17 August Storytelling

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17 August Storytelling

I’m Soekarno you call me Bungkarno, I want make this nation free, having independence because it's all
matters, please help me, to make it come true (sing).

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, hi gentlemen! I am najwi suryanda from nine

alkhawarizmi. To be honest, I’m a bit nervous right now, but I’m not standing here to tell about my
feeling, instead i would like to tell you a story about Kusnoso Sosrodiharjo.

Do you know who he is? Well i gave you a clue. He is the founding father of our nation, and his famous
quote, “Jas Merah, never ever forget history”. I bet all of you have already known who i'm talking about.
Yes, he is Soekarno.

His childhood was so close to us. He had to move from one place to another place following his father
who was a teacher, and his father was always ordered him to memorize everything. So no wonder if he
became the smart boy. Wait, what about his mother. As a descendant of Balinese nobel women, his
mother was always told their ancestors struggle. Since that the patriotism was take to his heart.

Soekarno, as a young man was intens with the organizations. Jong Java, Putra, PNI, and so on, he became
the one of the most critical person whom the dutch anticipated. “I hate imperialism i repressed
colonialism” (nada dinaikin, itu ngutip). Said Bungkarno in one of his stage. He was so determined to
make this nation free from the colonialism, and the dutch (berenti sebentar). He was never afraid giving
his opinion against dutch.

You know dutch? they exiled him to the several places to digul in papua, Ende in Nusa Tenggara, and
Bengkulu South Sumatera. What about Soekarno? He witnessed the society's condition he witnessed
their pain he believed and he always believed that one day indonesia would be free from the colonizer
(naik semua tuh nadanya, abistu turun).

In his exile he wrote and thought everything about this nation. And not only that, when he was in
Bengkulu, he met with a beautiful daughter of one’s leader in Bengkulu. What is her name? her name is

from the first time we have met i know i think i love you but it's not right cause you're young i have wife
too i cannot fake my feeling for the special girl like you oh fight my you be wife too actually i adore you i
think i love you i can't think anyone else no it's all about you but you still have wipes to cut them oh
what will you do therefore surprise in a good way [Music] married with fat malwati she always supported
him not only physical but also mentally and in his hard time fat mawati was always beside him and the
japanese colonization was about to the end so carno and the youth group was ready to declare the
independence of indonesia but sukarno is the old group he wanted to wait to japan surrender but the
young group they wanted to make it quick excuse me mr sugar you have to leave this place you have to
come with me please mr sukarno this is for you this is for indonesia satwikana as the one of the youth
rule they wanted to make sukarno and fat mawati have a clear mind in deciding the independence of
indonesia until they take sukharno and fatmawati on 15 august 1945 to rangastenko and all agreed to
declare the independence of indonesia on seventh in august 1945. they prepared a lot sayudi mali type
the facts of proclamation and others gave the message to the leaders around indonesia about the
preparation wait what about fatmawati she prepared our national flag red and white flag sea suit red
and white flag into [Music] one [Music] [Music] here it is our national flag red and white flag red means
bravery and white means purity i hope our descendant will be like this brave and pure on jalan ponangsa
and timur number 56 friday 17 august 1945 on 10 o'clock all people gathered in front of sukarna's house
they wanted to witness how one nation be created they wanted to be the witness how one nation can
be free from the colonizer and the dutch after a long time of struggle after much of blood leaves tears
and pain had been sacrified until today indonesia will be free from the colonizer indonesia will be in the
new era proclamation we the people of indonesia hereby declare the independence of indonesia matter
which concern the transfer of power and other things will be executed by careful means and in disorders
possible time jakarta 17 august 1945 in the name of the people of indonesia sukarno hatta [Music]
[Laughter] our struggle is easy because we just fight with the colonizer your struggle is difficult because
you will fight with your own people

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