Module 6 SA 1S2022 23

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Communication Competence Analysis in Movies with Intercultural Themes

The purpose of this activity is to give you an opportunity to study intercultural communication
competence (ICC). The activity will use Sorrell’s framework for ICC where you will incorporate three each
of the verbal and non-verbal codes as units of analysis for communicative behavior. This activity will
help you apply what you have learned about communication and culture in Modules 5 and 6. This
experience in observing and analyzing ICC is also envisioned to help you develop a mindful intercultural
communication practice as a lifelong framework.

1. Choose a movie with intercultural themes which you will use as the object of your study.
2. Develop a conceptual framework for your study. Essentially, you will incorporate the verbal and
nonverbal codes you wish to analyze into Sorrell’s framework
3. Write your movie analysis report. Refer to the guidelines on the format of the report below.

Choosing a Movie with Intercultural Themes

1. Do not choose a fictitious culture (Black Panther, The Princess Diaries, etc) as the analysis will
not have much sound basis.
2. You may choose a film that straddles at least 2 cultures, or a foreign film and compare. Analyze
it in the light of a culture we are more familiar with (eg Filipino culture)
3. Avoid choosing common films particularly Karate Kid, Crazy Rich Asians, or the like, as there are
lot of existing analyses about these films already, you might just end up re-hashing them.
4. You may have your movie titles approved by me first, if in doubt.

Developing the Conceptual Framework

1. Specify the types of verbal and nonverbal elements that you will use in analyzing the
intercultural communication competence of your chosen movie. The requirement for this study
is three (3) verbal and three (3) nonverbal codes.
2. Draw the conceptual framework of your study integrating the verbal communication styles,
non-verbal displays, and Sorrell’s six entry points to intercultural praxis.

(You may want to check out this online resource for additional explanation of what a conceptual
framework is:
Problem_Statement,_Conceptual_Framework,_and.21.aspx )

Movie Analysis Report Format The case study report should have the following parts: Send me a link also

1. Introduction - Provide a background of the movie, the purpose or focus of your case study and
its significance, a thesis statement, and a summary of the outcome of your analysis in one to
two sentences.
2. Literature Review (not as a separate section, but cite relevant literature that would support your
claims, at any relevant part of your paper) - Refer to/Cite the relevant theoretical literature and
related studies in your introduction and discussion of findings.
3. Framework - Describe the framework that you developed which you will use in the analysis.
4. Discussion – Present your findings and provide an analysis.
5. Conclusion and Recommendations – State the implications of your findings on intercultural
communication, the strengths and limitations of your case study, and recommendations.
6. References – List all of your references using the APA referencing style.
7. Appendices – Include your research instrument .

Grading for the case study will be based on the following criteria:

1. Introduction and Methodology (25%) – Sufficient background of the organization; clear

statement of the problem; clear statement of purpose; clear statement of significance to
intercultural communication theory and practice; concise description of the method of inquiry
2. Literature Review (15%) – Effective weaving of credible, appropriate, and recent sources
throughout the paper to strengthen the arguments and theoretical grounding
3. Discussion (35%) – Incisive discussion of findings; identification of observed communication
competence categories and themes; elaboration of themes (i.e., citing the supporting
observations using the verbal and non-verbal codes discussed in the readings and in class); clear
implications of the results for intercultural communication and the presence/ absence of
intercultural competence in the organization; and logical flow of ideas
4. Conclusion and Recommendations (25%) – Incisive concluding statements on insights from the
study; elucidation of the strengths and limitations of the case study; on-point recommendations
to improve intercultural communication competence of the organization

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