Clinical Validity and Clinical Utility of Ki67

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TAM0010.1177/17588359221122725Therapeutic Advances in Medical OncologyH Kreipe, N Harbeck

Therapeutic Advances in
Medical Oncology Review

Clinical validity and clinical utility of Ki67

Ther Adv Med Oncol

2022, Vol. 14: 1­–10

in early breast cancer DOI: 10.1177/

© The Author(s), 2022.

Article reuse guidelines:
Hans Kreipe, Nadia Harbeck and Matthias Christgen

Abstract: Ki67 represents an immunohistochemical nuclear localized marker that is widely

used in surgical pathology. Nuclear immunoreactivity for Ki67 indicates that cells are cycling
and are in G1- to S-phase. The percentage of Ki67-positive tumor cells (Ki67 index) therefore
provides an estimate of the growth fraction in tumor specimens. In breast cancer (BC), tumor
cell proliferation rate is one of the most relevant prognostic markers and Ki67 is consequently
helpful in prognostication similar to histological grading and mRNA profiling-based BC risk
stratification. In BCs treated with short-term preoperative endocrine therapy, Ki67 dynamics
enable distinguishing between endocrine sensitive and resistant tumors. Despite its nearly
universal use in pathology laboratories worldwide, no internationally accepted consensus has
yet been achieved for some methodological details related to Ki67 immunohistochemistry
(IHC). Controversial issues refer to choice of IHC antibody clones, scoring methods, inter-
laboratory reproducibility, and the potential value of computer-assisted imaging analysis
and/or artificial intelligence for Ki67 assessment. Prospective clinical trials focusing on
BC treatment have proven that Ki67, as determined by standardized central pathology
assessment, is of clinical validity. Clinical utility has been demonstrated in huge observational

Keywords: breast cancer, endocrine resistance, Ki67, prognosis, therapy response

Received: 5 May 2022; revised manuscript accepted: 10 August 2022.

Ki67 as an in situ marker for cycling cells number of the clone in multi-well plates from Correspondence to:
Hans Kreipe
In 1975, Köhler and Milstein1 published their which the supernatant was derived.3 Initially, Institute of Pathology,
seminal paper on the production of monoclonal widespread application of the new immunohisto- Hannover Medical School,
Carl-Neubergstraße 1,
antibodies of predefined specificity by immortali- chemical tool in diagnostic practice was prevented Hannover 30625, Germany.
zation of murine spleen cells by somatic fusion by the need of unfixed fresh frozen tissue for Ki67 Kreipe.Hans@mh-
with a multiple myeloma cell line. Already 5 years staining. Applicability to formalin fixed, paraffin- Nadia Harbeck
later, a group in the institute of pathology in Kiel, embedded tissue, which represents the vast Brustzentrum der
Universität München
Germany, exploited this technique to generate majority of specimens in pathological archives, (LMU) Frauenklinik
immunohistochemically applicable monoclonal was enabled years later by the discovery of Maistrasse-Innenstadt
und Klinikum Großhadern,
antibodies. By screening the supernatants of the Cattoretti and colleagues that microwave heating Germany
numerous hybridoma clones obtained after unmasks the hidden Ki67 antigen.4 Matthias Christgen
immunization of mice with the Hodgkin cell line Institute of Pathology,
Hannover Medical School,
L428 for their immunohistochemical reaction The cellular function of Ki67 has partly been elu- Hannover, Germany
pattern on tissue sections from tonsils and lymph cidated. It appears to be a peri-chromosomal
nodes involved by Hodgkin disease, they identi- chromatin-protein and resides at densely packed
fied two interesting antibody producing clones. regions, probably heterochromatin.5 The molecu-
One reacted with Hodgkin cells and was named lar weight of the two proteins which carry the
Ki-1.2 The other selectively labeled proliferating epitopes recognized by the original Ki67 antibody
cells in situ from G1- to M-phase of the cell cycle and the MIB antibodies is 395 and 345 kD (MIB
and received the label Ki-67 according the stands for the initials of the first author as well as 1

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Therapeutic Advances in
Medical Oncology Volume 14

the abbreviation of the institution in Borstel, with regard to the potential prognostic relevance
Germany). of in situ proliferation markers in BC applicable
by IHC was achieved when formalin-fixed paraf-
The proteins are encoded by two differentially fin embedded tissue specimens could be investi-
spliced isoforms of mRNA with open reading gated.13,14 A review of large retrospective studies
frames of 9768 and 8688 base pairs. The MIB on BC with extended follow-up revealed that
antibodies were raised against recombinant pro- almost all of them could demonstrate prognostic
tein expressed in bacteria. The central part of the significance of the marker.15 In these studies with
mRNA encoding the Ki-67 antigen contains 16 a follow-up periods of at least 5 years, Ki67
tandemly repeated 366-bp elements, the ‘Ki-67 besides tumor size, tumor grade, cathepsin-D,
repeats’, each including a highly conserved new S-phase fraction, mitotic index, and vascular
motif of 66 bp, the ‘Ki-67 motif’.6 The relevant invasion showed a significant association with
functional quality of the Ki67 protein appears to survival outcome measures in patients with early-
be constituted by a biological surfactant property stage node-negative BC. However, technical dif-
to disperse mitotic chromosomes. Therefore, it ficulties and variations in the measurement
may play a predominantly biomechanical role in remained obstacles to the broad clinical applica-
wrapping the mitotic chromosome periphery in a tion of all these markers in early BC patients.15 In
surfactant-like fashion to support intracellular addition, prospective clinical data from rand-
compartmentalization.7 As a part of the compart- omized trials confirming the prognostic relevance
mentalization function, the exclusion of mature were not available until 2016. A large prospective
ribosomes from the nucleus after mitosis depends trial on 3198 BC patients could demonstrate the
on Ki-67-regulated chromosome clustering.8 prognostic relevance of Ki67 in univariate analy-
sis besides RNA expression profiling with
Oncotype DX recurrence score (RS), nodal sta-
Prognostic relevance of Ki67 in breast tus, central and local grade, estrogen receptor
cancer (ER) and progesterone receptor (PR), and tumor
As evidenced by gene expression studies, prolif- size.16 The prognostic relevance of Ki67 was not
erative activity of breast cancer (BC) appears to only demonstrable by central evaluation in the
represent the driving force determining prognosis frame of clinical trials.17 In an attempt to evaluate
in BC.9 As a consequence, a number of methods the routine use and value of Ki-67 as a prognostic
have been explored to assess the proliferative marker ‘real-world data’ from the clinical cancer
activity in BC. Some of them, like flow cytometry, registry Regensburg (Bavaria, Germany) were
are difficult to establish as routine method.10 analyzed. In 3658 BC cases, Ki67 was routinely
Markers, which promised to be applicable as in assessed in six different institutes of pathology.
situ detection methods by immunohistochemistry Independent from the local derivation of the data,
(IHC), like proliferating cell nuclear antigen or a strong correlation was found between grading
topoisomerase II, suffer from the disadvantage and Ki-67 (p < 0.001). In multivariable analysis
that they are not exclusively expressed by prolifer- including common clinical and histopathological
ating cells but also during DNA damage repair. factors, Ki-67 was an independent prognostic
Peter Hall, in a famous experiment on himself, parameter both for disease-free survival and for
which included UV light irradiation of the skin on overall survival.17 There was some variation with
his own forearm followed by repeated punch regard to the proportion of the different Ki67 cat-
biopsies and immunohistochemical staining, egories. The proportion of the low proliferation
demonstrated that Ki67 was the only prolifera- group (⩽15%) in the different institutes of pathol-
tion marker tested, that was expressed selectively ogy ranged from 51% to 62% of cases. With
in cycling cells but not during DNA repair.11 regard to the high proliferating group defined as
Despite the restriction to unfixed frozen tissue Ki67 ⩾ 45%, the range was 7% to 12%. The
Ki67 was soon applied to assess the proliferative 5-year disease-free survival rate was 86.7% (over-
activity of BC.12 The mean value of Ki67 in mam- all survival 89.3%) in the low proliferating cohort
mary carcinomas was 16.6%. A comparison of (⩽15%) and 75.8% (82.8%) in the highly prolif-
the mean values of Ki-67-positive cells with the erative group, respectively.17 The approach cho-
histological grade of the tumors showed a correla- sen in this study17 to discriminate the high from
tion between these two variables – that is, histo- the low proliferating group according to Ki67
logical grade 1 showed 9%, grade 2 16%, and with three intermediate groups (16–25%, 26–
grade 3 26% proliferating cells.12 A break-through 35%, and 36–45%) differs from other studies

H Kreipe, N Harbeck et al.

using single stringent cutoff values to define low- central evaluation of 2000 tumor cells was per-
risk and high-risk BC, respectively.18 The 5-year formed but the threshold was set here at >11%.23
disease-free survival and overall survival were In an effort to separate luminal A from luminal B
very similar between the 36% and 45% and the cases, the St. Gallen consensus has proposed a
>45% group on the one hand and the 16–25%, cutoff value of 13.25%,18,24 which was later aban-
26–35%, and ⩽15% group on the other hand, doned with no further specification of an alterna-
defining a more favorable and an aggressive sub- tive Ki67 cutoff to distinguish between luminal A
group. The intermediate groups 16–25% and and B.25 From a practical point of view, repro-
26–35% had similar outcomes ranging between ducibility of a pseudo-accurate 13.25% value may
the two extremes.17 In the WSG ADAPT study be questioned. In addition, the cutoff of 13.25%
applying Ki67 and RNA-based gene expression was derived from tissue-microarrays that did not
profiles (RS) for prognostic stratification of BC reflect the properties of BC tissue material in rou-
patients, a >95% concordance between high tine diagnostics.26 In a retrospective study on
Ki67 > 35% and RS > 25 was observed, leading to 1241 patients with Luminal B early stage BC with
an amendment to the study, that high-risk BC could 1–3 axillary positive nodes who underwent sur-
either be defined by RS > 25 or by Ki67 > 35%.19 In gery between 1995 and 2005 and received adju-
the Plan B study, all patients in the group with vant hormonotherapy and/or chemotherapy,
Ki-67 ⩾ 40% and PR < 20% had RS > 25.16 On the Ki67 expression identified a subset of patients
ground of Ki67 stained core needle biopsies, the with Luminal B and node-positive BC who could
Gepar Trio trial established an identical percentage benefit from addition of adjuvant chemotherapy
threshold to define the high risk (35%) besides low to endocrine therapy. Dichotomy was observed
and intermediate risk prognostic groups with ⩽15% for Ki67 at 32% level.27 The cutoff value of 32%27
and 15.1–35%, respectively.20 The same per­ might also be pseudo-accurate and most likely
centage-defined categorization was also able to provides an over-extension of the information an
predicted complete pathological response to preop- immunohistochemical marker like Ki67 is able to
erative chemotherapy.20 deliver under routine circumstances. It seems
that cutoff levels ranging from 10% to 20% have
For biomarkers in oncology, the necessity to sep- been the most common to dichitomize popula-
arate a biological continuum into discontinuous tions.28 However, an expert group was unable to
categories of risk stratification to enable applica- come to consensus regarding the ideal cut point(s)
tion of different therapy regimens provides a well- that might be used in clinical practice.28 In the
known and recurring challenge. In this respect, ongoing monarchE phase III, multicenter, rand-
Ki67 does not differ from other attributes of can- omized trial in BC patients, with node-positive,
cer.21 Clinical decision finding, however, requires luminal human epidermal growth factor receptor
reproducible thresholds for standardization of 2 (HER2) negative early BC who completed
treatment and comparison of outcome data. definitive locoregional therapy and are at high risk
of disease recurrence on the basis of clinical or
According to this requirement, different cutoff pathologic features, Ki-67 score ⩾20% indicated
levels have been proposed for Ki67. The applied that abemaciclib plus endocrine therapy was ben-
discriminatory thresholds are differing depending eficial in comparison to endocrine therapy alone.29
on the selection of cases.22,23 In an attempt to On the basis of this study, KI67, for the first time,
analyze its predictive capacity for the beneficial became a biomarker with relevance for the choice
effect of chemotherapy, Ki67 expression has been of therapy because it is an integral part of the cor-
retrospectively determined in two randomized tri- responding Food and Drug administration
als on adjuvant chemoendocrine therapy in node- approval.30
negative BC.22 For this purpose, 2000 tumor cells
have been counted.22 A high Ki-67 labeling index
was found to be associated with other factors that Ki67 as a marker for endocrine
predict poor prognosis. Ki-67 labeling index responsiveness in BC
⩾19% was found to be an independent prognos- Besides its prognostic relevance in BC, Ki67 has
tic factor but it was not predictive of better been applied to demonstrate sensitivity of luminal
response to adjuvant chemotherapy in these stud- BC to endocrine therapy.31–33 Unlike triple-nega-
ies.22 The results from Breast International Group tive BC or the HER2-type of BC, which may
Trial 1-98 comparing adjuvant tamoxifen with exhibit dramatic response and will even com-
letrozole produced a different cutoff value. Again pletely vanish in a considerable proportion of 3
Therapeutic Advances in
Medical Oncology Volume 14

cases during preoperative chemotherapy, luminal more than 25% of relapsing luminal BCs under
cancers usually do not respond with major tumor therapy.35
shrinkage to endocrine therapy, and complete
remission is rare. Whereas incomplete remission
in response to preoperative therapy in HER2- High proliferative activity in
positive or triple-negative cancers will yield early BRCA-mutated BC
information on at least partial resistance to ther- BCs with a germline background of BRCA1 or
apy in the non-luminal types of BC, resistance to BRCA2 mutation share some histopathological
endocrine therapy providing the mainstay of features like triple negativity but there is no
treatment in luminal BC does not become clini- pathognomonic phenotype. One attribute, which
cally manifest until relapse will have occurred BRCA1 germ line mutated BC have in common
during treatment. As a possible indicator for is the very high Ki67 labeling index usually
endocrine sensitivity of luminal BC Ki67 has exceeding 60%. This is also true for BRCA ger-
been proposed. The IMPACT trial determined mline-mutated cases with hormone receptor
retrospectively the prognostic impact of a post- expression. In a retrospective study on BRCA1-
therapeutic Ki67 decrease in patients that were associated tumors, all were of high grade, inva-
treated with preoperative aromatase inhibitors for sive-ductal subtype, and PR and Her2 negative,
luminal BC.31 A higher Ki67 expression after and 91% of the tumors were negative for ER;
2 weeks of endocrine therapy was statistically sig- 60% of the tumors showed a high expression of
nificantly associated with lower recurrence-free Ki67. There was a significant difference with
survival, whereas higher Ki67 expression at base- respect to grading (p = 0.001 for G3), ER negativ-
line was not. In the ‘POETIC trial’, 4486 patients ity (p = 0.0075), Ki67 > 65% (p = 0.0039), and
were recruited from 2008 to 2014 and rand- triple negativity (p = 0.0019) between tumors
omized to perioperative endocrine therapy or sur- from mutation carriers and non-carriers.36
gery without neoadjuvant therapy.32 A subgroup
with a low baseline Ki67 (⩽10%) who have a suf-
ficiently good prognosis and do well on standard Methodological controversies
endocrine therapy alone was identified.32 The regarding Ki67
other subgroup with Ki67 > 10% on baseline Assessment of tumor cell growth fraction by in
could be further differentiated by Ki67 response situ assessment of a strictly cell-cycle-associated
to 2-week preoperative endocrine therapy. The protein appears to provide a rapid and reliable
majority converted to a low Ki67 and might not method suitable for routine application in patient
need anything beyond adjuvant endocrine ther- care. Although proliferative activity of BC repre-
apy. By contrast, those with a high Ki67 that had sents a continuously and gradually increasing bio-
remained high after short-term preoperative logical risk factor according to accumulated
endocrine therapy should be considered for fur- genetic aberrations and their composition, the
ther adjuvant treatments.32 A similar approach to clinical need to set categories for selection of
guide systemic therapy in early BC by Ki67- treatment options in a dichotomizing ‘yes’ or ‘no’
determined proliferative response to short-term fashion requires the definition of thresholds and
3-week preoperative endocrine therapy has been demands reproducibility among pathological lab-
developed in the multicentric, prospective, rand- oratories. As a matter of fact, microscopic meth-
omized ADAPT trial.33 In N0-1 RS12-25 patients ods involving human judgment are prone for
with age <50 years and treated with endocrine subjectivity and hence limited reproducibility. It
therapy alone, outcome of endocrine responders has to be kept in mind that this is also the case for
(⩽10% Ki67 after 3 weeks) was superior when the modified Bloom–Scarff–Richardson grading
compared to non-responders.33 Thus, omission of BC being in use worldwide.37,38 By counting of
of chemotherapy in early BC of premenopausal mitotic figures, traditional grading also includes
patients with limited nodal burden and interme- proliferative activity, but the reproducibility of
diate RS can be based on an easy accessible prog- counting mitotic figures is poor to moderate.37
nostic marker, provided by Ki67 response to Generalized kappa values indicated substantial
short-term endocrine therapy.33 Missing Ki67 agreement for tubule formation (0.64), but only
response to short-term endocrine preoperative moderate agreement for mitotic count (0.52).37
therapy was associated with genetic aberrations, Mitotic figures as a microscopic equivalent of
potentially conferring endocrine resistance like proliferative activity in BC pose a number of
TP53 mutation,34 which has also been found in methodological problems. They have to be

H Kreipe, N Harbeck et al.

discriminated from apoptotic figures, what may included hotspots in a non-selective manner.16
be impossible occasionally. Compared to G1-M- Up to now, it is not consented how many cells are
phase detected by Ki-67, the M-phase of the cell at least required to form a hotspot and what range
cycle is rather short. Therefore, in cases with lim- of difference in Ki67 index compared to the rest
ited tumor tissue, only few mitotic figures may be of the tumor is at least necessary to define a hot-
encountered leading to a systematic underestima- spot. The International Ki67 in Breast Cancer
tion of grade in core needle biopsies.39 Another Working Group has announced that a working
relevant bias of mitotic counts for grading is pro- party has been established to assess whether over-
vided by the variation in size of microscopic fields all staining index or peak labeling indices in hot-
to which the number of mitotic figures is related.40 spots is more robust.28 In a most recent
In addition, there is a massive inter-individual publication, the group stated that the issue of
variation of tumor cell density in BC specimens average value across slide versus value in hotspot
from different patients. Consequently, the Ki67 is still controversial.42 To overcome the difficul-
assessed tumor cell growth fraction related to all ties associated with intratumoral proliferative het-
tumor cells could provide a valuable alternative erogeneity, a scoring app has been devised that
method to determine proliferative activity in BC. guides manual single cell counting to balance the
In a large prospective study, it could be shown global Ki67 index over areas with high and low
that modified Bloom–Scarff–Richardson grading proliferation (weighted global score).42 However,
by including Ki67 indices instead of mitotic fig- it has been admitted that this scoring method is
ures yields a significant prognostic variable, even ‘arguably tedious’ and is ‘not the only scoring sys-
in multivariate analysis, independent from the tem’ that achieves analytical validity.42 Global
prognostic information provided by RNA profil- (average) scores across the section had higher
ing-based RS.16 Replacement of mitotic figures in reproducibility than hotspot methods, although
the grading scheme was achieved in this study by differences were not statistically significant.42 In
defining Ki67 index <15% as low with one scor- the tumor center with presumably reduced nutri-
ing point, 15% to <25% as intermediate with two ent and oxygen supply and common fibrotic
scoring points and ⩾25% with three scoring regression, the proliferation rate tends to be lower
points, respectively.16 in comparison to the invasion front which, there-
fore appears to be the preferred area for Ki67
Due to variation in expression of the Ki67 protein assessment.22,23,43 Heterogeneity of Ki67 staining
during the cell cycle with a maximum in the in BC has even been demonstrated to provide an
M-phase, a spectrum of labeling intensities are additional prognostic factor.44
observable in a given tumor. It has been demon-
strated that variation in staining intensities may Another controversy on the application of Ki67 as
be responsible for discordant labeling indices biomarker in BC concerns the mode of micro-
when evaluation was performed by different scopic evaluation. Already in their first study
observers.41 The lowest rate of discordance can describing Ki67 as a prognostic marker in BC,
be achieved, when every labeling intensity, even Gerdes and co-workers emphasized that the
weak staining, is counted as positive.42 counting of mitotic figures in routinely stained
paraffin sections is difficult and time-consum-
Another matter of controversy regarding Ki67 as ing.12 Immunohistological labeling with mono-
biomarker in BC concerns the handling of hot- clonal antibody Ki-67 by contrast was considered
spots. Hotspots represent areas of higher Ki67 as simple, well within the scope of routine surgi-
labeling index than present in the remaining cal pathology laboratories, and a more objective
tumor. Tumor cell heterogeneity, paracrine aid for assessing the grade of malignancy.12 As
effects of accompanying non-tumor stromal cells stated, tedious counting is hardly compatible with
or differences in local supply with nutrients may routine microscopic evaluation by pathologists.
be responsible for the phenomenon of non-evenly An evaluation technique labeled as ‘eyeballing’
distributed proliferative activity in BC. The dis- appears to be more appropriate for routine pathol-
pute goes on whether these areas should be pref- ogy. A rough estimate instead of exact counting
erentially counted, neglected, or counted in a has already become standard in some areas of
non-selective manner.28,42 Because no consented predictive pathology, like assessment of pro-
definition of the criteria, which constitute a hot- grammed death-ligand 1 expression in cancer and
spot does exist the published prospective studies has been accepted by oncologists.45,46 For exact
on prognostic significance of Ki67 in BC have counting of Ki67 index 200–2000 cells have been 5
Therapeutic Advances in
Medical Oncology Volume 14

evaluated.22,23,28 Usually, the minimum is set at tissue has been overcome by the use of tissue
200 cells to be counted.28 In comparison to count- micro-arrays, which have been applied in quality
ing, eyeballing at the higher and lower Ki67 lev- assurance trials on Ki67, starting in 2002.48 For
els, the correlation between the methods of the selection of adequate tissue material and
assessment was found to be acceptable with lower appropriate cases, organizers of round-robin tests
concordance in the intermediate cases with 10– have to analyze the tissues before distribution
25% Ki67 labeling index.47 In the plan B trial, among participants of quality assurance trials and
encompassing 3198 patients the quantitative and they have to predefine the expected correct
semi-quantitative way of Ki67 assessment were results.52 To discriminate interlaboratory from
compared.16 Equal prognostic effects of both interobserver variation, it is necessary to evaluate
methods could be demonstrated.16 This study, the participants staining results. Interlaboratory
like others, before avoided pseudo-accuracy with variation may be caused by differences in the ana-
regard to Ki67 labeling by only discriminating 5% lytical procedure which therefore have to be com-
groups (1–5%, 6–10%, 11–15%, and so on).16,22 municated by participants. Significant differences
Reproduction of thresholds, in particular when in the Ki67 labeling indices were observed between
they are within the intermediate range of Ki67 different antibody clones (SP6, Ab30.9, MIB1,
labeling index from >10% to 25% may require MM1) and between different stainer platforms
exact counting. It is in this medium range of Ki67 (Dako Autostainer, Ventana Bench Mark, Leica
expression where reproducibility among different Bond).53 Even the combination of specific plat-
laboratories is worst.47,48 forms with certain antibodies had impact on the
Ki67 index, indicating limited reproducibility of
To overcome the obstacles to reproducibility too narrowly defined thresholds.53 Significant var-
between different observers and to enable assess- iations in the proportion of tumors with Ki67
ment of a higher proportion of tumor cells com- high-level expression (Ki67 PI ⩾ 20%) were
puter-assisted image analysis (CAIS) has been observed among Ab, format, and stainer platform
suggested for evaluation Ki67 staining. Most of combinations. In the annually organized Ki67
the commercially available applications require round-robin tests in Germany, since 2002 staining
the definition of a region of interest where the quality of laboratories has gradually improved.52 A
analysis is conducted.43,49 This implies that sub- proportion of discordances is due to interobserver
jectivity of observers is not completely eliminated variation as evidenced by central evaluation of all
by these devices. We could show that the region- participant’s staining results.52 Although it could
of-interest size impacts on Ki67 quantification by be demonstrated that regular participation in Ki67
CAIS in BC.50 Rimm et al. have recently com- quality assurance trials has significantly improved
pared the performance of automated Ki67 quan- the performance of participating laboratories and
tification by 10 different software systems pathologists,52 interobserver variance remains a
combined with seven different slide scanners on a challenge. The latter can only be overcome by
set 30 BC cases. Automated Ki67 assessment training. For this purpose, the quality assurance
showed a between-system agreement that was not organization QuIP has set up virtual microscopy
superior but only comparable with the inter- of Ki67-stained slides (https://www.qualityinpath-
observer agreement achieved by standardized Regular participation
pathologist-based Ki67 evaluation.51 in quality assurance trials on Ki67 to guarantee
analytical validity provides a mandatory prerequi-
site for the clinical utility of the biomarker Ki67.
Quality assurance trials for Ki67 In recent decades, ample of evidence for the clini-
Analytical validity of Ki67 IHC requires careful cal validity of Ki67 has been accumulated, which
attention to preanalytical issues and calibrated has to be clearly discriminated from clinical util-
standardized visual scoring. Participation in and ity.54 Clinical utility requires reproducibility under
evaluation of quality assurance and quality control routine circumstances, which appears achievable
programs are recommended to maintain analytical in a trained and standardized environment.52
validity.42 Quality assurance trials have to cover
two levels, interlaboratory and interobserver
reproducibility, respectively. Interlaboratory con- Conclusions
cordance can be assessed by immunostaining of In situ assessment of tumor cell growth fraction by
identical materials by different laboratories. The immunhistochemical detection of the strictly pro-
obstacle of limited material in the case of BC liferation-associated nuclear Ki67 antigen

H Kreipe, N Harbeck et al.

provides a biomarker with analytical and clinical tubule formation and nuclear pleomor-
validity as well as clinical utility in BC54: phism. Thus, modified grading has shown
prognostic significance in a huge prospective
•• Prognostic significance of proliferative study on more than 3000 BC patients.16
activity in BC has long been established,
but unlike mitotic figures, which are con-
ventionally used in pathology, Ki67 covers Declarations
a broader spectrum of the cell cycle, not
only M-phase but also the whole cycle from Ethics approval and consent to participate
G1 to M-phase and thus can be applied on Not applicable.
small tumor cell numbers as in core needle
biopsies. Furthermore, tedious counting Consent for publication
requested for mitotic figures is not neces- Not applicable.
sary and karyorhectic figures do not pose a
discriminatory problem. Author contribution(s)
•• Currently, no other predictive biomarker is Hans Kreipe: Conceptualization; Writing – orig-
available to indicate endocrine resistance or inal draft; Writing – review & editing.
sensitivity in BC which can be studied by
Nadia Harbeck: Conceptualization;
Ki67 response to short-term preoperative
Methodology; Supervision; Writing – review &
endocrine therapy of luminal BC. A drop of
Ki67 index after short-term preoperative
endocrine therapy to ⩽10% is associated Matthias Christgen: Conceptualization;
with endocrine sensitivity sufficient for Methodology; Project administration; Validation;
growth suppression of tumor cells not Writing – review & editing.
requiring chemotherapy for effective long-
term relapse-free tumor control. Acknowledgements
•• No generally accepted Ki67 cutoff value to None.
discriminate prognostic favorable from
aggressive BC does exist. But, prospective Funding
clinical trials with central pathology as well The authors received no financial support for the
as decentral observational studies indicate research, authorship, and/or publication of this
that the risk in BC cases with ⩽10% Ki67 article.
labeling index is minimal, whereas it is very
high when ⩾35% is exceeded. At the Competing interests
extreme sides of the spectrum, ⩽10% and The authors declare that there is no conflict of
⩾35%, respectively, the reproducibility of interest.
Ki67 index has been shown to be much bet-
ter than in the intermediate range. Availability of data and materials
•• Reproducibility of Ki67-assessed proliferative Not applicable.
activity generally does not provide a problem
in cases with either low ⩽10% or very high ORCID iD
Ki67-determined growth fraction ⩾35%. Nadia Harbeck
Mainly for the in-between cases quality assur- 0002-9744-7372
ance trials for interlaboratory concordance of
staining and microscopic assessment have
been conducted. It could be demonstrated
that performance status of laboratories signifi- References
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according to WHO recommendations has specificity. Nature 1975; 256: 495–497.
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ting.38 This deficit is partly due to poor a monoclonal antibody specific for Hodgkin and
reproducibility of mitotic figures.37 Grading Sternberg-Reed cells of Hodgkin’s disease and
can be improved by replacing mitotic figures a subset of normal lymphoid cells. Nature 1982;
by Ki67 staining with retained scoring of 299: 65–67. 7
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