KK Symbolic Frame Worksheet

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OGL 481 Pro-Seminar I:

PCA-Symbolic Frame Worksheet

Worksheet Objectives:
1. Describe the symbolic frame
2. Apply the symbolic frame to your personal case situation

Complete the following making sure to support your ideas and cite from the textbook and other
course materials per APA guidelines. After the peer review, you have a chance to update this and
format for your Electronic Portfolio due in Module 6.

1) Briefly restate your situation from Module 1 and your role.

Grainger explores advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) to enhance operational

efficiency within its distribution centers (DCs), integrating automation for tasks like
picking and receiving. The DC Engineering Team collaborates with various departments
to deploy AI solutions, including efforts to introduce a robotic racking system aimed at
streamlining product picking and order fulfillment processes. This initiative aims to
replace hourly team members with automation, freeing them for more impactful roles, a
decision positively communicated by senior leadership to corporate team members,
leaving middle management to communicate to hourly team members.

In addition, my eight-year tenure with the company involved roles in DC operations and
corporate supply chain, focusing on supplier performance and close collaboration with
internal departments. The implementation of AI in our DCs indirectly impacts me
through the portfolio of SKUs managed by my suppliers. Drawing from my previous
experience in middle management at a DC, I can empathize with the communication
strategies employed by higher-level leadership. Such situations will continue to influence
me directly as I transition to the distribution center engineering team in future roles.

2) Describe how the symbols of the organization influenced the situation.

At Grainger, our tagline is “for the ones who get it done.” (W.W.Grainger, 2024). This
tagline can influence the DC engineering and upper leadership teams to lean towards the
implementation of AI in outbound processes by emphasizing efficiency, productivity, and
results-oriented outcomes. It communicates a message of empowerment and
effectiveness, suggesting we strive to go to great lengths to get what the customer needs.
In this case, AI technology in outbound processes enables team members to accomplish
tasks more efficiently and effectively, leaving the monotonous tasks behind. Ultimately,
Sensitivi 1
it can instill a sense of pride and ownership among employees, positioning the adoption
of AI as a strategic initiative that aligns with the organization's commitment to innovation
and excellence in getting things done.

There are six principles within the company, two of which could steer upper leadership
and DC engineering teams to look towards implementing AI in our DCs. The influential
principles being put the customer first and embrace curiosity. These principles can
influence the upper leadership teams and DC engineering teams to look towards
implementing AI for outbound processes in order to enhance customer satisfaction and
experience, while exploring ways to provide the hourly team members with more
impactful roles. Leveraging AI technology to optimize picking processes allows the
company to improve order accuracy, reduce fulfillment times, and enhance product
availability across the network.

3) Recommend how you would use organizational symbols for an alternative course of
action regarding your case.

Using organizational symbols to influence an alternative course of action begins with

understanding and aligning the project with the organization’s core values and identity.
Leveraging symbolic ceremonies, such as kickoff meetings at the DC, can build
excitement and reinforce the commitment to innovation and excellence in adopting AI
technology. Going a step further and inviting the DC engineering and upper leadership
teams to speak at these kickoffs represents a sense of unity and stability that we act as
one team, another Grainger principle. Incorporating symbolic language and messaging in
communications can emphasize the strategic importance of the AI implementation in
advancing the organization's goals and serving its customers.
Using organizational success stories as an organizational symbol to influence the
implementation of AI involves highlighting past achievements and positive outcomes
related to similar initiatives. This can be done through storytelling or presentations from
key stakeholders, such as upper leadership or DC engineering teams. By highlighting
these success stories, DC team members are reminded of the organization's capabilities
and track record, instilling trust and credibility in the project's objectives and potential
outcomes. Sharing success stories fosters a culture of recognition and optimism,
motivating team members to strive for excellence and persevere through challenges.

4) Reflect on what you would do or not do differently given what you have learned
about this frame.

One thing I would not have done differently is upholding the tagline to influence the
needed improvements within the facilities to maintain competitive advantage within the
organization’s market. Adopting AI technology aligns with the organization’s values
regarding innovation and excellence to get things done by allowing opportunities for

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growth and development amongst team members across the DC network and focusing on
efficiency and quality for the customers. This helps alleviate DC team members from
monotonous tasks, freeing them up for more effective, impactful roles.
However, I would have been more strategic in the way the putting the customer first
principle is interpreted. This reflects both internal and external customers and, in this
situation, the DC leadership and team members would be an internal customer to the
upper leadership’s decisions to implement AI. The DC leadership teams hold daily
kickoff meetings in each department, providing an opportunity for upper leadership and
DC engineering teams to put themselves in front of the impacted teams to provide
knowledge, answer questions, and present on AI implementations in other DCs that were
successful. Storytelling helps foster collaboration, hope, and build identity (Bolman &
Deal, 2021). Ultimately, communicating the project utilizing organization symbols can
increase project success, instill trust, and build optimism.

Sensitivi 3
- W.W.Grainger (2024). Grainger Industrial Supply Company. Retrieved from website
address Grainger.com.
- Bolman, L. G. & Deal, T. E. (2021) Reframing Organizations, 7th edition. Jossey-Bass.

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