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Introduction to computeer
A computer network is a group ol computing devices that are connected together
Computer network
so that they can share data and resources.
Mobile network A mobile network is a network of communication and computing devices where
the last link is over a mobile phone network.
ITQ 3.1 Originally developed for mobile phone systems, mobile networks now carry
Why might someone on the move data as well as voice communication. Persons On the mOve with smartphones can
want to join a computer network?
now join a computer network.
Computer networks are needed because organisations want to communicate
with others and share data files and other resources.

Computer networks at CTS are integral to hovw the company

functions. Some of the newer buses are fitted with Wi-Fi, accessed
using a mobile network, allowing passengers to access the Internet
when travelling on the bus. Employees of CTS want to be able to
Communicate with each other uSing email. All the computers in CTS
head office need to access the company printer and s0 need to be
Connected together.

All these tasks are achieved by networking computers together.

ACTIVITY3.1 Uses of a network in your company

Use the company you created in the Introduction or use St Luago Fashion.
Discuss how the employees and management in your company will need to
communicate and share data and resources.
Select three employees and create a short report outlining the tasks these employees
will be able to achieve using the company network.
Display your report on the classroom noticeboard for the rest of the class.

Most modern computing devices have networking facilities built in.

computers and laptops will usually have a network port into which ap
network cable can be plugged and a wireless network adapter allou
computer to join a Wi-Fi network without a physical cable. Smar1phones
to connect to a mobile network and they also include a wireless Wi-Fi
Wi-Fi Wi-Fi is a standard lor wireless communication between
computing dev
In a wired network computing devices communicate using physical wi
In a wireless network computing devices comnmunicate using electromagnetu
TQ 3.2 difference
waves of different frequencies. Types of wireless communication are Bl
a) What is the main
betweena wired and a wireless
Wi-Fi and mobile 2G (second generation), 3G, 4G but more about the
Most networks are a combination of wired and wireles.
Networks range Irom a lewcomputers connected together in an ollice lo
b) Give ONE advarntage of using a
of compulers connected together to create the Internet.
wireless network.

3.Computer networks and webtechnologies

ACTIVITY 3.2 Advantages and disadvantages of mobile networks

1 List the names of mobile network providers in your territory
2 Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of a mobile network when compared
with a traditional wire-based telephone system. You may start by considering
coverage, cost and availability of alternatives.
3 Elect one member of the group to present a summary of your findings to the rest of

the class.

Distinguish between different

types of network: LANs, MANs and
A computer network may be classified based on its geographic span. Computer
networks are designed to meet the data communication needs of individuals and
organisations. A small network may connect computers in multiple rooms in a
building: large networks may connect computers in dilferent countries. The three

ypes of network based on geographic span are discussed below.

Local area networks

Local area networks are everywhere!
Local area network A local area network (LAN) is a computer network that interconnects computers
within a limited area such as a home, school, laboratory or office building.
Chances are there is a government office or a private organisation nearby that
has a LAN in operation. The computer lab at your school may well have a local
area network in operation. As a matter of fact, there may be more than one LAN
in operation at your school.


Figure 3.1 A four-computer local area network using a hub

.. . ....
The network within the head office of Caribbean Travel Services
CT is a local area network allowing staff to share a single Internet
Connection, printers and files.

Metropolitan area network
Metropolitan area networks
metropolitan area network (MAN) is a
computer network in a
region larger than that covered
by a LAN. geographic arearea
A number of
Caribbean governments have
already started
ITO 3.3 area networks.
These networks
to set
give employees around a town orup metropolitan
a) What does the L in
LAN stand
range governnment inlormation and services. Private sector city access to a a

for? set up MANs in

cities and towns across the businesses have als
will have branches Caribbean. A local
b) What does the M in MAN throughout the city. Each branch will supermarket chain
stand area networks but have one or more
for? they will all be networked to the head local
creating a metropolitan area network. office in the
city centre

At Caribbean Travel Services

the maintenance
garage, the bus
depot and the head office are located in the towns
from which the
company operates. Each has a LAN within the
are connected building but the sites
together to form a MAN.

Wide area networks

Wide area network A wide area
network (WNAN) is a
Connected may be far computer network in which the
apart, even in different countries. computers
WANs provide national, regional and international
Connectivity needed to sustain their organisations with the
companies and telecommunications service Large financial institutions, utility
organisations that set up and providers are some of the types of
operate WANs. You are able to use
access funds at an automated your bank card to
teller machine
regionally and anywhere in your
country (and even
WAN either
This is due to the fact
that your bank
singly or in collaboration with other institutions. operates a

ITQ 3.4
a) What type of network does
your local dental practice use? Fiqure 3.2 Wide area networks are used to provide ATM services such as balance enquiries and casn
withdrawal locally and internationally
b) What type of network does
your international airline use?
c)Whattype of network does
your district government use?

3 Computer networks and web technologieS
As Caribbean Travel Services expanded, it set

CT up operations offices,
maintenance offices and bus depots in different towns and it
to expand into different territories. The networks in
to be connected to head office so a WAN is needed.
each town need

ACTIVITY 3.3 Choosing the best geographic network for your company
Use the company you created in the Introduction or use St
Luago Fashion.
Discuss what sort of network might be most suitable in the
early years of your
company's development.
Will the network requirements change as
you open a second and third location?
Be prepared to answer your teacher's
questions about your results.

In addition LANs, MANs and WANs, mobile networks introduce a

new dimension
networking. A computer network using a mobile network effectively extends
the physical distribution of a network to
signal such as onto buses.
anywhere that receives a mobile phone

Port of Spain

Sangre Grande

of Paria

Gulf a

San Fernando

Figure 3.3 Map of Trinidad shoWing routes with Wi-Fi enabled buses. Source:

Mobile networks as radio-based commnon
Recall that a mobile network is a network of communication and
computing devices
where tlhe last link is over a mobile phone network. Mobile network
services are
operated by a few large connpanies in cach country, for example Digicel and FLOW
Many computer networks rely on mobile networks to provided additional flexible
Common carrier A carrier is
comnmon a company that offers communication services to the general
Mobile networks started life as networks for cellular phones. They are called
phones because of the way in which mobile networks work. A mobile phone masi
has a radio transmitter and receiver at the top. The
signals from the mast reach out
in a circle - or cell. Any mobile within that cell can communicate with
phone the
mast. In a city there are many hundreds of masts
spread throughout the city area
so that their cells
overlap. All the masts are networked together so a mobile phone
in one cell can communicate with a mobile
phone in the same cell or another cell.
From its early days this system has
expanded and now covers the majority of urban
areas around the
One particularly clever aspect of a mobile network is that if
you leave one cell
and enter another, your communication device
automaticaly disconnects from
one mast and reconnects to the new mast without any interruption to service.
Mobile networks continue
ITQ 3.5 to expandin coverage, speed and capacity.
Where are the THREE nearest
Figure 3.4 A mobile network mast
mobile phone masts to your

Mobile wireless standards: from 2G to 5G

First there was mobile technology, then second-generation mobile technology
(2G). As of 2019, 3G and 4G are in widespread use around the Caribbean and the
world. The change from 2G to 3G was a major
breakthrough in communications
3G receives a sigal from the nearest mobile phone tower and is
used for phone
calls, messaging and data. It is generally accepted that 4G works the same as 3G
but with a faster Internet connection. 4G claims to be around five times faster than
existing 3G services.

3 Computer networks and web technologies

ITQ 3.6 Technology Expected download speed

State ONE similarity and ONE
difference between a computer
network and a mobile network. 1G up to 2.4 kbps (kilobits per second)
2G up to 64 kbps
3G up to 5 mbps (megabits per second)
4G up to 25 mbps
Table 3.1 Comparing potential speed of different generations of mobile networks

already be widely available.

By the time you are reading this book 5G will

Mobile network operator

)Wwwwwwwwwwww ( (Common carrier)

Microwave signal received

from customer and relayed
to destination using the
infrastructure operated
Data (voice/video/text) sent as by the common carrier Microwave signal from
mirowave signal from mobile original customer relayed
device registered on to its destination
common carrier's network

Customer 1 at location A Customer 2 at location B

Figure 3.5 Interrelationship of network components on a mobile network

Now try to apply what you have learnt to your own company
ACTIVITY 3.4 Mobile networks for a growing company

Use the company you created in earlier activities or use St Luago Fashion.
Review the activities your company will perform.
Identify activities that involve employees travelling.
Find out what generation of mobile network is available in your location: 36, 4G or 56.
Discussifthe employees will need to use mobile networks to connect to the
company netvvork.
.Record your results in alistto share with the class.


Wireless network technologies

Mobile networks aren't the only wireless radio-based communication t

used in Information
Bluetooth is a
Technology. Both Bluetooth and Wi-Fi are widely Ised.
wireless protocol for exchanging data over short distances fr
irom One
device to another.
Protocol A protocol is a set of rules or an agreed way to exchange or transmit
nit data
data ho
Look for the Bluetooth symbol. Bluetooth
Bluetooth has a limited range (approximately 10 metres)and does not pen
walls easily so there will be litle interference from other devices in adiine
rooms. Communication between computers, graphic pads, digital cameras, mohi ining
phones, wireless headphones and wireless speakers is often by Bluetooth.

In Caribbean Travel Services' garage workshop they often listen

music streamed from a computer onto a Bluetooth speaker.

Wi-Fi° is wireless technology protocol used to connect hardware such

computers, peripherals, tablets and smartphones to local area netvorks withou
cables. Wi-Fi devices are based on the IEEE 802.11 standard, introduced in
September 1998. Wi-Fi Alliance° was established in 1999 to drive global Wi-Fi
adoption and evolution. This group developed programs that certify devices work
ITQ 3.7 well together, regardless of vendor. The term "Wi-Fi" and its log0 were in1roduced
Name ONE difference between
Bluetooth and Wi-Fi. by Wi-Fi Alliance to give consumers a way to distinguish Wi-Fi devices from other
wireless products. Most wireless networks today operate on the 802.11 standard
and more than half all Internet traffic traverses Wi-Fi networks, nmaking Wi-Fi one
of the greatest technological advances in history.

(Wi Fi)
Figure 3.6 Wi-Fi Alliance's Wi-Fi CERTIFIED Iogo, which is available for use only on certified products

ACTIVITY 3.5 School's Bluetooth and Wi-Fi devices

Check your school networks.
List any devices that can communicate
using Bluetooth.
List any devices that can communicate using Wi-Fi.
.Share and compare your list with the class.

Wi-Fi can be useful when you the

are on
Hotspot A hotspot is a physical location where persons may obiain Internet access, ty
using Wi-Fi technology.
Public hotspots may be created by a business for use customers in places
as coffee shops, restaurants,
shopping malls and hotels.


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