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Office of the Dean of Students

300 Turner Student Services Building, MC-306

610 East John Street
Champaign, IL 61820

March 30, 2018

To: Madeline Hornsey


John Lantz
Assistant Dean of Students

Subject: Absence for 03/27/2018 through 03/30/2018

Reason: Death of an immediate family member

You recently reported absence(s) to the Student Assistance Center in the Office of the Dean of Students. We are providing this letter
explaining the cause and duration of your absence. Based on the information available to us, we believe your absence meets the standards
enumerated in Section 1-501 of the Student Code. Please note, however, that this letter DOES NOT excuse you from class or ensure that
make-up work will be permitted.

Each professor is strongly encouraged to establish a policy regarding how missed classes, exams or assignments will be managed in
his/her course(s). Discretion about how absences and missed work will be managed rests with the individual professor. Some may request
that you obtain an absence letter from the Student Assistance Center in the Office of the Dean of Students to aid them in their decision-
making process about whether or not to excuse your absence(s).We will review requests that meet the criteria outlined in the Student Code.
It is your responsibility to personally contact your instructors as soon as possible to discuss missed deadlines, exams, difficulties in
completing assignments or attending classes regularly. If you have missed or anticipate missing a significant number of classes or
assignments, you are strongly advised to meet with your professor to discuss the impact your situation may have on your grade in the
course and to discuss options available to you.

You are responsible for ensuring your instructor(s) get a copy of this letter. Our office will provide a copy of this letter to the College
of Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS)

If we can be of further assistance, please contact our office between 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday thru Friday.

telephone 217-333-0050 • fax 217-333-7366

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