? I never heard it .

Lauren:All my friends have it, i want one too .

Taylor:Well (she reachs into her pocket to get few coins).Take that!

Lauren:No, no .Instagram isn't a thing that you can buy .

Taylor:If you can't buy it.What it is?

Lauren:It's a page.You can public your photos ,comment photos of the other person ,following
them …It's fantastic! Mum ,can I making a account please?

Taylor:I don't like this idea.I think it very dangerous

Lauren :Why?

Taylor: There are a lot of bad people out there ,they can hurt you.(Worried)

Lauren:Don't worried.If someone insults me ,i will denounce him.

Taylor: But...If a serial killer found you on instagram and he wants kill you. What are we going
to do? (She is very pale)

Lauren :That not going to happen!!(Confidented)

Taylor:Are you sure??

Lauren:Yes.Mum, please let me creating an account.

Taylor: But...

Lauren:All my friend have one and I the one who don't have it.


Lauren: I promise you that I 'll do anything.


Lauren: Yes, anything.

Taylor:Ok. If you buy a beautiful vase of flower ,you will be able to create an account.(Giving
her money)

Lauren: Serously?

Taylor:Yes, of course.

Lauren:Oh..Mum,thank you. I'm so happy

Taylor:Buy you will to have to be carefull, you always habe to be carefull with the internet


End flashback

3 days after

Phones ring

Emma: hello Taylor

Taylor: hello Emma, what do you want?

Emma: just tell you, that the results are ready, we know the name

Taylor: and who is it? That’s the big question.

Emma: you will be really surprise about the answer +

Taylor: I’m prepared for know it

Emma: I’m going to your home right know

Taylor: and then you will tell me, no?

Emma. Yes I will

Taylor: okay, see you know

Emma: See you

(Beep of hanging)

(Keys of Taylor felt and she crouch for them, Emily appears with the chloroform and put it in
Taylor faces)

/inside of the house/

(taylor waking)

Taylor: what… what happened’

Emily( in the next sofa): good morning

Taylor: who are you? What are you doing in my house?

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