Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) Treatment: Study - Authors & Date Purpose of Evaluation or Research Methods Summary of Findings

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Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) treatment

Study – authors & date Purpose of evaluation or Methods Summary of findings

Protocol 1
Infectious mononucleosis (IM)
https://www.hopkinsguides.c Johns Hopkins abx guide • Usually, self-limited <3 weeks with supportive care
om/hopkins/view/Johns_Hop • If needed corticosteroid (prednisone 40-60mg/d)
kins_ABX_Guide/540208/all for airway obstruction, severe thrombocytopenia, or
/Epstein_Barr_Virus hemolytic anemia

Antivirals (Acyclovir, valacyclovir, ganciclovir) have no

role in IM
• Reduce oral viral shedding, but no clinical benefit

Study 1
Tynell, E., Aurelius, E., To compare the • Multicenter Result
Brandell, A., Julander, I., effectiveness of Acyclovir • Double-blind
Wood, M., Yao, Q. Y., with Prednisolone • Placebo- Total 94 patients
Rickinson, A., Akerlund, B., treatment versus Placebo controlled
& Andersson, J. (1996). in patients with Epstein Acyclovir (800mg 5times daily) + prednisolone (0.7mg/kg
Acyclovir and prednisolone Barr Virus. x first 4 days) vs placebo
treatment of acute infectious • viral shedding was suppressed/inhibited in the
mononucleosis: a acyclovir + prednisolone group
multicenter, double-blind, • However, it was observed that no significant
placebo-controlled enhancements were detected in the individual
study. The Journal of clinical symptoms overall.
infectious diseases, 174(2),
Study 2
Andrei, G., Trompet, E., & To review antiviral drugs Result
Snoeck, R. (2019). Novel that have been evaluated • acyclovir was shown to significantly reduced EBV
Therapeutics for in the clinic to treat EBV shedding in the oropharynx when administered
Epstein⁻Barr infections intravenously and orally, virus release resumed at
Virus. Molecules (Basel, the initial level within 3 weeks of cessation of the
Switzerland), 24(5), 997. treatment
https://doi.org/10.3390/mole • Antivirals in combination with immunomodulatory
cules24050997 drugs (such as corticosteroids, used empirically by
physicians to treat infectious mononucleosis) might
be effective.
• pediatric liver transplant recipients, treatment with
intravenous ganciclovir did not change the
proportion of patients with reduction in EBV load
at 8 weeks and 1 year after detection of EBV

Study 3
Yager, J. E., Magaret, A. S., To evaluate effect of • Randomized Result
Kuntz, S. R., Selke, S., valganciclovir on oral • Double-blind • 72% reduction in frequency of EBV shedding on
Huang, M. L., Corey, L., EBV shedding in a • Placebo- valganciclovir vs placebo
Casper, C., & Wald, A. randomized, double-blind, controlled
(2017). Valganciclovir for placebo-controlled study • Crossover trial Discussion (risk for PTLD)
the Suppression of Epstein- • One study reported a reduction in PTLD (3.9% to
Barr Virus Replication. The 0.5% of SOT recipient) received either acyclovir
Journal of infectious (QID dosing) or ganciclovir (IV) – study 4
diseases, 216(2), 198–202. • Another study evaluating renal-only transplant
https://doi.org/10.1093/infdis found 83% reduction in PTLD (various in between
/jix263 antiviral therapy)
• Ganciclovir is associated with 38% reduction of
early PTLD
• However, definitive study of ganciclovir or
valganciclovir in PTLD prevention has not been
Study 4
AlDabbagh, M. A., Gitman, Evaluate the role of • Systematic Result
M. R., Kumar, D., Humar, antiviral prophylaxis for review and meta- • Only Included the studies that had confirmed
A., Rotstein, C., & Husain, the prevention of analysis histopathological diagnosis of PTLD and confirmed
S. (2017). The Role of posttransplant evidence of EBV infection
Antiviral Prophylaxis for the lymphoproliferative • Biological explanation support its use for the
Prevention of Epstein-Barr disease (PTLD) remains reduction of PTLD, however despite the biological
Virus-Associated controversial for solid plausibility, this meta-analysis failed to
Posttransplant organ transplantation demonstrate a benefit
Lymphoproliferative Disease (SOT) recipients who are • Data were insufficient to analyze the impact of
in Solid Organ Transplant antiviral use on mortality and efficacy
Recipients: A Systematic seronegative for Epstein–
Review. American journal of Barr virus (EBV)
transplantation : official
journal of the American
Society of Transplantation
and the American Society of
Transplant Surgeons, 17(3),

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