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Soal Latihan Buah – Buahan dan 6.

… taste sour (terasa asam)

Sayuran (Fruits & Vegetables) dalam
Bahasa Inggris a. Guava

b. Chilli

c. Lemon
Answer the question by choose between a,
b, and c 7. How many apples do you have?
1. Do you like fruits? a. I have one apples
a. No, i do b. I have five apples
b. Yes, i don’t c. I have five mango
c. Yes, i do 8. My mother use this vegetables to cook
soup (ibu saya menggunakan sayuran ini
2. What fruits do you like?
untuk membuat sup)
a. I like spinach
a. Garlic and onion
b. I like mango
b. Guava and lemon
c. I like tomato
c. Chilli and papaya
3. what vegetables do you like?
9. How many “e” in the word lemon …
a. I like strawberry
a. Two
b. I like passion fruit
b. One
c. I like brinjal
c. Three
4. …. taste spicy (terasa pedas)
10. Tomato is a ….
a. Guava
a. Fruit
b. Tomato
b. Vegetable
c. Chilli
c. Room
5. …. taste sweet (terasa manis)
11. Longan is a ….
a. Chilli
a. Fruit
b. Cabbage
b. Vegetable
c. Grape
c. Room
12. There are…. in the refrigator 6. My aunt use ………………… make
a. Mangoes 7. To make the fruits fresh, we put them in
b. Garlic the……………………………………...
8. I eat pumpkin soup in the
c. Longan …………………………………………
9. The guava taste
13. We put the apple in the ….
a. Stove 10. The chili taste
b. Refrigator
Arrange the letter into a correct words
c. Shoes shelf
1. S- o – p – s –u- o- r :
14. I eat pumpkin soup with a … ………………………………………………
a. Hat 2. L – n – g – o- a :
b. Spoon ………………………………………………

c. Knife 3. M – a – g – n – o :
15. There is …. on the plate
4. R – m – a – b – t –u – a – n :
a. Oranges ………………………………………………

b. Melons 5. G – a – v – u –a :
c. Mango
6. P – a – e – r :
Answer the following question correctly! 7. M – o – n- g- a- t – e – e – s- n :
1. What fruit do you like? ……………………………………………....
I like…………………………………… 8. T – u – n :
2. What vegetabeles do you like ? …………………………………………...….
I like………..………………………….
3. My mum buy……………….……at the 9. L – l – i – c – h – i :
supermarket ………………………………………..……..
4. If these letter arranges (u-m-p-k-n-i-p-
10. l – r – g – a – i – c :
s) it will become
5. My mum use …………………. to cook

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