(2010 Birdi) Crown-to-Implant Ratios of Short-Length Implants

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Crown-to-Implant Ratios of
Short-Length Implants
Hardeep Birdi, DMD, MS1*
John Schulte, DDS, MSD1
Alejandro Kovacs, DDS, MS1
Meghan Weed, RDH2
Sung-Kiang Chuang, DMD, MD3

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Excessive crown-implant ratios have been cited in the literature as being detrimental to long-
term implant survival. However, unfavorable crown-implant ratios have not yet been
established. The primary aim of this study was to determine the crown-implant ratios of
single-tooth implant-supported restorations on short-length implants in a clinical practice,
and to evaluate the health of these implants via mesial and distal first bone-to-implant
contact levels. Additionally, the relationship between crown-implant ratios and proximal first
bone-to-implant contact levels will be evaluated. In this retrospective cohort study, the
cohort was composed of 194 patients who possessed at least 1 single 5.7 mm or 6 mm
length plateau design implant-supported restoration that had been surgically placed
between February 1997 and December 2005. A chart review was performed to acquire the
most recent radiographs in which both the entire crown and the implant were visible. The
length of the crown and implant was measured directly from the radiographs using
consistent magnification to calculate the crown-implant ratio. Mesial and distal first bone-to-
implant contact levels were measured using 3 times magnification and were mathematically
corrected for distortion. The last available radiograph was used to measure bone levels.
Follow-up time was calculated from the day of implant placement to the date of the last
available radiograph. Statistical analyses with analysis of variance mixed models were used.
Data from 309 single implant-supported fixed restorations were tabulated and included in
the study. The mean (SD) follow-up time was 20.9 (23.2) months, with a range of 15.6 to
122.8 months. The mean crown length (SD) was 13.4 (2.6) mm, with a range of 6.2 to
21.7 mm. The mean (SD) crown-implant ratio was 2.0 (0.4) and ranged from 0.9 to 3.2. The
average mesial and distal first bone-to-implant contact levels (SD) measured from the
radiographs were 20.2 (0.7) mm and 20.2 (0.9) mm, respectively. No statistically significant
relationship was observed between increasing crown-implant ratios and decreasing mesial
and distal first bone-to-implant contact levels around the implant with P values of .94 and
.57, respectively. In this investigation, mesial and distal first bone-to-implant contact levels
on short-length implants fall within the established guidelines for success. Also, there are no
associations between crown-implant ratios and first bone-to-implant contact levels.

Key Words: crown-implant ratios, proximal bone-to-implant contact

University of Minnesota School of Dentistry, Minneapolis, Minn.
Implant Dentistry Center, Boston, Mass.
Department of OMFS, Massachusetts General Hospital and the Harvard School of Dental Medicine, Boston, Mass.
* Corresponding author, e-mail: bobbirdi@gmail.com
DOI: 10.1563/AAID-JOI-D-09-00071

Journal of Oral Implantology 425

Crown-to-Implant Ratios


he use of endosseous dental
implants as tooth replacements
has become an accepted treat-
ment modality in dentistry today.
As a result, clinicians often use
certain guidelines associated with natural
teeth and apply them to implant dentistry.
One of these guidelines is crown-to-root
ratio. The crown-to-root ratio is defined as
the physical relationship between that por-

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tion of the tooth within the alveolar bone
and that portion not within alveolar bone, as
determined by a radiograph.1 The crown-to-
root ratio is determined by dividing the
length of the tooth coronal to the bone by
the length of the root that resides in bone
(Figure 1).
Dentists use the crown-to-root ratio as an
FIGURE 1. Crown-to-root ratio calculated.
important prognostic indicator to determine
the suitability of a tooth to act as an abutment supporting a fixed or removable
abutment for a fixed or removable partial partial denture to be 1:2 or smaller.2–4
denture. Furthermore, the crown-to-root However, crown-to-implant ratio guidelines
ratio is used as a prime indicator of the have not yet been established. Misch8 states
long-term prognosis of a given tooth.2–4 It that the crown-to-implant ratio should not
extrapolates the biomechanical concept of a be considered the same way as a crown-to-
class I lever for evaluating abutment teeth root ratio. He further states that an implant
with the fulcrum lying in the middle portion does not rotate around a center located two-
of the root residing in alveolar bone. As thirds down the endosteal/root portion and
progressive bone loss occurs, the fulcrum affirm that implant length is not related to
moves apically, and as a result, the tooth is mobility and does not affect its resistance to
more susceptible to harmful lateral occlusal lateral force.
forces.5 Newman et al6 reinforce this by Many studies have addressed the issue of
stating that because of disproportionate implant length as a predictor of implant
crown-to-root ratios and the reduced root survival. These publications have expressed
surface available for periodontal support, the conflicting results.9–35 Excessive crown-to-
periodontium may be more susceptible to implant ratios have been cited in the
injury by occlusal forces. McGuire and Nunn7 literature as being detrimental to long-term
in a prospective 8 year study on predicting implant survival.9–17 Conversely, dispropor-
tooth loss for 100 periodontal patients also tionate crown-to-implant ratios have been
concluded that an unfavorable crown-to- associated with high implant survival, espe-
root ratio is a significant factor for clinicians cially with short implants.18–35 Anitua et al18
to consider when predicting the long-term found the 5 year retrospective survival rate
prognosis for a tooth. of 532 short (7 and 8.5 mm) implants to be
Prosthodontic textbooks consider the 99.2%. Schulte et al19 conducted a retro-
ideal crown-to-root ratio for a potential spective case series study and found the

426 Vol. XXXVI/No. Six/2010

Birdi et al

crown-to-implant ratios of 889 plateau-de- of these implants via mesial and distal first
sign single-tooth implants to be 1.3 on bone-to-implant contact levels. Additionally,
average, with an average survival rate of the relationship between crown-to-implant
98.2% over 2.3 years. ratios and proximal first bone-to-implant
The 5 accepted and recognized criteria contact levels was to be evaluated.
for implant success were established in 1986
by Albrektsson et al.36 Smith et al37 later
reinforced these criteria and made reference
to Adell et al38 in establishing that the mean Study design and sample
bone loss for Branemark osseointegrated A retrospective cohort study design was
implants was 1.5 mm in the first year, utilized to address the specific aims of this

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followed by a mean bone loss of 0.1 mm investigation. The sample used in this study
per year. Zarb et al39 also further refined the was derived from a population of patients who
criteria for implant success in the Toronto had been treated with 5.7 mm or 6 mm length
Consensus Report in 1998. Therefore, based plateau design implants (Bicon, Boston, Mass)
on the criteria established in the literature, to placed by practitioners at the Implant Den-
be considered successful, an implant must tistry Center at Faulkner Hospital (IDC-FH), in
meet the following requirements: Boston, Massachusetts, between February
1997 and December 2005. All subjects who
1. The resultant implant support does not
had 1 or more single-tooth 5.7 mm or 6 mm
preclude the placement of a planned
long plateau-design implants placed and
functional and esthetic prosthesis that is
restored (cement retained, nonsplinted) with
satisfactory to both patient and dentist.
use of the locking-taper design were eligible
2. No pain, discomfort, altered sensation, or
for inclusion in the study. A total of 309
infection is attributable to the implants.
implants placed in 194 patients met the
3. Individual unattached implants are im-
inclusion criteria. Implants were placed by a
mobile when tested clinically.
periodontist, 2 oral surgeons, and a prostho-
4. The mean vertical bone loss is less than or
dontist. They were subsequently restored by 2
equal to 1.5 mm in the first year and less
general dentists and a prosthodontist. In-
than 0.2 mm annually thereafter.
formed consent was attained from all patients
Today, implants are placed with both who participated in the study.
nonsubmerged and submerged approaches. A chart review was conducted to attain
With submerged implants, it is safe to the most recent digital periapical radiographs
assume that the highest possible first bone- in which the entire crown and the implant
to-implant contact at the time of implant were visible. Accurate measurements of peri-
placement would occur at the top of apical radiographs have been demonstrated in
the implant-abutment connection. There- the literature to be reliable.40 All radiographs
fore, with this level used as a baseline, were made using the paralleling technique.
measurements of subsequent first bone-to- Periapical radiographs taken with the parallel-
implant contact levels can be related to ing technique minimize the problem of
vertical bone loss as stated above. Hence, dimensional distortion; however, some minor
the primary aims of this study were to distortion may still exist.41 Vertical distortion
determine the crown-to-implant ratios of occurs equally in the crown and the implant of
single implant-supported restorations on the radiograph, and because the crown-to-
short-length plateau-design implants in a implant ratio is not dependent on absolute
clinical practice, and to evaluate the success values, the effect of vertical distortion on a

Journal of Oral Implantology 427

Crown-to-Implant Ratios

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FIGURE 2. Summary of radiographic measurements.

ratio is minimal.42 Radiographs with gross 1. Demographics: The gender and age of
distortion and inadequate contrast and dis- the patient at the time of implant
playing poor definition of crown and implant placement were recorded.
outlines were eliminated from the study, along 2. Implant Variables: The implant width and
with all other data pertaining to these location and the type of tooth replaced
implants. No other exclusion criteria were were recorded.
utilized in this investigation. Crown-to-implant 3. Surgical Staging: The staging of implant
ratios were measured using a software pro- surgery (1-stage or 2-stage) was recorded.
gram (DIGORA, Soredex, Tuusula, Finland)
Outcome variables
measuring tool in conjunction with a magni-
fication tool. Each image was measured from Crown-to-implant ratios were calculated by
the bottom of the implant to the crown base dividing the digital length of the crown by
and then from the crown base to its highest the digital length of the implant. The time
point. The mesial and distal first bone-to- between implant placement and the date of
implant contact levels were measured from last follow-up was used to calculate the
the top of the implant-abutment connection follow-up time.
to the highest level of bone-to-implant con-
Statistical analysis
tact. All measurements were recorded to the
nearest 0.1 mm (Figure 2). A Microsoft Excel database (Microsoft, Red-
mond, Wash) was used to tabulate all data
Descriptive variables
recorded from the chart review. SAS statis-
Descriptive variables were grouped into the tical software (SAS Institute, Cary, NC) was
following categories: utilized to evaluate the data and to perform

428 Vol. XXXVI/No. Six/2010

Birdi et al

Follow-up time and crown-to-implant ratios
Average Follow-up Average Radiographic Average Radiographic Average Crown-to-
Variable Time, mo Crown Length, mm Implant Length, mm Implant Ratio

Value 20.9 13.3 6.8 2.0:1

SD 623.2 62.6 60.5 60.4
Range 15.6–122.8 6.2–21.7 4.7–9.4 0.9–3.2

the statistical analyses. Descriptive statistics restored had crown-to-implant ratios of

were calculated for all descriptive variables. equal to or greater than 1.5, and more than
Statistical analyses with analysis of variance 45% of restored implants possessed crown-
(ANOVA) mixed models were used to eval- to-implant ratios of equal to or greater than

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uate any relationship between crown-to- 2.0 (Figure 4). Average mesial and distal first
implant ratios and the highest mesial and bone-to-implant contact levels (SD) mea-
distal bone-to-implant contact levels mea- sured from the digital radiographs were
sured from the most recent radiograph in 20.2 (0.7) mm and 20.2 (0.9) mm, respec-
which the entire crown and implant were tively.
visible. The descriptive statistics are summarized
in Table 3. The mean age of the sample was
61.3 years (range, 21 to 88 years) with even
distribution between males and females. The
During the study interval from February 1997 implants were spread almost equally between
to December 2005, a total of 309 single- the maxilla and the mandible (45.0% and
tooth implants from 194 patients were 55.0%, respectively), and were placed pre-
measured and investigated. The measured dominantly in the posterior regions (93.2%).
results are summarized in Tables 1 and 2. Implant diameters varied between 5 and
The mean (SD) follow-up time for each 6 mm, with most being 5 mm in diameter
implant was 20.9 (23.2) months, with a range (71.2%). The types of teeth replaced were
of 15.6 to 122.8 months. The mean measured predominantly premolars (32.7%) and molars
crown length (SD) was 13.3 (2.6) mm, with a (60.5%). Nearly all implants were placed with
range of 6.2 to 21.7 mm. The mean (SD) a 2-stage surgical regimen (96.1%).
measured implant length was 6.8 (0.5) mm. Statistical analyses utilizing ANOVA mixed
Thus, the mean (SD) crown-to-implant ratio models were used to evaluate any relationship
calculated was 2.0 (0.4) and ranged from 0.9 between crown-to-implant ratios and prox-
to 3.2. The distribution of the measured imal first bone-to-implant contact levels. No
crown-to-implant ratios is shown graphically statistically significant relationships were
in Figure 3. More than 93% of the implants found between increasing crown-to-implant
ratios and decreasing mesial and distal first
bone-to-implant contact levels around the
Average proximal first bone-to-implant
contact levels
implant, with P values of .94 and .57,
Average Mesial Average Distal
First Bone First Bone
Contact Level, Contact Level,
Variable mm mm
Value 20.2 20.2
SD 60.7 60.9 The aims of this study were (1) to determine
Median 20.3 20.3
the crown-to-implant ratios of single-tooth

Journal of Oral Implantology 429

Crown-to-Implant Ratios

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FIGURE 3. Frequency of crown-to-implant ratios.

short-length plateau-design implant-sup-

ported restorations, (2) to interpret the
Descriptive statistics
success of these implants via mesial and
Variable N %
distal first bone-to-implant contact levels,
and (3) to evaluate any relationship between
Mean age (n 5 187) 61.3
crown-to-implant ratios and proximal first Minimum 20.6
bone-to-implant contact levels. Maximum 88.0
Gender (n 5 194)
The average crown-to-implant ratio found Male 96 49.5
in this study (2.0:1) far surpasses what Female 98 50.5
Implant variables
Jaw location (k 5 309)
Maxilla 139 45.0
Mandible 170 55.0
Anteroposterior location (k 5 309)
Anterior 21 6.8
Posterior 288 93.2
Jaw and anteroposterior location (k 5 309)
Anterior maxilla 17 5.5
Posterior maxilla 122 39.5
Anterior mandible 4 1.3
Posterior mandible 166 53.7
Implant diameter (k 5 309)
5.0 mm 220 71.2
6.0 mm 89 28.8
Type of tooth replaced (k 5 309)
Incisor 12 3.9
Canine 9 2.9
Premolar 101 32.7
Molar 187 60.5
Surgical staging
Staging of implant surgery (k 5 306)
One stage 12 3.9
Two stage 294 96.1
FIGURE 4. Crown-to-implant ratio of greater than 2.

430 Vol. XXXVI/No. Six/2010

Birdi et al

clinicians believe would be favorable for Another purpose of this study was to
natural teeth. In many instances, a tooth determine the success of the implants
with a crown-to-root ratio of 2.0:1 would be investigated by interpreting mesial and distal
recommended for extraction and replace- first bone-to-implant contact levels. Ac-
ment. However, the results of this study cepted criteria for implant success state that
suggest that a crown-to-implant ratio of 2.0:1 the mean vertical bone loss of a successful
and even greater can produce a stable implant should be less than or equal to
favorable outcome. Crown-to-implant ratios 1.5 mm in the first year and then less than
of such large magnitude have not been cited 0.2 mm annually thereafter.36–39 With the
in the literature thus far. Blanes et al20 top of the implant-abutment connection
evaluated 192 nonsubmerged ITI implants used as a baseline, both mesial and distal

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and reported a mean (SD) clinical crown-to- first bone-to-implant contact levels were
implant ratio of 1.77 (0.56), with 51 implants measured at 0.2 mm over an average
exhibiting crown-to-implant ratios greater follow-up time of 20.9 months, which helps
than or equal to 2.0. The crown height in to establish implant success. All implant sites
that study was measured from the top of the were devoid of pain and infection, and all
crestal bone in contact with the implant implants were able to be restored and were
to the top of the crown; thus the implant immobile. Thus the success of the implants
length was measured from the bottom of the was further established.
fixture to the top of the crestal bone in The final purpose of this investigation
contact with the implant. This is termed the was to assess any relationship between
‘‘clinical’’ crown-to-implant ratio. The ‘‘ana- crown-to-implant ratios and proximal first
tomic’’ crown-to-implant ratio that was bone-to-implant contact levels. In this study,
measured in the present study is measured no statistically significant relationship was
from the bottom of the fixture to the found between increasing crown-to-implant
implant-abutment connection and then from ratios and decreasing mesial and distal first
that point to the top of the crown. This is an bone-to-implant contact levels when analy-
important difference because of the fact that sis of variance mixed models were used.
an implant of conventional length (.10 mm) Therefore, a larger crown-to-implant ratio
may exhibit a large crown-to-implant ratio if did not correlate with decreased first bone-
the crestal bone has remodeled to a level far to-implant contact levels. Rokni et al21 also
below the implant-abutment connection. It is found no association between crown-to-
important to mention that only 13.5% of the implant ratios and first bone-to-implant
restorations utilized in the mentioned study contact levels, but did find an association
were single-tooth nonsplinted restorations. between decreasing first bone-to-implant
Rokni et al21 also reported crown-to- contact levels and increasing implant length,
implant ratios of sintered porous-surfaced as well as splinting of restorations. Blanes et
implants. That study included 198 implants al,20 however, did find a positive correlation
(5–12 mm in length) and reported a mean between increasing crown-to-implant ratios
(SD) anatomic crown-to-implant ratio of 1.5 and increasing first bone-to-implant contact
(0.4), with 78.9% of the implants having levels over 1 year. Higher clinical crown-to-
crown-to-implant ratios between 1.1 and 2.0. implant ratios showed lower average bone
However, calculations of the crown-to-im- loss when compared with lower crown-to-
plant ratios were based on measurements of implant ratios. This again may be attributed
articulated diagnostic casts; this represents to the design of the nonsubmerged im-
a prime difference from the present study. plants, the clinical crown-to-implant calcula-

Journal of Oral Implantology 431

Crown-to-Implant Ratios

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