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Actions Plan derived from Team Building Day – December 2023

Action Responsible Timeline Status Notes

1. Codification and Process Improvement

Develop a 'recipe' document Assign a small team to Aim for a draft within
that codifies best practices, compile this, including reps 3 months
methodologies, and processes. from both clinical and non-
clinical areas.
2. Reflective Practice and Experimentation
Formalize a process for reflective Team leaders to facilitate Start in the next
practice, possibly through these sessions. month.
monthly review meetings.
3. Enhancing Team Cohesiveness
Implement regular activities to Group Discussion at team Plan the first activity
build inter-departmental meeting on how to within 2 months.
understanding, such as job implement this?
shadowing or departmental
4. Social and Professional Development
Schedule the last Friday of each Admin to plan activities with Start from next
month for social activities and input from Sue? month.
professional development
5. Improving Communication and Challenge Culture
Organize workshops on effective External facilitator or in- Within 4 months
communication and constructive house talent.
6. Outcomes Assessment and Feedback
Develop a system for regular A mixed team of clinical and Develop a system in
outcomes assessment and non-clinical staff the next month, with
feedback. first feedback session
in 6 months
7. Role Clarity and Responsibility
Create clear role descriptions Input from all teams Complete within 3
and expectations, including months.
interaction between roles.
8. Innovation and External Engagement
Document and package Comms team, with input Ongoing, with first
successful models and practices from all teams. external
for external sharing. communication
within 6 months
9. Strategic Planning and Work Management
Develop a forward planning Leadership team, with Sue Draft plan in 2
strategy with less reactivity and and Gareth taking lead roles. months,
more proactive work implementation in 4
management. months.

10. Personal Responsibility and Accountability

Workshop on personal A suitable external Within 3 months.
responsibility in the workplace. facilitator?
Regular Review and Adjustment
Set up quarterly review Leadership team, with First review in 3
meetings to assess progress on feedback from all staff. months after
these actions and adjust as implementation
needed. begins.

Communication of the Action Plan

This action plan needs to be communicated clearly to the entire team. Regular updates on progress and an open channel
for feedback are crucial for the success of this plan.

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