(2007 Verri) Verri - Et - Al - 2007 - Lenght - and - Diameter - Imp

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Influence of Length and Diameter of

Implants Associated With Distal Extension

Removable Partial Dentures
Fellippo Ramos Verri, DDS, MSc,* Eduardo Piza Pellizzer, DDS, PhD,† Eduardo Passos Rocha, DDS, PhD,†
and João Antônio Pereira, PhD‡

n spite of the technological devel- Purpose: The aim of this study Results: It was noted that the

I opment of current dentistry, teeth

continue to be lost. Of the prob-
lems resulting from these losses,
was to evaluate the influence of the
length and diameter of the implant
incorporated under the saddle of a
presence of the removable partial den-
ture overloaded the supporting tooth
and other structures. The introduction
mainly those related to posterior man- distal-extension removable partial of the implant reduced tensions,
dibular losses, these have been the
denture, acting as support. mainly at the extremities of the eden-
reason for much research and will prob-
ably continue to be so during the next Materials and Methods: Six hemi- tulous edge. Both the length and diam-
few decades.1 Due to the dual nature of mandibular models were made with the eter tended to reduce tensions as their
support, dental and mucous, with differ- presence of left inferior cuspid and first dimensions increased.
ent resilience, this rehabilitation is bicuspid, with the following differences: Conclusions: Increasing the
complex, as there is movement of the model A, without removable partial length of the implant had a great in-
base when it is rehabilitated with a denture; model B, removable partial fluence on the decrease of displace-
class I conventional removable partial denture only; model C, removable ment and von Mises tension values.
prosthesis. There are suggestions for partial denture and implant of Increasing the diameter of the implant
balancing the loads distributed among 3.75 ⫻ x mm; model D, removable had a great influence on the decrease
the tooth and mucosa of the residual partial denture and implant of of von Mises tension values, but did
ridge, such as making functional 3.75 ⫻ x3 mm; model E, removable not influence the displacement values.
molding, using a wide prosthetic base
within the physiological limits of each
partial denture and implant of 5 ⫻ x According to the results of this study,
patient, periodic re-basing of the pros- mm; and model F, removable partial it is a good choice to use the greater
thetic seat, indications of clasps or at- denture and implant of 5 ⫻ x3 mm. and larger implant possible in the as-
tachments, splinting of distal supports, These models were designed with the sociation between implant and distal
among others.2–7 All these resources aid of AutoCAD 2000 (Autodesk, Inc., extension removable partial denture.
seek a common objective: to distribute San Rafael, CA) and processed for (Implant Dent 2007;16:270 –280)
the loads as axially as possible on the finite element analysis by ANSYS 5.4 Key Words: removable partial den-
supporting tooth, which, theoretically, (Swanson Analysis Systems, Houston, ture, dental implant, biomechanics,
would distribute the loads originated PA). The loads applied were 50 N finite element analysis
at occlusion to the supporting struc- vertical on each cuspid point.
tures in the most physiological and
uniform manner.8
Implantology has made it possible
for osseointegrated implants to be used in partially edentulous patients. clude bone-grafting procedures in the
However, not all patients have suffi- region, sinus lift, or even nerve later-
cient bone height in the posterior alization of the inferior alveolar nerve,
*Student, Doctorate Course at the Dentistry Faculty of
region, either because of bone absorp- which may also result in permanent
Araçatuba, UNESP, Araçatuba, São Paulo, Brazil.
†Assistant Professor Doctor of the Dental Materials and
tion resulting from tooth losses, or paresthesia of the inferior alveolar
Prosthesis Department at the Dentistry Faculty of Araçatuba-
UNESP, Araçatuba, São Paulo, Brazil.
even by anatomical limitations, like nerve. Added to this there is still the
‡Professor of the Mechanical Engineering Department of the the position of the inferior alveolar financial factor, as any intervention
Ilha Solteira Engineering Faculty-UNESP, Ilha Solteira, São
Paulo, Brazil. nerve or inferior wall of the maxillary of this kind increases the cost of the
sinus.9 –11 Furthermore, frequently, pa- proposed treatment. For these pa-
ISSN 1056-6163/07/01603-270
Implant Dentistry tients are disinclined to submit them- tients, another solution should be
Volume 16 • Number 3
Copyright © 2007 by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins selves to invasive surgeries prior to the proposed. One option would be the
DOI: 10.1097/ID.0b013e31805007aa placement of the implants. These in- association of the distal extension

Table 1. Configuration of the Models Made for the Study. All Models Representing a Hemi-Mandibular Section, With All
Structures Standardized
A Presence of teeth 33 and 34, without RPD and without implant
B Presence of teeth 33 and 34, with RPD and without implant
C Presence of teeth 33 and 34, with RPD and with associated implant of 3.75 ⫻ 7.00 mm
D Presence of teeth 33 and 34, with RPD and with associated implant of 3.75 ⫻ 13.00 mm
E Presence of teeth 33 and 34, with RPD and with associated implant of 5.00 ⫻ 7.00 mm
F Presence of teeth 33 and 34, with RPD and with associated implant of 5.00 ⫻ 13.00 mm
RPD indicates removable partial denture.

removable partial denture with os- dimensions very close to reality to be tical bone of the base being like the
seointegrated implants, which may made. The dimensions of the elements true support of the entire model. The
not only attenuate the problem of the individualized in the models, such as structures were simulated homoge-
base movement but also reduce the implant, mucosa, teeth, alveolar bone, neously, isotropic, and linearly elastic,
cost of the treatment.1,12,13 removable partial denture metal frame- and the models were considered in a
Variations of the implant geome- work, among others, could thus be re- plane state of tensions.
try, more precisely the length and di- produced in the most faithful manner The loading of the forces was
ameter, have also been the subject of possible. The dimensions were all ex- done on the points of the cuspid of the
research.14 –17 The overload on im- tracted from articles published in the natural and simulated artificial teeth,
plants acting only as partial support or dental literature.1,21,22 in the models that had them, distribut-
even as retention of removable partial The implant system used was the ing a total of 50 N on each cuspid
dentures would be less than that on Brånemark System (Nobel Biocare, point, divided into 5 points of 10 N,
implants acting as the pillar of fixed Göteborg, Sweden). In the models that which represents a total of 100 N in
prostheses; shorter implants could be have an implant, a healing abutment model A and 400 N in the other models.
efficient.13 Furthermore, in the litera- compatible with the implant diameter
ture, the benefits brought about by the was put in, with a height of 2 mm at all RESULTS
use of wide diameter implants is al- times. The 3.75-mm diameter im- The general displacement maps il-
ready evident, as opposed to the im- plants were of the standard type, and lustrate the tendency for movement of
plants of conventional diameter.15,18,19 the 5.00-mm implants were of the the systems after the application of the
This being so, the aim of this study MKIII type. In all the situations tested, simulated forces, generating values in
was to check the behavior of implants the implants acted only as the support millimeters. From the analysis of the
of different sizes and diameters that element. general displacement maps, it was
are to be used as support in association After creating the models in possible to state that the introduction
with a mandibular distal extension re- AutoCAD, they were exported to the of the removable prosthesis provided a
movable partial denture, as measured finite element program, ANSYS 5.4 movement of the structures that sup-
by the bi-dimensional finite elements (Swanson Analysis Systems, Houston, ported it, increasing the tendency for
analysis. PA) for analysis of the von Mises dis- movement of the support tooth by ap-
placement and tension maps. The ele- proximately 2 times when the apical
MATERIALS AND METHODS ment chosen for generating the mesh region is used as parameter. The intro-
The methodology used was based was the solid bi-dimensional PLANE duction of the implant in models C, D,
on the study of Darbar et al20 and 2, which allowed an appropriate re- E, and F do not show significant dif-
modified by Rocha et al.1 For the finement of the mesh, mainly in places ferences in the apical region of the
study, 6 mandibular models were of greatest interest, like the threads of support tooth, in spite of reduction ob-
made, simulating a partially edentu- the implant and the bone adjacent to it. served in the values of displacement
lous hemi-arch, with the presence of An example of the mesh generated is maps. However, in the distal region of
the left cuspid and first bicuspid only. presented in Fig. 1, which in this case the models with implant, there was a
The characteristics of the remaining illustrates model E. reduction in the tendency to move,
teeth, support structures, and artificial Next, the mechanical properties of mainly distal to the implant.
teeth in the models that have them the materials of each structure were The increase in length influenced
were standardized in all of the models. incorporated according to the values the tendency to move, decreasing the
The configuration of the models is il- also established in the literature.20,23–26 values of the displacement map,
lustrated in Table 1. To simulate symmetry in the model, mainly from the median region to the
To make the models, the assisted the entire right and left side were fixed implant and distally to this. The in-
drawing program AutoCAD 2000 in the direction x, to the horizontal. crease in diameter, in turn, showed a
(Autodesk, Inc., San Rafael, CA) was The base of the model was fixed in the similar result only when this in-
used. This program is widely used in 2 directions, x and y. Thus, the move- creased diameter was analyzed in the
the area of engineering and graphic ment of intrusion was not blocked in 13.0-mm long implants. In the
computation. It allows drawings with any structure to be analyzed; the cor- 7.0-mm implants, the increased di-


In the spongy bone, the changes
were more visible. Four different areas
may be noted: the apex region of the
natural teeth; the edentulous ridge re-
gion between the support tooth and
osseointegrated implant, when this is
present; the region adjacent to the im-
plant neck; and the apex region of the
When models A and B are com-
pared, it is clear that the introduction
of the removable partial denture in-
creases the tension levels in all the
aforementioned areas, and the distal
support tooth, which receives the sup-
port of the removable partial denture,
is more overloaded than the other nat-
ural tooth simulated; this, by over 2
times (Figs. 2 and 3).
In a direct comparison between
model B and the other models that
received the osseointegrated implant,
it may be noted that the apical region
of the implant suffers an overload, and
the region of the apexes of the simu-
lated natural teeth do not undergo
much change. However, in the area of
the edentulous ridge between the sup-
Fig. 1. Model E after generating the finite elements mesh. port tooth and implant, and distal to
Fig. 2. Tension map of the spongy bone of model A. the implant, there is a reduction in
Fig. 3. Tension map of the spongy bone of model B. tension levels. Figs. 4 – 6 illustrate the
Fig. 4. Tension map of the spongy bone of model C. spongy bone of models C, D, and F,
Fig. 5. Tension map of the spongy bone of model D.
Fig. 6. Tension map of the spongy bone of model F.
When comparing the implants of
different lengths, it is noted that the
only areas that undergo alteration are
ameter did not lead to an increase in tial denture. This increase in the ten- the apex of the implant. The increase
the displacement map values. Figs. sion levels also occurs in the tooth in length of implant tends to raise the
2–7 show the displacement maps of adjacent to the support tooth, although tensions in the apex, and the region of
all the models. on a lesser scale. Another area that the neck and of the first threads of the
The general displacement maps il- suffers an increase in tension levels is implant, which tend toward a decrease
lustrate the von Mises tensions found in that of the edentulous edge, where the of the tension levels with an increase
the models after the application of removable partial denture comes into in the implant length. The region be-
forces, generating values in MPa. From contact with the mucosa of the eden- tween the support tooth and implant
analysis of these maps, it was possible to tulous edge. also undergoes a decrease in tensions,
note that some structures presented with The introduction of the osseointe- although slight, when the implant
a greater concentration of tension. How- grated implant, acting as support for length is increased (Figs. 4 and 5). The
ever, in order to obtain better visualiza- the removable partial denture, showed increase in the implant diameter, in
tion and make a better comparison significant changes in the cortical turn, presents differences only in the
among the models, the main structures bone, mainly in the region of the eden- region of the implant apex and tends
were individualized. Table 2 synthesizes tulous edge, which showed a decrease toward a reduction in the tension lev-
the maximum and minimum values for in the tension levels in the region close els in this area. The distribution of
each model and for each structure ana- and distally to the implant in all of the tensions was shown to be similar for
lyzed individually. models with the associated implant. the periodontal connection in all the
From the comparison of the corti- The cortical alveolar bone did not show models analyzed, not showing signif-
cal bone between models A and B, it is a similar relation. In the wide diameter icant alterations among any of the
possible to prove that the cortical bone implants, the increase in length had little models analyzed (Figs. 5 and 6).
of the cortical alveolar bone of the influence, slightly reducing the tensions Once again, the introduction of
support tooth suffers an overload with found between the support tooth and the removable partial denture gener-
the introduction of the removable par- osseointegrated implant. ated an increase in the tension levels

almost twice the movement when a trated in the region of occlusal rest
removable partial denture was associ- and marginal crest of the support
ated with a distal extension mandibu- tooth, there was a decrease in tension
lar model. As the degree of implant values observed at the alveolar edge
movement is much smaller than the when compared to the values ob-
degree of movement that the periodon- tained by the application of vertical
tal membrane allows the tooth, the loads on artificial teeth of the remov-
idea of using an implant as a way to able partial denture. Rocha et al,1
minimize the vertical movement of the also using vertical load, concluded
prosthetic base in the residual ridge that the presence of the removable par-
was shown to be effective. These re- tial denture overloaded the support
sults are observed even in association structures more than the model with-
with a short implant of 7.00 mm, out removable partial denture. In this
which is in agreement with the sug- study, the introduction of the distal
gestions made by Keltjens et al.13 extension removable partial denture in
However, as the displacement maps the model analyzed provided a con-
show only a tendency toward defor- centration of tensions at the alveolar
mation, it is not possible to affirm that edge distal to the support tooth. This
Fig. 7. Tension map of the fibromucous of the implant also has the function of was not observed in the model with-
model B. reducing stress on the natural tooth. out the prosthesis, and it could be
Fig. 8. Tension map of the fibromucous of Therefore, the von Mises tension noted both in the general and indi-
model F.
analysis is carried out, which shows vidualized models. Moments of
interesting data in connection with force are responsible for these in-
observed in the fibromucous of the the association. creases in tension, and probably the
free end when models A and B were Some studies suggest that even a longer the power arm of this lever
compared, being double the value in short implant could provide support created with the fulcrum on the most
some areas. The introduction of the for a distal extension removable par- posterior tooth is, the higher the val-
implant acting as support had a similar tial denture, and it is expected that it ues will be.8 Even more complex is
result to the ones found for the cortical would be less overloaded.12,13,27 Only the rehabilitation with distal exten-
bone, showing a relief in the areas longitudinal studies will be able to sion removable partial denture, when
adjacent to the implant and distal to it, verify this affirmation. From the re- the edentulous area is long and the
when model B is compared to the mod- sults of this study, the introduction of bone implant of the support teeth is
els that have an associated implant. Both a 3.75 ⫻ 7.00-mm implant, which was compromised.
the increase in length and diameter re- the smallest one used, did not show The use of osseointegrated im-
duced the concentration of tensions. very high stress levels at the apex of plants is no more than an attempt to
Figs. 7 and 8 illustrate the distribution of the support tooth. When compared eliminate the lever problem generated
tensions in the fibromucous of the mod- with the levels found in the models in the cases of distal extension remov-
els B and F, respectively. with only a removable partial denture able partial denture. Theoretically,
All implants presented a similar and without removable partial denture, there would be a transformation of a
distribution of tensions, although the the results were similar. Kennedy class I tooth-mucous-
tension levels were different. On the In relation to the tension maps, the supported prosthesis into a Kennedy
left side of all the implants, as well as results also showed that the introduc- class III tooth-implant-supported, or
in the region of the first internal tion of the removable partial denture even retained one, should a retention
threads, are the most overloaded areas, overloaded the distal support tooth. element be incorporated to the im-
and the values are higher as the im- This fact is in agreement with the stud- plant.12 In spite of the few studies fo-
plant length is increased. With the ies related in the literature, which em- cusing on the association of removable
increase in diameter, the inverse sit- phasized the problems generated in partial denture and osseointegrated
uation occurs, and a reduction in the distal support teeth by this type of implants,1 some consider it to be a
tension levels is seen. prosthesis.5,8 promising alternative in relation to
From the methodology of this conventional distal extension remov-
study, the closest studies and those able partial dentures.1,13 Furthermore,
DISCUSSION that served as a parameter for compar- some very successful clinical cases in
From analysis of the displacement ison are those of Craig and Farah8 and connection with the association have
maps obtained in this study, in agree- Rocha et al,1 who also used the bi- been published.10 –13,28,29
ment with other studies, it was possi- dimensional finite element analysis. In The main factor to be considered
ble to show that the introduction of a spite of Craig and Farah8 not having is the difficulty of finding a bone height
removable partial denture in a distal simulated a distal extension without and thickness in the posterior region
extension generated a greater displace- the presence of the removable partial sufficient for placing osseointegrated
ment of the support tissues.2–7 By sim- denture, they found that under the implants to support a fixed partial pros-
ilar methodology, Rocha et al1 found application of vertical load concen- thesis without the need for sinus lift


Table 2. Maximum and Minimum Values of Displacement and von Mises Tension
Model A Model B Model C Model D Model E Model F
General displacement maps
Min 0 0 0 0 0 0
Max 0.069061 0.131717 0.127701 0.12132 0.127398 0.121088
General tension maps
Min 0.02187 0.183337 0.643 E-03 0.184 E-03 0.01067 0.005166
Max 41.395 103.389 353.538 407.082 182.165 265.306
Spongy bone
Min 0.02187 1.167 0.581421 0.259383 0.384346 0.241532
Max 8.641 18.025 19.633 21.736 17.167 18.854
Cortical bone
Min 0.024989 1.197 1.596 1.382 1.429 0.984353
Max 30.868 103.389 76.999 97.727 76.823 68.938
Min 0.026799 0.519598 0.308152 0.446818 0.197654 0.223828
Max 16.192 21.017 25.956 20.848 21.048 20.903
Periodontal membrane
Min 0.641254 0.46601 0.414452 0.393143 0.418845 0.391254
Max 10.36 29.007 31.804 31.213 34.989 30.926
CoCr framework
Min — 9.431 5.924 4.065 6.3 3.386
Max — 95.973 110.623 114.675 97.517 114.292
Implant (Ti)
Min — — 0.643 E-03 0.184 E-03 0.01067 0.005166
Max — — 278.062 372.82 182.165 265.306
The displacement values were obtained in millimeters, and the tension values were obtained in MPa. The blank cells indicate that this structure does not exist in the model considered.

Max indicates maximum; Min, minimum.

surgery, nerve lateralization of the man- tion of tensions after the introduction spite of the benefits pointed out, the
dibular nerve or bone graft.10,11,27 Some of the implant at the distal extension. potential function of an implant used
alternative solutions have been sug- It is, however, difficult to predict to in this way of reducing stress on the
gested in the literature.10,11 In this con- what extent the bone structure is ben- natural support tooth does not seem to
text, another alternative is to place an efited by this reduction in tension, occur, at least on the vertical loads
implant in the distal extension to support since even today, it is not known what under the conditions of this study, be-
a removable partial denture, whose fo- the ideal amount of stress on the bone ing in disagreement with the study of
cus was the theme of this study, varying is so that bone atrophy does not oc- Keltjens et al.13
the length of the implant at values very cur.17,30 It is, however, predictable that Some considerations with regard
close to the maximum and minimum as lower amounts of tension will be to the implant geometry may also be
limits of length for the retromolar re- transmitted to the fibromucous and al- made. Generally, a protocol to be fol-
gion: 13.00 and 7.00 mm, respectively. veolar bone, chewing efficiency and lowed in oral rehabilitation is the use
In this study, the introduction of patient comfort will be enhanced, of the largest amount of bone avail-
an osseointegrated implant to support since the clinically limiting factor for a able, which means the use of the long-
a removable partial denture showed removable partial denture user is still est possible implant and by a large
alterations in the form of von Mises the problem resulting from the trauma bone surface area, which would deter-
general distribution of tensions, to the oral mucosa caused by the pros- mine a more favorable distribution of
mainly overloading the osseointe- thetic base. At least an implant at the stress.27 Short implants present greater
grated implant, under analysis of the distal extension may help to stabilize failure rates in any situation.31 Pro-
general tension map. It is reasonable the appliance. Furthermore, just as spective studies have also indicated
to expect that the tension in the other found in other studies,1 tension levels that short implants fail more than long
structures would be reduced, as a large observed in the cortical bone around ones, mainly those of standard diame-
amount of the deformation energy is the implant were not so high, remain- ter, and reinforce this theory.18,19 Some
consumed by the implant, involving a ing below the values found at the apex studies showed that from the point of
reduction of the stress distributed to of natural teeth, which suggests the view of stress distribution, other fac-
the rest of the set.30 The benefits of the feasibility of clinical application, clin- tors may be more important than the
association, like the decrease of ten- ically speaking, when reabsorption oc- implant length, like its inclination or
sions on the fibromucous distal to the curs around the implant, it starts in the mandibular flexion.32,33 However, in this
support tooth, were the results of this region of the crest of the bone after the study, where the loads applied were
and other studies.1 Both the cortical application of occlusal loads and, gen- strictly vertical, by bi-dimensional finite
bone and spongy bone showed reduc- erally, by overload.1,27 Therefore, in element analysis, the implant length had

a direct influence on the stress transmit- stress distribution and does not indi- 1. The increase in length of the im-
ted to some structures. The fibromu- cate potential risks to rehabilitation. plant had a great influence on the
cous, cortical bone, and spongy bone all The internal distribution of ten- decrease of displacement and von
showed a reduction in tensions as the sions in implants showed that the left Mises tension values according to
implant length was increased. The only side, both of the implant and healing the methodology of this study.
point where the length did not help to abutment, were shown to be more 2. The increase of the diameter of the
reduce tensions was at the apex of the overloaded, in addition to the first in- implant had a great influence on
implant, which does not invalidate the ternal threads that also received con- the decrease of von Mises tension
benefits generated by an increase of im- siderable tensions. This shows that the values by the methodology of this
plant length because when bone loss oc- resulting loads are not parallel to the study but did not influence the dis-
curs around the implants, the first area is implant but inclined due to the flexion placement values.
generally around the implant neck.34 undergone by the removable partial 3. According to the results of this
Furthermore, the stress levels found in denture framework. As this result is study, it is a sound choice to use as
spongy bone apical to the implant are inclined, it may justify the findings of large an implant as possible in the
similar to the levels found at the apex of Tuncelli et al17 that show that angled association of implant and remov-
the support tooth. The fixation of the implants have advantages over stan- able partial denture.
base of the models to allow the finite dard implants with regard to resisting
element analysis could influence the re- the damaging effects of horizontal Disclosure
sult, since the proximity of the cortical forces. Further studies varying the in- Not applicable.
bone at the base of the models may have clination of the load applied may pro-
limited the load absorption of the vide more data for this discussion. REFERENCES
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Abstract Translations
ZUSSAMENFASSUNG: Zielsetzung: Die vorliegende
GERMAN / DEUTSCH Studie zielte auf eine Beurteilung des Einflusses von Länge
AUTOR(EN): Fellippo Ramos Verri, MSc, Eduardo Piza und Durchmesser des Implantats ab, das als Stütze unter dem
Pellizzer, PhD, Eduardo Passos Rocha, PhD, João Antônio Sattel einer distal verlängernden herausnehmbaren Teilproth-
Pereira, PhD. Schriftverkehr: Fellippo Ramos Verri, MSc, ese eingepflanzt wurde. Materialien & Methoden: 6 Halbse-
Rua José Bonifácio 1193, Vila Mendonça (Zip Code) 16.015- itige Unterkiefermodelle wurden unter Vorhandensein des linken
050, Arac᝺ atuba, São Paulo, Brasilien. Telefon/Fax: (18) unteren Eckzahns sowie des ersten vorderen Backenzahns herg-
3636-3245, eMail: fellippo@foa.unesp.br estellt, mit den Unterschieden wie nachfolgend: MA – ohne HTP;
Beurteilung des Einflusses von Länge und Durchmesser des MB – nur HTP; MC – HTP und Implantat (Abmessungen
Knochengewebsintegrierenden Implantats in Verbindung mit 3,75 ⫻ 7 mm); MD – HTP und Implantat (Abmessungen 3,75 ⫻
herausnehmbaren Unterkieferteilprothesen des Typs I 13 mm); ME – HTP und Implantat (Abmessungen 5 ⫻ 7 mm);

MF – HTP und Implantat (Abmessungen 5 ⫻ 13 mm); Diese de la longitud del implante tuvo mucha influencia en la
Modelle wurden unter Zuhilfenahme von AutoCAD 2000 er- reducción del desplazamiento y los valores de tensión von
stellt und zur abschließenden Elementanalyse mittels Ansys 5.4 Mises; el aumento del diámetro del implante tuvo mucha
weiterverarbeitet. Es wurden vertikale Kräfte von 50 N auf jeden influencia en la reducción de los valores de tensión von
Eckzahnpunkt aufgebracht. Ergebnisse: Es wurde festgestellt, Mises, pero no influenciaron a los valores de desplazamiento.
dass die Existenz einer HTP den Stützzahn sowie die anderen Según los resultados de este estudio, es una buena opción
Stützstrukturen überlastete. Wurde ein Implantat zusätzlich mit usar el implante más grande y más largo posible en la aso-
eingesetzt, verringerten sich die Spannungen. Dies betraf haupt- ciación entre el implante y la dentadura parcial removible con
sächlich die äußeren Enden des zahnlosen Randes. Mit Zu- extensión distal.
nahme der Ausmessungen schienen sowohl Länge als auch
Durchmesser zu einer Verringerung der Spannungen beizutra- PALABRAS CLAVES: Dentadura parcial removible, im-
gen. Schlussfolgerungen: Die Erhöhung der Länge eines plante dental, biomecánica, análisis finito de elementos
Implantats hatte großen Einfluss auf die Verringerung einer
möglichen Zahnluxation und der von Mises-Spannungswerte.
Die Erhöhung des Durchmessers des Implantats spielte eine
große Rolle hinsichtlich der Verringerung der von Mises- AUTOR(ES): Fellippo Ramos Verri, Mestre em Ciência,
Spannungswerte, beeinflusste dabei aber die Zahnluxation- Eduardo Piza Pellizzer, PhD, Eduardo Passos Rocha, PhD,
swerte nicht. Aufgrund der Ergebnisse dieser Studie stellt sich João Antônio Pereira, PhD. Correspondência para: Fellippo
bei Verbindung von Implantaten mit einer distal verlängernden Ramos Verri, MSc, Rua José Bonifácio 1193, Vila Mendonça
herausnehmbaren Teilprothese das Implantat mit dem größt (Zip Code) 16.015-050, Arac᝺ atuba, São Paulo, Brazil. Tele-
möglichen Durchmesser und der größt möglichen Länge als die fone/Fax (18) 3636-3245, e-mail: fellippo@foa.unesp.br
beste Wahl heraus. Avaliação da Influência da Extensão e Diâmetro do Im-
plante Osseointegrado Associado com RPD Mandibular
SCHLÜSSELWÖRTER: Herausnehmbare Teilprothese, Classe I
Zahnimplantat, Biomechanik; finite Elementanalyse.
RESUMO: Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo era avaliar a
influência da extensão e diâmetro do implante incorporado
sob a sela de uma dentadura parcial removı́vel de extensão
SPANISH / ESPAÑOL distal, atuando como suporte. Materiais & Métodos: 6 mod-
AUTOR(ES): Fellippo Ramos Verri, MSc, Eduardo Piza elos 6 hemi-mandibulares foram feitos com a presença de
Pellizzer, PhD, Eduardo Passos Rocha, PhD, João Antônio cúspide inferior esquerda e primeira bicúspide, com as
Pereira, PhD. Correspondencia a: Fellippo Ramos Verri, seguintes diferenças: MA – sem RPD; MB – RPD apenas;
MSc, Rua José Bonifácio 1193, Vila Mendonça (Zip Code) MC – RPD e implante de 3,75 ⫻ 7 mm; MD – RPD e
16.015-050, Arac᝺ atuba, São Paulo, Brasil. Teléfono/Fax (18) implante de 3,75 ⫻ 13 mm; ME – RPD e implante de 5 ⫻ 7
3636-3245, Correo electrónico: fellippo@foa.unesp.br mm; MF – RPD e implante de 5 ⫻ 13 mm. Esses modelos
Evaluación de la influencia de la longitud y el diámetro del foram projetados com o auxı́lio de AutoCAD 2000 e proces-
implante oseointegrado en una dentadura parcial removible sados para a análise de elemento finito por Ansys 5.4. As
(RPD) mandibular clase I cargas aplicadas eram verticais de 50 N em cada ponto da
cúspide. Resultados: Observou-se que a presença do RPD
ABSTRACTO: Propósito: El objetivo de este estudio fue carregou o dente de apoio e outras estruturas. A introdução do
evaluar la influencia de la longitud y el diámetro del implante implante reduziu as tensões, principalmente nas extremidades
incorporado bajo la silla de una dentadura parcial removible da borda desdentada. Tanto a extensão quanto o diâmetro
con extensión distal, actuando como soporte. Materiales y tenderam a reduzir as tensões, à medida que suas dimensões
Métodos: Se fabricaron 6 modelos hemimandibulares con la aumentavam. Conclusões: O levantamento da extensão do
presencia del canino inferior izquierdo y el primer premolar, implante teve grande influência na diminuição do desloca-
con las siguientes diferencias: MA – sin RPD; MB – RPD mento e valores de tensão von Mises, mas não influenciou os
solamente; MC – RPD e implante de 3,75 ⫻ 7 mm; MD – valores de deslocamento; pelos resultados deste estudo, é
RPD e implante de 3,75 ⫻ 13 mm; ME – RPD e implante de uma boa escolha usar o maior e mais largo implante possı́vel
5 ⫻ 7 mm; MF – RPD e implante de 5 ⫻ 13 mm. Estos na associação entre o implante e a dentadura parcial remov-
modelos fueron diseñados con la ayuda de AutoCAD 2000 y ı́vel de extensão distal.
procesados con el análisis finito de elementos de Ansys 5.4.
Las cargas aplicadas fueron verticales de 50 N en cada punto PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Dentadura parcial removı́vel, im-
del canino. Resultados: Se notó que la presencia del RPD plante dentário, biomecânica, análise de elementos finitos
sobrecargó al diente de apoyo y otras estructuras. La intro-
ducción del implante redujo las tensiones, principalmente en
las extremidades del borde edentuloso. Ambas, la longitud y
el diámetro tendieron a reducir las tensiones, a medida que О: Fellippo Ramos Verri, гс сс 
aumentaron sus dimensiones. Conclusiones: El incremento ук, Eduardo Piza Pellizzer, доко флософ, Edu-


ardo Passos Rocha, доко флософ, João Antônio око л ог AutoCAD 2000  обб-
Pereira, доко флософ. дс о к осо  л с л  л ко  ого !л  о-
о  к косод : Fellippo Ramos г Ansys 5.4. "лглс кл  -
Verri, MSc, Rua José Bonifácio 1193, Vila Mendonça (Zip гук сло 50 #  кду ш у.  ул# :
Code) 16.015– 050, Araçatuba, São Paulo, Brazil. лфо/ б ло о о, о л RPD гуло оо-
ф кс: (18) 3636 –3245, дс л. о:  уб  дуг суку . $ д  л 
fellippo@foa.unesp.br у шло гуку, ос о о,  к  ок
О к   дл   д  уско , лш убо . Кк дл , к  д
оссо го ого л   , сособс о л у ш  гук о 
о осгос к   лс  RPD кл сс I у л  о . од: у л  дл
 !: "л#: л сого сслдо   л   о у шло с 
 лс о к    дл  д л -       гук о &су;
,  лого од сдло д у с дсл о у л  д л   о
сш ого с о с ого уб ого о у шло    гук о &су, о  л-
кс  оо . !  л  од: б ло ло  с   ; о ул д ого
сдл о 6 олу  лс одл, кл- сслдо   луш  о  лс
 сб л    кл к    л     л о ксл оо
ко о уб, со слду л: MA – б о  со  л о  дсл о
с ого с ого уб ого о (RPD); MB – сш с о с уб оо .
олко RPD; MC – RPD  л   3,75 x
7 ; MD – RPD  л   3,75 x 13 ; КЛ ' СЛО: с  с  уб о
ME – RPD  л   5 x 7 ; MF – RPD о (RPD); уб о л , бо  к;
 л   5 x 13 . Ук  одл  л ко  ого !л 






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