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Type What It Does Real-World

Ransomware Disables victim's access to data until ransom is paid RY

Fileless Malware Makes changes to files that are native to the OS Asta

Spyware Collects user activity data without their knowledge Dark

Adware Serves unwanted advertisements Fire

Trojans Disguises itself as desirable code Em

Worms Spreads through a network by replicating itself Stux

Rootkits Gives hackers remote control of a victim's device Zac

Keyloggers Monitors users' keystrokes Olympic

Bots Launches a broad flood of attacks Ech

Mobile Malware Infects mobile devices Tria

Wiper Malware Erases user data beyond recoverability. Whisp

Malware-(Malicious Software) designed to cause harm or Exploit a computer system, server, client, or
computer network, leak private information, gain unauthorized access to information or systems,
deprive access to information, or which unknowingly interferes with the user's computer security and

Types of Malware
- Disables victim’s access to data unit ransom is paid

Fileless Malware
- Make changes to files that are native to the OS
- Collects user activity data without their knowledge

-Serves unwanted advertisements

Trojans horse
- Disguieses Itself as desirable code

- Spreads through a network by replicating itself

- Gives hackers remote control of a victim’s device

= Monitors users’ keystrokes

-launches a broad flood of attacks

Mobile malware
- Infects mobile devices

Wiper malware
-Erases User data beyond Recoverability


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